Our Family's Journey Through Time
Matches 1,551 to 1,600 of 12,186
# | Notes | Linked to |
1551 | 1927, Friday May13, The Almonte Gazette, page 7 Mrs, Robt. Giles A deep sense of loss is felt in the surrounding country and at distant points, where she was known, on the passing of Amelia Willis, wife of the late Robt. Giles, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A.D. Chaplin, at Glen Tay. on Thursday, April 28. Mrs. Giles had been in good health during the winter up until a few days before her death. It was not known that she was seriously ill and death was unexpected it being due to heart failure. Deceased was the daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs. Keaton Willis, both natives of Ireland. Mrs. Giles was born near Carleton Place in November, 1895. Her husband predeceased her and in 1917 her eldest son, William, of Ottawa passed away. She leaves to mourn her loss four children, one daughter and three sons, Mrs. A. D. Chaplin, Glen Tay; George, of Carleton Place; Elijah, of Ramsay; and Enoch, of Lanark. The funeral was held from the residence of her daughter at ten o'clock on Saturday, April 30. The service was conducted by the Rev. Dr. H.H. Bedford Jones, and thence to St. George's cemetery, Clayton, where Rev. Mr. Bruce conducted the service, and interment was made. The pallbearers were Messrs. Enoch and Elijah, sons of deceased, Orville, Milton and Lloyd, grandchildren and A. Byrnes. | Willis, Amelia (I29350)
1552 | 1927, Friday November 25, The Almonte Gazette front page W.S. MacDowall Dies Suddenly while Visiting Had Gone To Kingston To See His Son Ross Student At Queen's Former Reeve of Almonte Had Successful Business Career. Imposing Funeral On Wednesday Was Under Auspices of Mississippi Masonic Lodge. Mr William Samuel MacDowall, a prominent citizen of Almonte, died suddenly at the Kingston General Hospital after a few hours' illness. He was 47 years of age. With some Almonte friends he drove on Saturday to Kingston to visit his son, Ross, who is a student at Queen's University. he was in excellent spirits and seemed to be enjoying the best of health. He saw the game between Queen's and Hamilton and, along with Ross, left for the latter's rooms, promising to meet his Almonte friends at six o'clock when they had arranged to leave for home. About 4.15 o'clock it was seen that he was seriously ill and was taken to his hotel. There a doctor examined him and ordered his removal to the hospital. From the first there was practically no hope for his recovery and he passed away a few minutes before 6 o'clock on Sunday morning. He had been unconscious when he reached the hospital and remained in that condition to the end. The Funeral The funeral took place on Wednesday and was under the auspices of Mississippi Lodge A.F. and A.M. No 147. The service was the house was conducted by Rev J.R. MacCrimmon. The pallbearers were six past master of the Masonic Lodge: Dr J.K. Kelly, W.C. Pollock, N. Washburn, John Lindsay, B.K. Gunn and John Aspinall. There was a very large attendance of mourners. The remains interred in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. The late Mr MacDowall was for many years an outstanding citizen of Almonte, and had been very successful in business. He was a manufacturer of confectionary and ice cream, and owned the building alongside the river in which his business was located. He was well known in Masonic Circles throughout the Ottawa district and was a Past Master of Mississippi Lodge. He was also a Past First Principal of Granite Chapter Royal Arch Masons. He was a member of Bethany United Church. He was keenly interested in Municipal activities and served for a number of years on the town council. He was also an ex-reeve and represented Almonte on the County Council of Lanark. Native of Pakenham Mr MacDowell was 47 years of age, the second son of Mr Samuel MacDowell, and his wife Mary Comba, of Pakenham Township, where he was born. In earlier life he had learnt telegraphy and was employed by the C.P.R he was for a time in Montreal. When he sold his business to Mrs Cassie Fraser about two years ago, he continued the telegraph agency which had been part of his business for many years. The death of his wife about six years ago affected him deeply and he had never enjoyed the best of health since. Three years ago he became seriously ill but he had been much better of late, and his sudden death was very unexpected. The surviving members of his family are his three sons, Ross, Donald and Dawson. Since the death of their mother they have been cared for by their aunt, Miss Gertrude Muir. He is also survived by his father, one brother, John of Pakenham, and three sisters, Annie, Mrs Malcolm Lamount, of Kinestinoo, Sask; Carrie, Mrs John Kedey, of Vancouver, B.C.; Margaret, Mrs Andrew Stewart, of Ramsay. Ex-Mayor W.J. MacDowall of Almonte, is an uncle of the late Mr MacDowall. | MacDowall, William Samuel Jr. (I7783)
1553 | 1927, Friday October 28, The Almonte Gazette page 3 Mrs Agnes Hamilton Attended by many friends from Ottawa and outside points the funeral of Mrs Agnes Hamilton was held from her home, 129 Waverley street, Ottawa, Saturday afternoon. The service was conducted by Rev Dr John W. Woodside, of Chalmers United Church and following the service was made at Almonte. The service at Almonte was conducted by Rev James Blanchard, of Trinity United Church, in the place of Rev John R. MacCrimmon, who was to have officiated. Rev Mr MacCrimmon's mother, Mrs Isobel MacCrimmon died suddenly Saturday morning. Among the many beautiful floral tributes received were those from Charles Ogilvy Limited; John M. Garland and Sons; Timber and Grazing Land Branch, Department of the Interior. The chief mourners were four sons, T.L. and W.G. Hamilton, Ottawa; J.G. Hamilton, Toronto, and J.H. Hamilton, Capreol, Ont; two daughters, Misses Margaret and Nellie Hamilton at home and one sister, Mrs John Sutherland, Almonte. Also mourning were four grandsons. A sister, Mrs R.J. Duncan, Pilot Mound, Man., and granddaughter and three great grandchildren were unable to be present. Among those present from out?of-town were Roy Hamilton, Pembroke; Ross Hamilton, Toronto, a nephew; F. Hall and son and Robert Hall, Mr and Mrs Robert Taffle and Mrs Giff, Smiths Falls, Mr and Mrs J.W. Smith, Antrim, Ont; Miss Wilson, Almonte; Miss Aikin and Mrs Symes, Appleton, Ont. Among others present were John H. Garland, F.O.C. Hutchison, G.H. Tyers, John Lockhart, B.B. Gamble, W. McCormick, C. Usher, T. McNichol, P. Daly, H. Stewart, L. Burpee, John Sutherland, G. Wilby, R. Simpson, J. Somerville, J. Quinn, Robert Barnett, B. Smart, Neilson Hamilton, J. Woods, A.V. Browne, M. Anderson, J. Thompson and many others. | Lang, Agnes (I19768)
1554 | 1927, Friday October 7, The Almonte Gazette page 6 Mrs. Wm. Smithson Isabel Raycroft, beloved wife of Mr. Wm. Smithson, died at her home in Pakenham on Sunday September 18. She was born in Darling township 35 years ago, daughter of the late Mr. Wm. Raycroft and Mrs. Raycroft. Deceased was married in 1911 to William Smithson of Darling township. There remains to mourn her loss her husband and four children: Willie, age 15 years; Dorothy, age 13 years; Mildred, age 11 years, at home; Douglas, age 2 years with his aunt, Mrs. Bert Manary, Braeside. Also her mother, five sisters and two brothers, Christena, Mrs. Richard Evans, Pakenham; Elizabeth, Mrs. Orvial Peever, Arnprior; Theresa, Mrs. Bert Manary, Braeside; Ellen, Mrs. Warner Barry, White Lake; Maude. Arnprior; William, Arnprior; David, Braeside. The late Mrs. Smithson had been ailing for about four years. The funeral was held on Tuesday,. September 20th, from her late residence to the Pakenham cemetery and was largely attended by her friends and neighbours. Rev. Mr. H. H. Hillis preached a very fitting sermon, taking for his text Isaiah, 64th Chapter, 6th Verse. The floral offerings were most beautiful, Husband and family, wreath; Mother and family, wreath; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Francis, Arnprior; wreath; Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister, Waba, wreath; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Logan, Waba, wreath; Misses Haydon, Pakenham, pillow; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Becker, Arnprior, spray; mother, spray; sisters, spray; brothers, spray; Mrs. McCann, Pakenham, spray; The pall-bearers were her two brothers and four brothers-in-law William and. David Raycroft, Samuel Smithson, Orvial Peever, Richard Evans, Bert Manary. | Raycroft, Isabel (I33030)
1555 | 1927, Monday October 10 The Ottawa Evening Citizen page 10 ?b?Mr Adam Graham?/b? The death occurred Saturday night at the residence of his son, 35 Richardson avenue, Woodroffe, of Adam Graham, former business man of Carleton Place, and later a resident of Verner, Ont. He had made his home at Woodroffe for only about two years. Mr Graham was 73 years of age and was born at Kittochside Busby, near Glasgow, Scotland, and came to this country in 1881. As a young man he was in business in Carleton Place and later as Dresden, Ont, and for about 20 years farmed near Verner. His wife predeceased him 20 years ago. Surviving are three sons, Robert A. of Woodroffe; Adam, of Beamsville; and William F., of Islington, Ont. His eldest son, John Graham, died of wounds while on active service during the great war. | Graham, Adam (I41821)
1556 | 1927, Thursday December 15, The Ottawa Evening Citizen page 8 ?b?METCALFE ?/b?? On Wednesday, December 14, 1927, at her late residence, 168 Florence St. Catherine Reilly, wife of the late James Metcalfe, formerly of Almonte, Ont, aged 71 years. Funeral from above address on Friday, at 12 o'clock by motor to Bethany church, Almonte, Ont, for service at 2.00 p.m. Interment at Old Kirk cemetery, Almonte. | Reilly, Catherine (I41364)
1557 | 1927, Tuesday June 28, The Ottawa Evening Journal, page 19 DEATHS ANDERSON - On Monday, June 27, 1927, at her late residence, 278 Flora street, Margaret Elizabeth Austin, wife of the late William Anderson, aged 69 years. Funeral service at above address at 2 p.m., Tuesday, June 28. Interment at Almonte, Wednesday morning. 1927, Wednesday June 29, The Ottawa Evening Journal page 14 Funeral of Mrs Anderson The funeral service of Mrs Margaret Austin Anderson, who died on Monday, was held at her home, 278 Flora street, last evening, in the presence of a large gathering of friends. Service was conducted by Rev F.S. Milliken, of Stewarton United Church. Many beautiful floral offerings were received, among them being tributes from the Young Ladies' Auxiliary of First United Church, Chief Accountant's Branch of the Department of National Defense, Brotherhood of Railroad Employes, office and staff of the Signals and Test Department, the staff of the parcel room, C.N.R. Union Station. Chief mourners were two sons, John P. Anderson and Charles A. Anderson, of Ottawa. The remains were removed to Union Station at eight o'clock this morning and were taken to Almonte, where interment will be made in the family plot on the 8th Line Cemetery | Austin, Margaret Elizabeth (I24883)
1558 | 1928, Friday August 24, The Almonte Gazette page 4 DEATHS STEWART ? At his residence in Ramsay suddenly at an early hour on Thursday morning, Aug 23, 1928. Donald Stewart, aged 72 years. The funeral will take place on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. to the Auld Kirk Cemetery 1928, Friday August 31, The Ottawa Citizen, page 17 ?b?Donald Stewar?/b?t ALMONTE, Aug 30 - The funeral of the late Donald Sewart took place from the family homestead, and was attended by an usually large numbered of mourners. The service was conducted by Rev W.H. McCracken, of Almonte, assisted by Rev E.E. Preston, of Vankleek Hill. The remains were inferred in the Auld Kirk cemetery. The pall bearers were: Messrs. Angus Sutherland, Robert W. Young, Peter McCallum, R.G. Kellough, Wm. Duncan and David Drummond. Mr Stewart was born on Kenmore farm, the eldest son of the late Duncan Stewart, who came here from Blair Athole, Perthshire, Scotland. He was 72 years of age. Forty years ago he was married to Miss Charlotte Watson, daughter of the late John Watson of Ramsay. The late Mr Stewart had not been in the best of health for a number of years. He was an elder of the old St. John's church, and when that congregation joined with St Andrew's he continued as an elder in the United congregation. When church union between the Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational churches took place in 1925 he was one of those who refused to go into union. Besides his widow he leaves to mourn his loss, one son, and three daughters: Ethel, Mrs H.W. Morley, of Walville, Wash.; Margaret N., Montreal; Mable, Toronto, and Alexander on the homestead. Another daughter, Christena Mae died on Armistice Day last year. She was a Nursing Sister during the Great War. He also leaves one brother, Neil Stewart, of the Ninth Line of Ramsay. John Stewart, of Kenmore farm, who died last year, was a younger brother | Stewart, Donald (I13890)
1559 | 1928, Friday December 14, The Almonte Gazette page 5 Mrs John F. Gordon Mrs Jno F. Gordon, a much esteemed resident of Ramsay township. passed peacefully away at her home on Tuesday, Dec 4th, at the age of 71 years. Her maiden name was Margaret Ann Evans, the eldest daughter of Wm Evans and Betsy Munro of Clayton. While quite young she became the wife of Adonijah Giles, who died in 1882. To them four children were born, Reuben of Blakeney; Robert W. of Almonte. Adonijah and Elizabeth A., Mrs Jacob Price of Sonningdale, Sask. The latter two predeceased her in 1916 and 1918 respectively. Some years later she married Jno F. Gordon, and this union was blessed with six children: Margaret, Mrs Tom Cavanagh, and Minnie, Mrs W.J. Elliott, of Sonningdale, Sask; William, 3rd line Ramsay; Eva, teacher in Crichton School, Ottawa; Findlay and Ada at home, All of these, with their father survive. The funeral service was conducted by Rev J.R. MacCrimmon of Bethany United Church, Almonte and was held on Thursday, Dev 6th, at 2 o'clock to the Auld Kirk cemetery. During the service Mrs J. Reilly and Mrs Clarence Kellough, by request, sang sweetly, "On Calvary's Brow." The pallbearers were Messrs George Robertson, Angus Sutherland, P.Y. Sutherland, John Turner, Will Giles and Herbert Coxford, The following floral tributes attest to the love deceased had won in hearts of neighbours and friends and expressed their sympathy: Gate Ajar, the family; Wreaths, Staff of Crichton Public School, Ottawa, Mrs N.J. Holmes, Ottawa; Mr and Mrs W.R. Traill, Lanark; Mr D. Boyd Traill, Sprays, Mrs Dr. MacFarlane and family, Ottawa; Pupils of Grade 6 and 7 Crichton School, Ottawa; Mrs J. Chapman and family, Mr and Mrs P. Morris Turner, Almonte; Mrs H. and Bert Snyder, Ottawa. | Evans, Margaret Ann (I6391)
1560 | 1928, Friday December 14, The Almonte Gazette, page 8 Mrs. John Scott Early Tuesday morning there passed away in Cedar Hill. Elizabeth Styles in her 82nd year. She was twice married. Her first husband Henry Deugo, predeceased her about eighteen years ago. To them were born six children, one daughter who died in infancy and five sons, William and Ambrose deceased, John of Cedar Hil1, Adam of Stittsville, and Ira of Pakenham. Fourteen years ago she was married to John Scott. She had enjoyed good health until about two years ago and just recently she fell and broke her limb which proved fatal. She was laid to rest in St. Mark's Anglican Cemetery The services were conducted by Rev. Gv A. Brunet. There was, a large assemblage of relatives and friends. | Styles, Elizabeth (I24441)
1561 | 1928, Friday February 10, The Almonte Gazette front page Robert M. Paterson The death occurred at Kerrobert Hospital, Sask., of Mr. Robert M. Paterson, a former well-known and highly respected citizen of this town, After a short illness, and the news of his death was a great shock to his many friends here. He was in his 63rd year. Born in the Township of Ramsay, and a son to the late Mr and Mrs William Paterson, he deceased came to Almonte, when a young man, learning the drygoods business in the service of his uncle, the late George Paterson. He afterwards entered into business for himself, in which he was successful. He removed to Luseland, Sask. eighteen years ago where he successfully conduced a hardware and furniture business and was enable to retire from the activities of business life two years ago. In religion the deceased was a Presbyterian and took a deep interest in the affairs of his church. he was also a enthusiastic member o the Masonic Craft, and was a member of Mississippi Lodge, A.F. & A.M. and Granite Chapter, R.A.M. Almonte and Past District Deputy Grand Master of the Saskatchewan Masonic District, in which he lived. He is survived by his widow, formerly Miss Margaret McKay, of Port Elgin, Ont. and two brothers, Dr. Thomas R. of Almonte, and George E. on the homestead in Ramsay Township. The remains were brought to Almonte for interment, the funeral taking place this Thursday afternoon, from the residence of his brother, Dr. T.R. Paterson, Elgin street, to the Presbyterian Church and thence to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. A very impressive service was conducted in the Almonte Presbyterian Church by Rev H.W. McCracken. The funeral was conducted under masonic auspices, and there was a large attendance of freemasons. There were very any relatives and old friends, a marked tribute to the high esteem in which the deceased was held. There were many floral offerings. Mrs Paterson accompanied the remains to Almonte. The pallbearers were: Messrs, H.W. Lundy, of Paris, Ont.; W.C. Pollock, J.B. Illingworth, J.R. Reid, J. Lindsay and N. Washburn | Paterson, Robert Mathew. (I7304)
1562 | 1928, Friday February 3, The Almonte Gazette front page Mrs S. Gilbert Burguss A very sad death occurred at Ottawa on Friday morning when, after only three days' illness, Mrs S. Gilbert Burguss passed away. She was in her 33rd year. Sarah Evelyn Burguss was the youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John N. Hamilton, of Almonte. She was a native of Almonte, and was educated here. In 1918 she was married to Mr. S. Gilbert Burguss, of Ottawa, who was a well-known newspaperman of the Capital. On Tuesday of last week she had gone to school to meet her little daughter Betty to help her through the storm. She caught a severe chill which ended fatally on Friday. Besides her husband and eight year old daughter she leaves to mourn her loss an only sister Margaret, Mrs R.L. Hornidge, of Toronto. She was a niece of Mrs A. Kinnard and Mr and Mrs John Sutherland, of Almonte. The funeral service was held on Sunday evening at the home of Mrs Andrew Bell, 60 Somerset street West, Ottawa. Rev J.W. Woodside, assisted by Rev G.G.D. Kilpatrick, of Chalmers United Church, of which Mrs Burguss was a member, officiated. Before going to Ottawa she was a member of St. Andrew's Church, Almonte, and was very active in young people's work and in the Sunday School. The remains were brought to the Auld Kirk Cemetery on Monday or interment. Rev J.R. McCrimmon conducted the service. | Hamilton, Sarah Evelyn (I8501)
1563 | 1928, Friday July 20, The Almonte Gazette front page Jas Folkard Met Death on Holiday Mr and Mrs Folkard were Visiting Their Daughter In Philadelphia Mr James J. Folkard, a former well known resident of Blakeney and latterly at Renfrew, was killed in a motor accident in Philadelphia, Pa., on Saturday. His remains were brought to Almonte for interment and the funeral took place this Thursday to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. There was a very large attendance of mourners. It appears that Mr and Mrs Folkard, were visiting their daughter Ethel, Mrs Chas Casner, in Philadelphia. On Saturday they had started on a motor trip to New York. The car in which they were driving skidded in passing a truck and the back of the car was thrown against it. Mr Folkard was in the back seat of the car and on the side which hit the truck. His skull was fractured. Mrs Folkard, who was sitting on the rear seat with her husband, was also injured by the impact, but not seriously. Mrs Casner suffered severely as well. All three were taken to a Philadelphia hospital where it was found that Mr Folkhard had sustained mortal injuries. He died eight hours later without regaining consciousness. Mrs Folkard and Mrs Casner, although not seriously injured, had not recovered sufficiently to be able to accompany the remains to Almonte and were still in hospital when the body left Philadelphia. The late Mr Folkard was 64 years of age. He was born at Suffolk, England, and came to this country in 1875. He lived at Blakeney for 18 years, then moved to Meath, where he remained for 13 years, and since then had lived in Renfrew. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, who was Miss Mary Scott, of Cedar Hill, one son, Howard, who resides in Ottawa, and one daughter, Mrs Chas Casner, of Philadelphia. One son died in infancy, and another son, Allan, was drowned in the Mississippi at Blakeney in 1914, when he was sixteen years old. He also leaves five brothers: William and Alfred, Carleton Place; George, Stittsville; Thomas, Ottawa, and Simon, Almonte. Four sisters survive him: Mrs Jos Poxon, Carleton Place; Mrs Jas Smith, Carleton Place; Mrs Jack Wilson, Ottawa; Mrs Jos Majaury, Halls Mills. Mrs Jos Stanzel, Ashton, died twenty-one years ago. The late Mr Folkard was a man of very high reputation. He was an elder of the United Church and was widely known. Many came from long distance to the funeral, and old friends acted as pallbearers. There were many floral tributes. The funeral took place from W.E. Scott's undertaking parlour. Rev J.R. MacCrimmon conducted an impressive service assisted by Mr A.A. Wootton. The pallbearers were: Messrs A. Barker, J. Barker, R. Giles, George Murphy, R. Steward and Robert Young. Floral tributes included the following: Wreaths, The Family; Spray, Mrs A. Folkard; Spray, Mrs Edwin and Miss Nellie Briens; wreath,Brothers and Sisters; wreath, C.P.R. Employees at Renfrew; spray, Mr and Mrs Wm Folkard and Family; spray, Mr and Mrs Samuel Hale. | Folkard, James J. (I34480)
1564 | 1928, Friday July 27, The Almonte Gazette page 4 Dr M.H. Steele Dies Suddenly Carleton Place Dentist Practiced In Almonte for Many Years The news of the death of Mr Milo Harris Steele of Carleton Place, who died suddenly in Ottawa about 2:30 on Saturday afternoon, came as a great shock to his many friends here. Although he had suffered a severe illness about one year ago, from which he had never entirely recovered, his death came unexpectedly and was a great blow to the community, who held Dr Steele in the highest respect. Deceased was visiting at the home of Mrs Wm McElroy, 145 Patterson avenue, when he died. The late Dr Steele was born in Ramsay township, near Almonte, on April 8, 1869, and was in his 59th year. He was educated at the Almonte high school and was a graduate of the College of Dental Surgeons. He took a post graduate course in the Philadelphia College of Dental Surgeons graduating in 1892. He practised his profession in Almonte for about 19 years and moved to Carleton Place about 17 years ago, where he practised until about one year ago. He always took a great interest in municipal matters, particularly education, and was a member of the local Board of Education for about 12 years, being chairman for a considerable number of years. His experience in education matters has always been of great assistance to the town, and he will be sorely missed by all with whom he came in contact. He was chairman of the Board of Education at the time of new high school was built a few years ago, and is responsible in no small degree for the high standard of educational proficiency which has been attained there. He is responsible for the present motto of the high school, "Enter to learn, go forth to serve." He was quite prominent in the Masonic order, being a past deputy grand master of this district. In addition his widow, he leaves to mourn his loss three sisters, Mrs Milo Harris, of Radison, Sask; Mrs Neil Campbell, of Arnprior; Mrs James A. Dack, of Carleton Place; four brothers, Alex of Dinsmore, Sask; John, of Chicago, Ill; Dr Lorne, of Regina, Sask; and Dr Howard, of Arnprior. The Funeral The funeral took place on Tuesday to St James Anglican Church in Carleton Place and to the Auld Kirk Cemetery at Almonte. A large number of friends of the deceased turned out to pay a final tribute and the many floral offerings testified to the esteem in which the late Dr Steele was held. The service at the church and burial grounds was conducted by Rev Geo G. Wright, rector of St James' church, assisted by Canon Elliott. The funeral was under the auspices of St John's Lodge, Carleton Place, A.F. and A.M. The pall-bearers were: W.G. Kelly, Almonte; W.C. Polock, Almonte; R.W. Bates, Dr E.J. Walroth, Dr A. Downing and W.W. Pollock, of Carleton Place..... | Steele, Dr. Milo Harris DDS (I8080)
1565 | 1928, Friday June 15, The Almonte Gazette front page Mrs J.R. Ritchie There passed away on Thursday, June 7, at the home of her daughter, Mrs Walter James, Abigail Hilliard, wife of the late J.R. Ritchie, after a lingering illness borne with patience and fortitude. Mrs Ritchie was a daughter of the late Capt Major Hilliard, of a prominent United Loyalist family, and was born at Portage du Fort, seventy-six years ago, the second youngest of a family of five girls and four boys. She leaves to mourn her loss a family of five sons and one daughter: Muriel, Mrs Walter James. Samuel H, Gordon W., of Almonte; James H, and Ernest A., of Saskatoon; George J. of Vancouver, who were at her bedside. Her husband, one daughter Delta and one son Himard, predeceased her. For a number of years she had made her home with her son Gordon. She was of a quiet and retiring disposition, but made many friends who sincerely regret her passing. She was the last of the family of Capt. Hilliard. The others were: Mrs McArthur, Pakenham; Mrs S.S. Dickson, Lumsden, Sask.; Mrs Charles Eady, Calabogie; Mrs Thos Lowry, Almonte; Daniel Hilliard, M.P., Pakenham; Frank Hilliard, Alpena, Mich.; Minor and Lenson Hilliard, California. The funeral was held from the residence of Mr and Mrs Walter James, Augusta street, the service being conducted by Rev W.H. McCracken. A solo was sung by Mrs McCracken. The remains were interred in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Amongst friends from a distance who attended the funeral were Mrs Robert Ritchie, of Arnprior, and Mrs Robert Metcalfe, of Pakenham. There was a large concourse of mourners. There were many floral tributes, including a pillow from the family and sprays from Mr Minor Lowry, of Sault Ste Marie and Mr Allan Lowry. The pallbearers were: Messrs M.J. McCabe, M.P. Coderre, Joseph Brunett, W.L. Cochrane, John Crossley and Harry Brazier. | Hilliard, Abigal Elizabeth (I24690)
1566 | 1928, Friday June 8, The Almonte Gazette front page ?b?Came to Funeral of Brother and Died Suddenly James Leckie Cannon ?/b?Had Farmed In Alberta For Many Years. Was Member of Well Known Ramsay Family Mr James Leckie Cannon died on Friday, May 25, at the home of Mrs John Cannon, eighth line of Ramsay. He was 71 years of age and unmarried. He was a son of the late John Cannon and his wife Harriet Carswell, of Ramsay. He was born on the homestead of which he died. Thirty five years ago he went to Lacombe, Alberta, and farmed there until eight years ago. For the last three years he had lived in Edmonton. He came East on April 16 to attend the funeral of his brother, the late John Cannon. He was in good health until a week before he died, and even then was not considered seriously ill. He died very suddenly of heart disease. He leaves to mourn his loss four brothers, William Cannon, of Ramsay; Dr Cannon, of Watertown, N.Y.; David and Allan Cannon, of Lacombe, Alta. A brother and sister, John and Harriet, predeceased him. The funeral which was held from the home of Mrs John Cannon, eighth line of Ramsay, on Monday of last week, was very largely attended. The service was conducted by Rev John Hardwick, of Carleton Place, in the absence of Rev W.H. McCracken. Interment was made in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Amongst those who attended from a distance were: Mrs Dr Graham, Pembroke; Mrs John Croskery, Perth; Mrs Howard Irving and Mrs Thomas Irving, Smiths Falls; Dr Cannon, Watertown, N.Y. The floral tributes were many and very beautiful. They included flowers from his nieces, Miss Gladys Cannon, Kapuskasing, Ont; Mrs F. Graff, Cochrane, Ont; Miss Minnie Cannon, Ramsay; also from Mrs John Cannon, Ramsay, and Miss Fannie Templeton, Almonte. | Cannon, James Leckie (I12605)
1567 | 1928, Friday March 2, The Almonte Gazette page 8 ?b?Mrs Donald Bain?/b? After a lingering illness of some month's duration there passed peacefully to rest at the home of her daughter, Mrs Robt. Templeman, and old and respected resident of Ramsay in the person of Mrs Donald Bain. The late Mrs Bain whose maiden name was Isabelle Ellis was born at White Lake, December 25, 1854. On January 14, 1880, she was married to Mr. Donald Bain of Union Hall district, in which locality they spent all their married life. Besides her aged husband, there are left to mourn her loss, one son Dan of Ramsay and three daughters, Mary, Mrs R.H. Thompson, of Detroit, Mich.; Annie, Mrs Robt. Templeman, of Almonte; Clara, Mrs James Kellough, of Fort William, Ont; There also survives one half sister, Mrs John Kerr of Crystal City, Manitoba, and one half brother, Mr Isaac Deachman, of Manitoba. The late Mrs James Henderson of Winnipeg was a sister of deceased. Although of a quiet and reserved disposition the deceased made many friends as was evidenced by the large attendance at the funeral which was held from the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Robt. Templeman on Tuesday, Feb 21st. The funeral service was conducted by Rev W.H. McCracken and Mrs McCracken sang a favourite hymn, "Sleep on Beloved." The pallbearers were Messrs, D.J. Thompson, Angus Sutherland, George Robertson and Wm. Barber. Interment was made at the Auld Kirk Cemetery. | Ellis, Isabella (I41422)
1568 | 1928, Friday March 2, The Almonte Gazette, front page A. C. GILMOUR WAS TOWN COUNCILOR Took Suddenly Ill While Engaged In Construction Work In Carleton Place Attended by a very large assemblage of relatives and friends, a fitting tribute of respect, the funeral of the late Allan C. Gilmour, was held today from the family residence on Malcolm Street to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. A very impressive service was conducted by Rev. J. R. MacCrimmon, of Bethany United Church. The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. The pallbearers were his three sons Harry, Morris and Roy, a nephew, L. Caldwell, of Brockville, and sons-in-law J . W. Bryan, Ottawa, and S. Turnbull, of New York. Born in Almonte 66 years ago, son of the late James Gilmour and his wife, Jessie Templeton, he had resided here all his life time. In the death of Mr. Gilmour, Almonte loses a highly respected citizen, and one noted for his genuine qualities and genial disposition. Mr. Gilmour, who had been engaged in contract building in Carleton Place, took suddenly ill there about a week ago, and was brought to his home here but never regained consciousness and passed away on Saturday evening. The deceased took a great interest in all matters relating to the town, served as a member of the Town Council and had a large circle of friends and acquaintances. He was a well known and prominent contractor and builder. He built some of the large Industrial plants in the town, the fine C.P.R. Station here, and public and other large buildings In different towns throughout the Ottawa Valley. He is survived by his widow, formerly Miss Susanne Coulter of Appleton, four sons, Harry D., Almonte; Roy, Detroit; Morris, Ottawa; Ben, Florida; two daughters, Hazel, Mrs. W . Bryan, Ottawa; Eunice, Mrs. S. Turnbull, New York; also three sisters, Mrs. Andrew Dunlop, Almonte; .Mrs. Frank Stevens, Ogdensburg, N.Y.; and Mrs. Jas. O'Kelly, California | Gilmour, Allan C. (I29715)
1569 | 1928, Friday May 11, The Almonte Gazette, front page ?b?Mrs Mary Wilson Dies at Age of 89?/b? Mrs Mary Cecilia Wilson, aged 89, widow of the late George Wilson, formerly of Almonte, died on Wednesday at her residence, 155 McLaren street, Ottawa. Mrs Wilson was born in Almonte, and had lived in Ottawa for the past seven years. She was the eldest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Paterson. Shortly after her marriage Mrs Wilson lived in Arnprior and later at Indian Head, Sask, where a large number of friends will deeply mourn her loss. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs Alex C. Wylie, Almonte; Dorothy, Ottawa; two sons, H.G. Wilson, K.C., Indian Head, Sask; John W. Wilson, Prince Albert, Sask. Miss J.J. Paterson, of Ottawa, is a sister and Robert Paterson of Carleton Place, a brother. | Patterson, Mary Cecilia (I41511)
1570 | 1928, Friday May 4, The Almonte Gazette page 3 ?b?John Cannon?/b? A well known and respected resident of this community passed peacefully away at his home on the eighth line of Ramsay on Monday evening, April 16th, in the person of Mr John Cannon, after a lingering illness. Up to about a year ago, Mr Cannon had been able to be about the farm, though he had not worked on it for some years. Then he had the misfortune to slip on a step and fall, breaking his hip bone. But, owing to a wonderful vitality and careful nursing during this time he recovered, and was able to walk about again. In January, however, he was forced to keep his bed entirely on account of a general weakness, and from then on, gradually sank in spite of everything that could be done to save him. Deceased was born in Ramsay township 79 years ago, on the farm on which he spent the greater part of his life. He is survived by a widow, who resides at the home in Ramsay, and seven daughters, ? Minnie of Edmonton, Alberta; Mrs A.J. Carswell, of Cobalt; Mrs F.E. Graff of Cochran; Mrs S. Savage, of Big Valley, Alberta; Mrs H. Irving and Mrs T. Irving, both of Smiths Falls and Gladys of the Kapuskasing Public School Staff; also by one son, Carswell Cannon of Big Valley, Alberta. Another daughter who died some years ago. With the exception of her son and Mrs Savage, who were unable to be present, all the members of the family attended the funeral. Besides the sorrowing family, he is survived by five brothers, his only sister being dead. The brothers are, William, on the homestead, James, of Edmonton, Allan and David in the West; and Dr Cannon of Watertown, New York. The sympathy of many friends goes out to them in their bereavement. | Cannon, John (I12593)
1571 | 1928, Friday November 30, The Almonte Gazette front page Badly Burnt By Gasoline While Cleaning Glove Miss Elizabeth McDougall in R.M. Hospital in Dangerous Condition. Her Father In Trying To Save Her Also Suffered Mr James McDougall and his daughter, Miss Elizabeth McDougall, are in the R.M. Hospital suffering from severe burns. Mr McDougall is making good progress towards recovery; Miss McDougall's condition was reported this Thursday as fair. Miss McDougall was cleaning a pair of gloves with gasoline She was near the kitchen stove. In some way the gasoline caught fire, and Miss McDougall's clothing became ignited. She rushed outside endeavouring to extinguish the flame. Mr McDougall, who was in bed, was aroused by his daughter's screams and went to her assistance. He also was badly burnt. Miss McDougall's burns are very serious and she is in a dangerous condition. 1928, Friday December 7, The Almonte Gazette front page Miss M'Dougall Dies of Burns Was Lighting Kitchen Stove With Coal Oil When Clothing Caught Fire Miss Elizabeth McDougall died in the Rosamond Memorial Hospital on Friday morning as the result of severe burns when her clothing took fire while she was engaged in her domestic duties. She was 39 years of age. It was at first believed that Miss McDougall had been cleaning a pair of gloves with gasoline. but it appears that this was a mistake. She was starting a fire in the kitchen with coal oil when it suddenly flared up and caught her clothing. Rushing outside a mass of flames her father, Mr James M'Dougall, who was in bed, hearing her screams, rushed to her assistance and was also severely burnt. He is still in the hospital but is recovering. Miss M'Dougall was taken to the hospital but no hope from the first was held out for her recovery. Her remains were interred in the Auld Kirk Cemetery on Saturday, Rev J.R. MacCrimmon conducting the service. She leaves to mourn her loss, besides her father, one sister and three brothers: Mae, Mrs Edger McAfee, of Guelph; James, of | McDougall, Elizabeth (I39870)
1572 | 1928, Friday November 30, The Almonte Gazette, front page Mrs W.M. Young Mrs Wm M. Young died at Detroit on Tuesday, Nov 20, after an illness of about a month. Her remains were interred on Friday in the Auld Kirk Cemetery, where generation of her relatives lie buried. He maiden name was Jean E. Sutherland, and she was born in Ramsay, daughter of the late Angus Sutherland. In 1906 she was married to Mr Young and had her home in Detroit since that date. She was a frequent visitor to her old home, the last occasion being a little over a year ago. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her loss four brothers and one sister, Peter and Angus in Ramsay, David in Detroit, Alexander in Milwaukee, and Maggie in Smiths Falls. The funeral took place on Friday from the residence of her brother Mr. P.Y. Sutherland, Mount Pleasant Farm and the service was conducted by Rev. J.R. MacCimmon, of Bethany United Church, assisted by Rev. W.H. McCracken, of St John's Presbyterian Church. There was a very large gathering of relatives and old friends. The pallbearers were Messrs. Wm Philps, Morris Turner, Daniel Wilson, J.H. Symington, and Wm Young, of Claybank. | Sutherland, Jean E. (I10133)
1573 | 1928, Friday September 21, The Almonte Gazette front page Mrs P. Naismith Dies in Ramsay Aged Lady Had Only Been Ailing for the Last Two Months Mrs Peter Naismith died at her home on the ninth line of Ramsay, on Sunday morning, She was 81 years of age, and had been in poor health for the past two months. Mrs Naismith, whose maiden name was Catherine Gilmour, belonged to a pioneer family of Ramsay Township. She was a daughter of the late William Gilmour and his wife, Helen Burns, settlers from Scotland, who made their home on a farm on the outskirts of Almonte. Sixty years ago she was married to Mr Peter Naismith and their wedded life was an ideal one. He predeceased her in 1914. On both sides of the house they were widely connected. They had a family of eleven children all of whom reached maturity. They are: Peter and Albert on the homestead in Ramsay; John of Calgary; James of Vermilion, Alta; Welland, of Exparto, Calif; William, of Denver, Col; Lawrence, of Almonte, and Maggie on the homestead. Robert, who resided at Calgary, served in the Great War and was killed overseas. Jennie died in 1914 and Jessie, Mrs Wm Steele, in 1917. Mrs Naismith was a member of the Auld Kirk on the eighth line of Ramsay, as a girl and continued as a member of St Andrew's, now Bethany United Church until her death. She was of the finest type of the pioneer stock, always ready, despite her busy home life, to render help to neighbours and friends when needed. She was one of the best known ladies in the district, and this was evidenced by the very large assembly of mourners at her funeral on Tuesday when she was laid to rest in the Auld Kirk Cemetery beside the remains of her husband. Rev J.R. MacCrimmon conducted the service and the pallbearers were old neighbours: Messrs Andrew Cochran, Wm Paul, Wm Phillips, Greville Toshack, Alex Barker and Jack McGill. Besides her children and grandchildren she leaves to mourn her loss two brothers, Messrs William and Robert Gilmour of Ramsay. There was an impressive number of beautiful floral tributes. | Gilmour, Catherine (I20235)
1574 | 1929 Friday, December 27, The Almonte Gazette, page 4 DEATHS JULIAN ? Suddenly at Almonte on Tuesday, Dec 17, 1929. Margaret Rosamond, beloved twin daughter of Mr and Mrs T.A. Julian, aged 2 months. | Julian, Margaret Rosamond (I37766)
1575 | 1929 Friday, December 6, The Almonte Gazette page 4 BLAKELEY ? At Almonte on Thursday, Dec 5, 1929, John Blakeley, in his 60th year. The funeral will take place under the auspices of Mississippi Lodge A.F. and A.M. No 147, on Saturday, December 7th, 1929, at 2:30 p.m., from his late residence, Malcolm Street, to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Service at his late home at 2 o'clock. Kindly accept this intimation. 1929 Friday, December 13, The Almonte Gazette page 3 John Blakeley The funeral of John Blakeley, prominent business man, whose sudden death on Thursday, caused keen regret throughout the town took place on Saturday from the family home on Malcolm Street, to the Auld Kirk Cemetery, and was the occasion of an impressive tribute, by the large gatherings of citizens, representing every phase of the life of the town. to the very high esteem and popularity, of one whose loyal and kindly disposition had won a host of friends during the years he had lived here. It was conducted under Masonic Auspices and local and visiting Masons in large numbers marched in a body at the head of the cortege. The Board of Education of which deceased was a member also attended in a body. The deceased was an attendant of the Presbyterian Church here. Impressive services were conducted at the home by the Rev J.R. MacCrimmon. The relatives at the funeral from out of town were: Mrs J.W. Barras (daughter), Toronto; Mrs Willard Hicks (sister), and Mr Hicks, Toronto; brothers, Joseph Blakeley and Walter Blakeley of Paris ad Smith Blakeley of Hamilton; James Williams, Branford, (nephew); Other friends from out of town were Mrs W.R. Collinson, Toronto, W.L. Good Montreal; A.L. Code and J. Douglas, Perth; H. Steet, D.B. Taylor, J. Garvin, and Mrs W. Houston, of Carleton Place; Alex Wilson and Lloyd Smith, St Hyacinthe, Que; T.A. Thompson, Mr and Mrs S.G. Lowry, George Lowry, Jas Drynan; Percy Drynan, of Ramsay; Mrs Wilbert Fulton, Cedar Hill; Dr J. Mackintosh Bell, Ottawa, and many others. The pallbearers were: Messrs Nelson Washburn, Dr W.M. Johnson, Ed Nicholson, J.B. Illingworth, John Lindsay and Max Young. Many messages of sympathy were received by the bereaved family and a large number of beautiful floral tributes. | Blakely, John (I31477)
1576 | 1929, Friday April 26, The Almonte Gazette front page GREVILLE E. TOSHACK INSTANTLY KILLED AT THE MAIN STREET RAILWAY. CROSSING Community Stirred by Tragic Death of Well Known Ramsay Farmer Horses Bolted Over Track In Front of Train Greville Toshack Unable To Control Team and Was Killed Team was Standing When Train Whistled Engine Crashed Into Wagon and One Horse Was Killed Remarkable Concourse at Funeral and at the Auld Kirk Cemetery Where Interment Was Made. Mr Toshack Was Fine Athlete in His Younger Days. Greville E. Toshack, prominent Ramsay farmer, was instantly killed at the C.P.R. crossing on Main Street on Saturday morning shortly after 10 o'clock. His team had been standing at the Producer's Dairy which is close to the railway track, which the east-bound local came along. The whistle of the locomotive evidently startled the horses. They bolted up Main Street. The engine struck the wagon. One of the horses was killed. The details of the tragedy were considered at the inquest on Monday evening. It seems that this team all winter had made the trip almost every day from the Toshack farm to the Producer's Dairy and had never shown signs of uneasiness at the passing of trains. On the fatal occasion Mr Toshack was sitting sideways on the single board between the front and hind wheels of the wagon. He held the reins and was waiting for his son Robert who was inside the Dairy building. At the curve, which is some 600 yards from the crossing the locomotive whistled and, according to Mr Andrew Cochrane, of Almonte, who was talking to him at the time, the horses started up. They stopped for a second or so and then bolted across the track just as the train approached. Mr Toshack's back was toward the incoming train. Apparently he did not hear the whistle, and was bestowing all his attention on the effort to control his horses. The locomotive whistled, the bell was ringing continuously, and the emergency brakes were applied but the tragedy could not be avoided. Mr Toshack was thrown from the wagon on to the siding at the Wylie Mill and his head struck the steel rail. He died instantaneously. One Horse Escaped. It is curious that the horse nearest the locomotive escaped, and it is conjectured that the tongue of the smashed wagon hit the farther horse and killed it. The wagon was broken into splinters and part of it carried on the cow-catcher of the engine until it was brought to a standstill. Mr Toshack was very widely known and the tragedy caused the deepest regret in the community. He was 58 years of age, the eldest son of the late John Toshack and his wife, Janet Young, and a descendant of that Greville Toshack one of the pioneer settlers of Ramsay who came from Scotland over a century ago. He was born on the farm where he spent all his life. As a young man he became very well known throughout sport. He was a fine lacrosse and baseball player as well as a runner and had the happy knack of making and keeping friendships. he never lost interest in games in his later years and he was a familiar figure amongst the spectators at local sports. Leaves Four Sons Thirty years ago he was married to Miss Annie Snedden, who survives with a family of four sons, Robert at home, and John, Greville and Fred, of Prescott. One daughter Annie predeceased him some years ago. He is survived by one sister, Mrs W.A. Snedden of Blakeney, and to them all the deepest sympathy of a very large circle of friends is extended. The funeral which was held on Monday afternoon from his late residence on the ninth line of Ramsay was attended by an extraordinary large gathering of mourners. The cortege was about a mile and three quarters long. Interment was made at the Auld Kirk cemetery where most of Mr Toshack's relatives have been laid. Masonic Funeral The funeral was conducted under the auspices of Mississippi Lodge A.F. and A.M., of which Mr Toshack was a member. The service was conducted by Rev J.R. MacCrimmon of Bethany United Church and Mr A.M. Woottor, of Blakeney United Church. The pallbearers were Messrs Alex Barker, George Graham, John McGill, John Lindsay, Oswald McPhail, and Oral Arthur. Amongst those who attended the funeral from a distance were Mr Thos Harris, Montreal; Mr George Graham and Mr S.H. Ogden, Ottawa; Mr Wilfred Snedden, Toronto; Mr and Mrs Stanley Everett, Prescott; Mr James Wilson and son of Renfrew; Mr and Mrs Robert Buckham, of Kinburn; Mr R. Moir, Mr and Mrs C. Baker and Mrs George Etherington, Arnprior; Mrs T. Wilson, Fitzroy; Mr and Mrs Wm Young and Mr and Mrs Andrew Young, Clay Bank. It was a touching sight at the Auld Kirk Cemetery when the four Toshack boys and the four Snedden boys surrounded the grave of their father and uncle as he was laid to rest. | Toshack, Grenville Ewen (I20314)
1577 | 1929, Friday April 26, The Almonte Gazette front page Miss Mary A. Thom A wide circle of friends mourn the passing of Miss Mary A. Thom on Saturday evening. She was 63 years of age Miss Thom was a daughter of the late John Thom and his wife Marion Neilson, and was born in Ramsay on the farm on the 12th line now owned by Mr Victor Kellough. She was educated at the Appleton School, and was an active member of the Appleton Presbyterian Church until she came to Almonte to reside some 29 years ago. In later years she was a devout member of Bethany United Church and one of its most prominent workers. She devoted a great deal of her time to the activities of the Women's Missionary Society and latterly was its honourary president. For a long time Miss Thom had not been in good health and last winter she was a good deal in the R.M. Hospital. She leaves to mourn her loss one brother, Rev George Thom, of Almonte. The funeral service at Bethany United Church on Tuesday afternoon was attended by a large concourse of people, many friends from a distance being present. Rev J.R. MacCrimmon officiated. The remains were interred at the Auld Kirk Cemetery. | Thom, Mary A. (I8503)
1578 | 1929, Friday April 5, The Almonte Gazette front page Bennie M. Gilmour The funeral of the late Mr Bennie Melville Gilmour took place from the residence of his brother Harry D. Gilmour, Malcolm street, Almonte, on Saturday to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. The deceased was a son of the late Mr A.C. Gilmour of Almonte, and Mrs A.C. Gilmour now of Ottawa. He was born in Almonte 39 years ago where he spent his boyhood days. He was a painter by trade. He was married and lived in the West and later on in the United States, where he died of pneumonia at Detroit, Mich, on March 31st. His wife predeceased him a few years ago. He leaves of mourn his loss, four daughters, Eunice aged 15, Dorothy 12, Ruth 10, and Pauline 8. His mother and brothers, Harry D. of Almonte and Roy C. of Detroit, Morris J. of Ottawa, and sisters Mrs G.W. Bryan of Ottawa, Mrs E.S. Turnbull of New York, also survive. Beautiful floral tributes were received including a wreath from the Staff of the Senate of Canada where his brother Morris is employed. Rev J.L. McCrimmon conducted the funeral service. The pallbearers were Harry D, Roy C., and Morris J. Gilmour, brothers, and G.W. Bryan, brother-in-law of the deceased. Friends from a distance attending the funeral were his mother and daughters, Mr and Mrs Morris Gilmour, Mr and Mrs G.W. Bryan, Mrs D. Chippendale, Miss Lola Chippendale, Mr and Mrs Harvey Armstrong, Mrs F. Grace and Mr R.C. Gilmour of Detroit; Mrs A.W. Roberts of Chicago and Mrs Potterfield of Carleton Place. | Gilmour, Bennie Melville "Ben" (I29714)
1579 | 1929, Friday August 9, The Almonte Gazette page 5 Robert Miller McNeely On Saturday morning July 27th death claimed a life long resident of Beckwith, in the person of Mr. Robert Miller McNeely, a well-known and highly esteemed farmer. The deceased had been in poor health for over one year, having sustained a stroke from which he never completely rallied. Although he bore his sufferings with great patience. The late Mr. McNeely was the son of he late Mr. John McNeely and Matilda Drummond, and was born 53 years ago. On September 23, 1903, he was married to Miss Harriet Alice Thompson, of Ramsay, who survives. Deceased was a man who always took a deep interest in the welfare of he community in which he lived and also in his home and family. He was a man highly respected by the whole community and his death deeply regretted. The funeral which was the largest ever witnessed in the district took place from his late residence in Beckwith to Pine Grove Cemetery, Rev G.G. Wright, of St James church, Carleton Place, conducting the service. The pallbearers were his cousins; Messrs D.R. McNeely, J.J. McNeely, James Drummond, Beckwith, James Drummond, Prescott, Thos Sheridan, and Boyd Drummond, of Toledo Ont. Besides sorrowing widow deceased is survived by four sons: Earl, Osmond, Howard, and Melvin and three daughters Miss Muriel, Eleanor and Vera McNeely. Two brothers Messrs, W.J. McNeely, of Ramsay and Russell McNeely of Town, also survive. | McNeely, Robert Miller (I5590)
1580 | 1929, Friday February 15, The Arnprior Chronicle page 2 ?b? News Of The District?/b? Miss Jean Cecelia Smith who died recently in Almonte, had been a resident of that town for twenty years, she was born in Ramsay and is survived by two sisters and two brothers. 1929, Friday February 15, The Almonte Gazette front page ?b?Miss Jean Cecilia Smith?/b? In the death of Miss Jean Cecilia Smith, Almonte loses a highly respected resident she had been in delicate health for some time and suffered an attack of pneumonia about four weeks ago from the effects of which, she never fully recovered and passed away suddenly on Friday morning. The deceased was the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs William Smith and was born on the homestead 11th Line Ramsay. On the death of her parents she and her sisters removed to Almonte about twenty years ago, where they since resided. She will be mourned by a large circle of friends to whom by her kindly ways and cheerful disposition she had endeared herself. She is survived by two sisters, Miss Agnes and Miss Mary, at home; two brothers, John N. of Almonte and Justice Smith of the Supreme Court. Worthy tribute was paid by the large attendance at the funeral held on Sunday from the family residence. William Street, to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Impressive services were conducted by Rev W.H. McCraken of St John's Presbyterian church of which the deceased was a devout member. Many beautiful floral tributes were received by the bereaved family The pallbearers were Messrs, Peter McCallum, M.C. McFarlane, Alex Stewart, Wm Neilson, Dr T.R. Patterson, and W.J. Duncan. | Smith, Jean Cecilia (I42428)
1581 | 1929, Friday January 11, The Almonte Gazette front page Wm. J. Warren of Carleton Place Dead Well known Sportsman Passes After Brief Illness of Pneumonia William J. Warren died on Monday at his home in Carleton Place after being ill only a few days. He had been under the doctor's care for some weeks but his case was not considered serious and a rapid recovery was looked forward to. However, a few days ago he caught a cold that is so prevalent and when he developed pneumonia his strength failed him and he gradually grew weaker until he passed away. He was the son of the late James and Mrs Warren and was born in Carleton Place in 1883. He was one of the best known sportsman in the Ottawa Valley and his keenest delight was in horse racing. During the Old Home Week in Carleton Place in 1924 he was placed in charge of horse racing and it was due to his untiring efforts and his keen wisdom and fairness that the event was such a huge success. He was a familiar figure in baseball and hockey and dearly loved both games. For any years he was a member of the executive of both these branches of sport and during all the years he was a member he never missed a meeting, unless unavoidably absent from town. For many years he was the representative for the Mount Forest Carriage Company and in the performance of his duties he travelled from coast to coast. Of a very jovial disposition he had a host of friends both at home and abroad and it has been said that he one of the best known and most popular travellers on the road. In politics he was an ardent supporter of the Liberal-Conservative party and he will be greatly missed the local councils. In religion he was a devout member of Memorial Park Church and was always active in church work. In the political sphere, in sports, in fraternal circles and in all things pertaining to the welfare of the town, his death had made a void that will be hard to fill. He leaves to mourn his widow, three sons and one daughter, a little boy was accidentally drowned in the Mississippi river a few years ago. Also surviving are on brother George M. of Carleton Place, one sister Mrs W.H. Woods of Ottawa. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon. Rev J. Osrhout of Memorial Park Church conducted the funeral services at the home and the remains were placed in St. James' Vault. Mrs Warren nee Isabel C. Snedden, is a daughter of Mrs D. E. Snedden, of Almonte. | Warren, William James (I19399)
1582 | 1929, Friday January 11. The Almonte Gazette front page Ellen Galbraith Passes Away At Carleton Place Was Last Surviving Member of the Family of Daniel Galbraith M.P. After Completing Her Education in Almonte She Went Into Training as a Nurse and Practised Her Profession until About a Year Ago Miss Ellen Galbraith, daughter of the late Daniel Galbraith, M.P., of Almonte, died on Friday in her seventy-second year at the home of her brother-in-law, Mr Thos Houston, Carleton Place. While she had been ailing for almost a year, her death was unexpected and came as a great shock to her many friends. She was born in Ramsay and after receiving her early education there and in Almonte, she went in training for a nurse and followed her profession until about a year ago. She was very highly esteemed and her death is keenly felt by all who know her. She was a devout member of Zion church and always took an active part in all charitable work. Her father, the late Daniel Galbraith, was a member of the first Provincial Legislature in 1866 and at the time of his death in 1879 was a member of Federal House representing Lanark county. The late Miss Ellen Galbraith was the last surviving member of the family. The Galbraith home was the residence now owned by Mr George L.Comba. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon from the home of Mr Thos Houston where the Rev Edwin Smith conducted the funeral service and interment was made at the Auld Kirk cemetery. | Galbraith, Ellen "Nellie" (I8283)
1583 | 1929, Friday November 22. The Almonte Gazette front page ?b?Mrs John L. Gemmill?/b? Mrs John L. Gemmill died at the home of her youngest son, Mr George M. Gemmill, Union Street, Almonte on Sunday. She was in her 79th year and had been in ill-health for a considerable time. Her maiden name was Mary Murray and she was born near Smiths Falls. After her marriage to Mr Gemmill she lived for short period at Gananoque and Lynn. Forty-two years ago they came to Almonte and were only a few months here when Mr Gemmill died, his widow being left with four young children, the youngest a child in arms. Two of these survive, Robert at Fort William, and George at Almonte. Margaret died when she was 21 and John was killed in a railway train accident at Depot Harbour. Mrs Gemmill also leaves one sister, Miss Margaret Murray, who resides at Almonte Avenue, Grand Forks, N.D. The funeral took place on Tuesday from her son's home to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Rev A.J. Terrill officiated and members of Trinity Church choir officiated. Mrs Gordon Fraser played the accompaniments. The pallbearers were Messrs Jas Smith, Gordon Fraser, M.R. Young, F.A.C. Darling, Jas Moncur and Alex Tosh. The chief mourners at the funeral, which was largely attended, were her two sons, Robert and George. There was a large number of floral tokens of sympathy. | Murray, Mary (I35614)
1584 | 1929, Friday October 11, The Almonte Gazette front page ?b?Mrs Wm Paul?/b? Mrs William Paul, who had been in feeble health for some months, died at her home in Carleton Place on Thursday of last week. She passed away suddenly. She was 85 years of age. Her maiden name was Sarah A. Shaw, daughter of the late William Shaw, one of the pioneer settlers of Drummond Township. In early life she married William Paul, of Ramsay, and their home was in that township, in the vicinity of Appleton until 1911 when they removed to Carleton Place, where their home had been since. In religion, Mrs Paul was a Presbyterian, until the union in 1925, when she became a member of Memorial Park United Church. The funeral which took place on Saturday afternoon to the Auld Kirk Cemetery at Almonte was attended by many friends from a distance, and the vast concourse of mourners who assembled to render their last tribute of respect, testified to the esteem in which the deceased was held, The pallbearers were five nephews: Dr A.M. Robertson, of the Civic Hospital, Ottawa; W.S. Robertson, Perth; Bland Shaw, Perth; Homer Shaw, Drummond Centre; W.J. Paul, Ramsay, and H.M. Snedden, Appleton. The service was conducted by Rev J.H. Osterhout, assisted by Rev A. Raeburn Gibson, formerly of St Andrew's Presbyterian Church; Rev Mr Terrill, of Almonte and Appleton United Church, and Rev Mr Rutherford, of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Almonte. Rev Mr Osterhout paid an eloquent tribute to Mrs Paul's brightness and optimism and triumphant Christian, faith, which had ever been an inspiration. She is survived by her husband, three sons: William A., of Pilot Mound, Man.; Charles H., of Coghlan, B.C., and Frank J., on the homestead in Ramsay, and one daughter, Ida A. at home. The floral tributes were many and beautiful, and included a wreath from the friends and neighbours of Appleton and vicinity. A pillow from the family, sprays from Mr and Mrs H.M. Snedden, Appleton; the Misses N. and G. Teskey, Ottawa; Dr D.M. Robertson and Misses Annie and Margaret Robertson, of Ottawa; Mr and Mrs W.J. Burns, Carleton Place, and Mr Jas John Aitken, Carleton Place; Mr and Mrs Andrew Young, Arnprior. | Shaw, Sarah A. (I5288)
1585 | 1929, Friday September 6, The Almonte Gazette front page Sudden Death of Well Known Lady Mrs P.Y. Sutherland, of Ramsay was one of The Most Highly Esteemed Women of the District The sudden death last Friday afternoon, of Annie E.M. Young, wife of Mr Peter Y. Sutherland, one of the best and most highly esteemed women of this district, came as a great shock to her many friends and acquaintances. She had apparently been in her accustomed good health up to the time of the sudden and unexpected illness, with which she was stricken, and from which she never regained consciousness Born and brought up near Almonte, the daughter of the late William and Mrs Young of Ramsay Township, deceased was in her 55th year. She was married to Mr Peter Y. Sutherland of Ramsay Township, thirty years ago. In her own home she was a devoted wife and mother and an inspiration for good in every sense. During her long residence in this district. Mrs Sutherland took a leading part in church work. She was a devout member of Bethany United Church, Almonte, and was an indefatigable worker in connection with the Women's Missionary and Ladies' Aid Societies, deeply interested in all the activities of church life. Mrs Sutherland was loved and esteemed by many friends to whom she had endeared herself by her many charming and pleasant qualities. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon from her late residence, Ramsay Township to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Impressive services were conducted by Rev J.R. MacCrimmon, of Bethany United Church, who was assisted by Rev W.H. McCracken of the Presbyterian Church, Almonte. One of the sincerest tributes ever paid a citizen of this district was the large assemblage at the funeral, the latter being one of the largest ever held in this locality. The profusion of beautiful floral offerings received by the family testified to the high esteem in which Mrs Sutherland was held by her many friends and acquaintances and to the deep sympathy generally felt. Many letters of sympathy and regret were also received by the family. The pallbearers were, Messrs Angus Sutherland, of Ramsay, Dr. A.G. Young, of Smiths Falls, Robert Buckham, of Kinburn, William Young of Claybank and M.R. Young and P.A.E. Young, Almonte. The surviving relatives to mourn her loss are, her husband and four daughters, Moriena (Mrs Morris Turner), Margaret (Mrs Jas. B. Turner), Annie and Jean at home; Four brothers, Robert W. on the homestead in Ramsay, and Peter, Stephen and Henry living in the West, and one sister Mrs Thomas Wilson, of Fitzroy. The relatives in attendance from a distance were, Mr Angus Sutherland and Mr John Sutherland, of Eganville; Mr and Mrs Harry Wright, Mr and Mrs Geo. Mick, Mr and Mrs Herbert Leach of Micksburg; Mr and Mrs Robert Young, Mrs Andrew Young, Mr and Mrs E.H. Knight and Mrs Uruqhart, Mrs Alex Young and son Mr Donald Young and Mr and Mrs James Sutherland, of Ottawa; Mr and Mrs David Sutherland and Mr William Young, of Detroit; Mr and Mrs Dr. Young and Miss Evelyn of Smiths Falls, Mr Robt. Buckham, Kinburn, Mr and Mrs Thos. Wilson and son Daniel, Mr and Mrs Allan Grierson, Mrs Baker and Mr and Mrs Geo. Etheringtom, of Arnprior; Mr and Mrs Wm. Young and Mr and Mrs Andrew Young, of Claybank The deepest sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved husband and family. | Young, Annie Elizabeth M. (I9120)
1586 | 1930, Friday April 25, The Almonte Gazette page 8 ?b?TREASURER OF TWP. OF DARLING PASSES?/b? ?b?William G. Rintoul ?/b?Succumbs To Pneumonia After a Few Day's Illness Mr. William G. Rintoul, for twenty years treasurer of Darling Township of Darling and one of its most respected residents, died on Monday after an illness of only a few days of pneumonia. He was 53 years of age. A native, of the township he was married twenty-six years ago to Miss Janet Gunn, daughter of Mr. George Gunn. To them were born a fam-ily of four sons and five daughters; Arnold, Jean, Margaret, George, Alex, Mary, Isobel and Daniel. One brother, Daniel, resides at Kemptville. Three sisters also survive; Mrs. John Bulloch, Sinclair Station, Man.; Mrs. Stewart Bulloch, Reston, Man.; and Mrs. Alex McKay, Almonte, The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon from his late residence in Darling and interment took place in Middleville Cemetery. Rev. Henry Scott of Watson's Corners, conducted the service. The late Mr. Rintoul was an active worker in municipal and church affairs, and he will be greatly missed by a wide circle of friends. | Rintoul, William George (I9382)
1587 | 1930, Friday February 28, The Almonte Gazette front page Was Well Known Farmer Of Ramsay Six Sons of Robert Black Were Pall-bearers At The Funeral A well-known farmer of Ramsay in the person of Mr Robert Black, passed away on Friday at the Rosamond Memorial Hospital, after a very brief illness from pneumonia in the 67th year of his age. He was the youngest son of the late J. Black, 7th line Ramsay, and he lived on the homestead until it was sold in 1898, after which he operated the Galbraith Farm near Carleton Place until he retired a few years ago to reside with his son Charles in Almonte. His wife Phoebe Galbraith, predeceased him 18 years ago. He is survived by one sister, Agnes, of Winsmore, Saskatchewan, and one brother, William, of Almonte, besides an unbroken family circle of six sons; Daniel of Regina; William of Schriber; Clarence of Ottawa; Charles of Almonte; Walter of Windsor; and Gordon of Detroit. The funeral was held on Monday from the home of his son Charles, was conducted by Rev J.R. MacCrimmon of Bethany United Church and was very largely attended by friends and acquaintances from the town, the township and from points in the Ottawa Valley. Interment was made in the Vault of the Auld Kirk cemetery, the six sons being the pallbearers. Amongst the many and beautiful floral tributes which draped the casket and in addition to those contributed by immediate relatives, were the following: Sprays from L. Naismith, John Lindsay, N.S. Lee, Max Young and M.R. MacFarlane; from Art Blakeley, John Washburn and Robert Leishman; from Mr and Mrs Geo L. Comba, from Mr and Mrs John W. Brown; from Mr G.R. Gourlay, Ottawa; and from Cchrieber [Schriber] Lodge No 402 I.O.O.F. Also wreaths from James and Jessie Giles; Granite Chapter R.A.M.; Mississippi Lodge A.F. and A.M.; and Officer and Employees Schrieber Division C.P.R. | Black, Robert (I7656)
1588 | 1930, Friday February 7, The Arnprior Chronicle, page 2 News of the District ? Mrs W.J. Paul of Ramsay died suddenly last week at the age of 62 years. | Yuill, Isabella Jane (I20295)
1589 | 1930, Friday February 7, The Ottawa Evening Journal, page 23 R. Kellough Dies at Sister's Home CARLETON PLACE Ont., Feb 6 - Robert Kellough died today at the home of his sister, Mrs Adam Dunlop, town line, Carleton Place, at the age of 69 years. Mr Kellough was the son of the late John and Mrs Kellough and was born in Ramsay township on Dec 12, 1860. He lived on the old homestead until seven years ago when he moved to Carleton Place where he has since resided. Mr Kellough was of fine character and his quiet and unassuming ways gained for him many friends who were greatly shocked when told the news. The funeral will be held on Saturday afternoon at two o'clock from the home of Adam Dunlop, where service will be conducted by Rev Edwin Smith of Zion United church, of which Mr Kellough was a member. The body will afterward be placed in St James' vault. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs David Sutherland and Mrs Adam Dunlop of Carleton Place, and Mrs J. M. Halpenny, of Ottawa. | Kellough, Robert J. (I23890)
1590 | 1930, Friday January 10, The Almonte Gazette page 4 ?b?DEATHS PAUL -?/b? At Almonte on Thursday, Jan. 9, 1930, Margaret Rath, beloved wife, of Joseph Paul. The funeral will take place on Saturday, Jan. 11 at 2 p.m., from her late residence, Country Street, to St. Paul's Church, thence to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. | Rath, Margaret (I40474)
1591 | 1930, Friday July 25, The Almonte Gazette page 3 ?b?Mr William Paul?/b? On Thursday morning, July 10th, the town of Carleton Place, and surrounding district was greatly shocked to her of the very sudden demise of their beloved friend, Mr William Paul, Harriott street. The deceased gentleman had retired the previous night in his usual health, and simply passed away in his sleep. His daughter, Miss Ida, had been out for a short time that evening, and on returning home, went as usual to his room to say good night, On entering she was shocked to find that he had gone to the Great Beyond. Mr Paul was born at "Mount Blow," Ramsay, on the farm now occupied by his nephew, W.J. Paul and was a son of the late Andrew Paul, one of the pioneers of the township. He had reached the ripe age of eighty-nine years. In early life he married Sara A. Shaw of Drummond Centre. They live in Ramsay, in the vicinity of Appleton, until 1910, when they removed to Carleton Place. Mrs Paul predeceased her husband nine months ago. He is survived by three sons, W.A. Paul, Pilot Mound, Man., C.H. Paul, Coghlan, B.C.; F.J. Paul on the homestead in the vicinity of Appleton, and Miss Ida A., at home. In religion Mr Paul was a Presbyterian, an elder in St Andrew's Church, Appleton, and later in St Andrew's, Carleton Place, until the union in 1925, when he became a member of Memorial Park United Church, and was constant in attendance at its services. His sunny, bright and buoyant disposition, ready sympathy, sterling character, strict integrity, rare personally and hospitality, emanating from his spirit of love were felt in their positive, warming and stimulating influence by others. The fragrance of his Christian life was not confined to narrow limits, but was far-reaching and will be long and lovingly cherished wherever his name is spoken The funeral which took place on Sabbath afternoon, July 13th, to the Auld Kirk cemetery was very largely attended, among those from a distance being friends from Ottawa, Perth, Smiths Falls, Balderson, Arnprior, Almonte, Appleton district and mourners who assembled to render their last tribute of love and respect testified to some extant to the great esteem in which the deceased was held. The pallbearers were Messrs Hamilton Stewart, Balderson; H.M. Snedden, Appleton; and four nephews, Dr D.M. Robertson, Ottawa; W.J. Paul, Ramsay; Archie Paul, Smiths Falls and W.A. Shaw, Carleton Place. The service was conducted by Rev J.H. Osterhout, Memorial Park United Church, assisted by Rev Mr Foote, St Andrew's Church, and Rev Mr Terrill of Almonte and Appleton U. Churches. Mr Osterhout took for his text, "'A prince and a great man is fallen this day in Israel,' Like Enoch of old, he walked with God and he was not; for God took him." Mr Osterhout paid an eloquent tribute to Mr Paul's goodness and devotion and services to God and humanity. The world is infinitely poorer, but heaven the richer for his entrance in. One of the members of his former Appleton Sabbath School Class expressed the view of many when he said, "I shall never forget his constant cheer and help. His counsel was always a great incentive to me to do my best and try to live a life worth while." The floral tributes were many and very beautiful, and included a pillow from the family, a wreath from the friends and neighbours of Appleton and vicinity, and sprays from Mr J.W. Rose and Evelyn, Almonte; Mr and Mrs W.J. Burns, Carleton Place; Dr D.M. Robertson, Misses Margaret and Anne, Ottawa; The Yuill Family, Ramsay; Mrs Andrew Paul and family Smiths Falls; Willena Paul, Ramay; Mr and Mrs Jas A. Turner, Appleton; Mr and Mrs Jas Pye, Sadie and Lawrence, Appleton; Mr and Mrs N. Riddell, Mrs D. Gillies, Mrs Thos Walsh, Mrs Duncan McLaren, Mrs Herb Sinclair Sr., Miss Campbell, Miss Jean Menzies, Mrs Stuart Houston and family, Dr W. McNeely of Carleton Place; The Misses Neilson, Almonte; Mrs Andrew Young, Arnprior. | Paul, William (I5287)
1592 | 1930, Friday June 6, The Almonte Gazette front page William Fender The people of Almonte and the surrounding district will hear with regret of the passing of one of Ramsay's pioneers in the person of William Fender. Born 82 years ago in Perthshire Scotland, the late Mr Fender came to Canada at the age of four years with his parents, the late Mr and Mrs David Fender who settled on the 5th line of Ramsay, on what is now known as the James Watt Farm. One of a family of 14 children, 6 boys and eight girls, all of whom have pre-deceased him with the exception of his brother John, of Clayton, who is two years older than himself, he has enjoyed to quote his own words "A good innings." A gentleman of jovial disposition he has long been regarded as something of a romantic figure by virtue of his travel and varied experiences in the United States and Western Canada. The deceased was married in 1872 to Miss J. Giles, of Ramsay, who died in 1877. To this union was born one daughter Eliza Jane (Mrs H. Curtis) with whom he has been living and one son William Edward, who died in December, 1901, at Courtney, North Dakota. About 1879 the late Mr Fender left the homestead in Ramsay and for a short time lived in Rochester, N.Y. state. During the period of twenty-seven years from 1879 to 1906 when he returned to Almonte, many and varied were the experiences of pioneering in Minnesota, North Dakota, Saskatchewan and Alberta, where the deceased staked, homesteaded and pre-empted land, during the building up of both the American and Canadian West. The winter of 1928-1929 was spent with relatives in Mississippi state, U.S.A. Although having enjoyed an active life with good health he has recently been under doctor's care for heart trouble common to a man of his advanced years. It was the result of such an attack that he passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday evening, June 3rd. The funeral was held from the residence of his son-inlaw, Mr H. Curtis, on Thursday, June 5th, at 2.30, to the Auld Kirk Cemetery Almonte. The service was impressively conducted by Rev J.R. MacCrimmon, of Bethany United Church. The large concourse of friends was eloquent testimony of the respect in which the deceased was held by those whose privilege it was to know him. | Fender, William (I10867)
1593 | 1930, Friday March 28, The Almonte Gazette page 3 John MacFarlane In the sudden death of Mr John MacFarlane, Friday evening, Almonte, lost one of its oldest and most respected citizen. Mr MacFarlane had been in poor health for several years but the end came very unexpectedly. He was in his 79th year. Born in the Township of Ramsay, near Almonte, and lived on the homestead there for many years, moving to Almonte with his family about twenty seven years ago, he has since resided here. He was predeceased by his estimable wife Janet Young, less than a year ago. Surviving are, two daughters Mrs S.A. Finlayson, of Pembroke, Ont., and Mrs George Buchan of Duncan, BC., and for sisters, Mrs Stephen Young, Mrs M.C. MacFarlane and Miss Agnes MacFarlane, all of Almonte, and Miss Tena MacFarlane, of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. A large number of friends and relatives were in attendance at the funeral, which was held on Sunday afternoon from his late residence on Church Street, to the Auld Kirk Cemetery, where interment was made. The service was conducted by the Rev. Dr. A.H. Scott of Perth Many beautiful floral offerings and messages of sympathy were received by the family. The pallbearers were, Messrs: P.Y. Sutherland, Adam Johnson, Angus Sutherland, P.A.E. Young, Dr. W.C. Young and Albert Giles | MacFarlane, John S. (I33282)
1594 | 1930, Friday November 7, The Almonte Gazette front page James D. Robertson Mr James D. Robertson, an old resident of Ramsay township, passed away Wednesday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs Wm Anderson, aged 85 years. Mr Robertson was a native of the township and lived all his life there. His wife who before her marriage was Sarah Jane Scott predeceased him by about eight years. He is survived by four sons and five daughters. The sons are William and Ernest, in Ramsay, George and Everard in Saskatchewan; the daughters, Mrs Elizabeth McLean in Saskatchewan, Mrs Hare, in Toronto, Mrs Wm Anderson, Mrs Alton Matthews and Miss Ethel Robertson of Ramsay. One brother also survive, Mrs Arch Robertson, of Carleton Place, and one sister, Mrs Charles McNeill, of Clayton. Also 23 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Mr Robertson was a member of Bethany Church, Almonte, and an elder. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon to the 8th line Ramsay cemetery. | Robertson, James Dow (I1467)
1595 | 1930, Friday October 17, The Almonte Gazette front page William Paul Reid There passed away at his home in Cedar Hill, on Wednesday morning, October 15th, a very respected citizen of that district in the person of William Paul Reid, in his 70th year. He was the second son of the late Samuel Reid and Euphemia Paul who passed away a number of years ago. Deceased was married to Jeanett B. Lawson at Cedar Hill 27 years ago who predeceased him 15 years ago. To this union was born two children, one son Murray, who lives on the homestead on the 8th line, Ramsay, and one daughter Hazel, of Ottawa, of the Civil service. He is also survived by two brothers and three sisters, Samuel of Wawanaissa, Man., and James of Gull Lake, Sask.; Jennie, Mrs J.N. Smith, of Vancouver, B.C., Miss Agnes Reid, of Victoria, B.C., and Elizabeth, Mrs W.D. Buchanan, of Cedar Hill. There were also two half sisters, Mrs E. McMunn and Mrs George Ferguson, both of Dauphin, Man., and two brothers, John A. of Smiths Falls and Robert L., who predeceased him. Mr Reid although failing in health for the past few years was only confined to his bed for nine days. The funeral will be held from his late residence on Friday afternoon at two o'clock and the service at 1.30 p.m. | Reid, William Paul (I33131)
1596 | 1930, Thursday November 21, The Almonte Gazette, front page Mrs. Edwin Moore On Thursday, November 13, there passed away at the Rosamond Memorial Hospital, Mrs. Edwin L. Moore, whose maiden was Mina Richards, under circumstances which has appealed to the wide sympathy of the community. The late Mrs. Moore was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richards of Clayton, and was married in September l4th, 1927. For the past two years Mr. and Mrs. Moore have very successfully engaged in farming on the 6th line of Ramsay, where they by their kindly disposition and industry have well for themselves the confidence, and respect of a wide circle of friends and neighbours. The sudden death of the deceased following a week's illness is particularly sad, leaving to mourn her loss two beautiful children, a boy and girl, Mina Mary, age 2 years and Walter Edwin, age three months. Following a successful operation In the Rosamond Memorial Hospital, every hope was entertained for the speedy recovery but the decease suddenly succumbed to an attack of pneumonia on Thursday afternoon. Of her own immediate family there is left to mourn her loss her father, Mr. Harry Richards, of Clayton, one brother, Charles, of New York State, her mother having pre-deceased her some years, ago. The funeral which was held on Saturday, Nov. 15th, was largely attended. Rev. A. J. Fowlie of the Presbyterian Church conducted a very impressive service at the home. Interment was made in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. The many beautiful floral tributes were mute testimony of the respect in which the deceased was held and included, Wreaths and sprays from the family, Edwin Moore, Harry Richards, Mary and Walter Moore, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Patterson, Miss Muriel Rath, Mr. and Mrs. John McMunn, Mr. and Mrs. J. Erskine, Mr. and Mrs. Max Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shane, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Moore, Mr. William Moore Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Fraser McMunn. The pallbearers were Messrs. Cecil and William Moore, Mr. Welland McMunn, Mr. Welland Timmons, Mr. Max Richards and Mr. Arthur Nolan. The heartfelt sympathy of the entire community is extended to the husband and children in their deep sorrow occasioned by such a loss. | Richards, Mary Mina (I10844)
1597 | 1930, Tuesday December 16, The Ottawa Journal, page 20 DEATHS WILSON - On Sunday evening, December 14, 1930, at her late residence 228 Percy street, Mary Whyte Snedden, widow of James Wilson, in her 70th year. Funeral service Tuesday evening, December 16, at 8 o'clock. Motor funeral Wednesday, 17th instant, at 12.30 noon to Almonte, Ont. Interment at the Old Kirk cemetery. 1930, Friday December 19,The Almonte Gazette front page Blakeney The sad news was received here this week of the death of Mrs Jas Wilson (Mary Whyte Snedden) at her home in Ottawa, on Sunday, December 14th. Deceased who was a resident of Bennies Corners district for many years was well known and highly esteemed by many residents here. The sympathy of many friends here is extended to the bereaved family. | Snedden, Mary Whyte (I25727)
1598 | 1931, Friday April 10, The Almonte Gazette front page Mrs Wm M. Simpson The sudden passing of Mr Wm Simpson on Tuesday, March 31, will be noted with regret by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances throughout the district in which she lived. She was in her 56th year. The deceased was Emma Blythe Munro, a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Munro, and was born at Manotick, coming to Almonte while quite a young girl. She was married to Mr William M. Simpson and for over 30 years she has lived on the ninth line of Ramsay, where by her kindly disposition and many noble qualities, she won for herself and her family a wide circle of friends. She is survived by her husband, one daughter Olive, and one son Earl, (one daughter Laura Blythe, predeceased her 21 years ago), five sisters: Maggie (Mrs J.C. Rosewear), Mary (Mrs Fred Allport), of Cobourg; Jean (Mrs Alex Calder) Elkhart, Man.; Katie (Mrs Wm Templeman) Smiths Falls; Jessie (Mrs J.W. Love) Winnipeg. One sister Annie (Mrs A.J. Cambell) of Calgary predeceased her 12 years ago. The funeral on Friday, April the 3rd to the Auld Kirk Cemetery was largely attended. The pallbearers being Messrs George Neilson, J.D. Scott, L.C. Watson, Wesley Rae, Nelson Proctor and Wilfred Metcalfe. The funeral was conducted by her pastor, Rev Wm Aird of the Baptist Church, assisted by Rev J.M. Rutherford of Reformed Presbyterian, and Mr Hart, returned missionary. Her favourite hymns being sung, "Rock of Ages," "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" and "When My Life Work is Ended" taken from Song and Solos hymnal. Those attending the funeral from a distance were: Mrs J.C. Rosewear, Mr Fred Allport of Coburg; Mr and Mrs Wm Templeman and daughter of Smiths Falls; Mrs Richard Munro, Waba; Mr and Mrs Wm Scott and Miss Florence Scott of Sault Ste Marie; Mrs J.F. Keller, Toronto; Mr and Mrs Keyworth Howard, Beachburg; Mr and Mrs J. Fraser, Mrs C. Miller, Mr and Mrs A. Moodie, and son and daughter of Perth; Mrs Charles Simpson and two daughters; Mrs D. McIntyre; Mrs R. Robertson, Mr and Mrs Hugh Metcalfe, Mrs G. Parker of Arnprior; Mr and Mrs J.D. Scott of White Lake; all of whom together with friends and neighbours paid tribute to a long and useful life of the departed. The floral tributes received by the family were very beautiful. | Munro, Emma Blythe (I24148)
1599 | 1931, Friday April 24, The Almonte Gazette front page ?b?Mrs William Lawrie (Rebecca McCann?/b? The sudden death on Tuesday morning of Rebecca McCann, wife of Mr William Lawrie, and one of the most highly esteemed women of this district came as a great shock to her many friends and acquaintances. She had apparently been in her accustomed good health up to the time of the unexpected illness with which she was stricken. Born and brought up near Almonte, the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs James McCann of Ramsay Township, she was married to Mr Lawrie in 1899. They lived for some time in Ramsay Township and on Mr Lawrie's retiring from active work he purchased the fine residence on Mitcheson street, Almonte, where the family have since resided. In her own home she was a devoted wife and mother and always an inspiration for good and her kindly presence will be missed by a large circle of friends. The surviving relatives to mourn her loss besides her husband are two daughters, Mary V. (Mrs Roy Gibbons of Ottawa), and Anne at home, Three sisters, Mrs Wm Armstrong, Ramsay; Mrs Robert McIntosh, Toronto, and Mrs Wm Allison, Winnipeg. The funeral, at which sincere tribute was paid in a very large attendance, took place on Thursday afternoon at 2.30, from the family residence, Mitcheson street, to the Auld Kirk cemetery. Impressive services were conducted by Rev J.R. MacCrimmon of Bethany United Church, of which deceased was a devout member. The pallbearers were, Jas A. Wilson, Toronto; R. McIntosh, Toronto; Jos Crawford, Carleton Place; Roy Gibbons, Ottawa; R. Burnside and W.C. Pollock. The many beautiful floral tributes and the many letters and messages of sympathy testified to the high esteem in which Mrs Lawrie was held by her many friends and acquaintances, and the deepest sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved husband and family. Relatives from out of town in attendance were, Mrs Robert McIntosh and son Robert, of Toronto; Mr and Mrs Campbell of Carleton Place; Mr and Mrs Jas McCann and Mrs G. Sadler, Pakenham, Mrs M.J. Gilmour and Mr and Mrs E.N. Horton of Ottawa. | McCann, Rebecca (I17472)
1600 | 1931, Friday April 24, The Almonte Gazette front page David Fumerton The death occurred Monday morning, April 26th, of Mr David Fumerton, at his home in Appleton, in his 80th year. The late Mr Fumerton had not enjoyed good health for several months and his death was not unexpected. The deceased leaves to mourn his passing two brothers and one sister, besides a family of two sons and four daughters - James of Hull, and Fred of Carleton Place; Mrs John Tuggy, of Ottawa, Mrs Toop, of Almonte, Mrs Wm Ashman, of Pakenham, and Mrs Ed Coxford, of Rochester, and to these bereaved ones the sympathy of the community goes out. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock to the Auld Kirk cemetery, 8th line Ramsay. Beautiful floral offerings were placed on the casket from Mr and Mrs Tuggy, Mr and Mrs E. Coxford and Appleton friends. | Fumerton, David Alexander (I6083)
We make every effort to document our research. If you have something you would like to add, please contact us.