Our Family's Journey Through Time
Matches 1,651 to 1,700 of 12,186
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1651 | 1935, Thursday August 8, The Almonte Gazette front page Sudden Passing Of Tobe Naismith Widely Mourned Death of Popular Citizen Comes As Great Shock To This District Sad and sudden was the death this Thursday morning at the Rosamond Memorial Hospital of Lawrence Naismith, more familiarly known to his many friends at "Tobe." Mr Naismith had been indisposed for the last few weeks but was going about up to Monday afternoon when he took a turn for the worse and was confined to bed. By Tuesday noon his condition had grown so serious that he was rushed to the hospital and an Ottawa doctor was summoned to perform an emergency operation. This disclosed that Mr Naismith could not recover and the announcement came as a distinct shock to the whole town and district. There was no more active, cheerful or kindly man in Almonte than "Tobe" Naismith. His associations formed as representative in this district for General Motors Limited, of Oshawa, and a patron of sports and athletics brought him many contacts which added to his wide popularity. His passing is a great loss to a town which has suffered many similar losses in the last few years and which can ill afford the removal of such citizens. An Active Life The late Lawrence Naismith was born at the homestead, ninth line of Ramsay, of February 19th, 1879, and was 56 years old at the time of his sudden passing. He was a son of the late Peter Naismith and his wife, the former Catherine Gilmour, and attended school at Bennies Corners. Going West in 1898, Mr Naismith settled in Wawanesa, Man., where he operated an insurance business until 1908 when he moved to Morse, Sask. There he established a hardware, real estate and insurance business. While in Morse he served for some time as a member of the council and Board of Education, In 1922 Mr Naismith sold out his western interests and returned to the old home town of Almonte, where he formed a connection with General Motors and was a most successful representative up to the time of his death. President Bowling Club Deceased was a member of Bethany United Church and a life member of Morse Lodge, A.F & A.M. and a member of Granite Chapter No 61. Since coming to Almonte he served on the Board of Education and several other bodies. He was president of the Lawn Bowling Club at the time of his death and was an enthusiastic supporter of all lines of sport, especially baseball and hockey. The late Mr Naismith leaves a wife, formerly Miss Helen Snedden of Ramsay, and a daughter Miss Helen of Almonte. Brothers and sisters surviving are Peter of Almonte, Welland of Asparto, Cal; William of Denver, Col Jack and James in Saskatchewan and Albert and Margaret on the homestead. One brother Robert was killed in France during the war. Two sisters (Jessie) Mrs Wm Steele and Jean died a number of years ago. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at two o'clock from his late residence, Church street, to the Auld Kirk Cemetery, under the auspices of Morse Lodge A.F. & A.M. Morse, Sask. Officers of Mississippi Lodge, Almonte, will have charge. The sympathy of a host of friends in Almonte and district goes out to the bereaved wife and daughters. | Naismith, Lawrence "Tobe" (I19401)
1652 | 1935, Thursday December 26, 1935, The Almonte Gazette, page 8 Harold Edmund Duncan People of this district were sorry to learn, last week, of the accidental death in Prince Albert, Sask., Tuesday, Dec. 17th, of Harold Edmund Duncan, a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Duncan, 11th line of Ramsay. The late Mr. Duncan was 31 years of age. He was born and educated in Ramsay township and left for the west a year ago last August. In Prince Albert he was employed by the Glass Dairy as a driver and his untimely death occurred while he was performing his duties. While details are lacking it is believed that the horse shied as, he was stepping onto the wagon turning the heavy vehicle over on him. In addition to his parents, deceased is survived by three sisters and seven brothers, namely: Mrs. W. J. Taber (Mabel) of Toronto; Mrs. W. L. Redden (Muriel) of Kingston; Mrs. Allan Lytle (Rae) of Arnprior; Allan, Morden, William, Kenneth, Bert, Gordon and Hugh at home. The funeral was held on Friday, Dec. 20th in Prince Albert, services being conducted by Rev. R. G. McKay of the Presbyterian Church. Among floral offerings from the family and friends was a piece by the. Glass Dairy, employers of the deceased. The following kindly letter of condolence from the Mayor of the city of Prince Albert, was received by the bereaved father: Prince Albert, Sask. December 19, 1935. E. H. Duncan, Esq., Almonte, Ont. Dear Mr. Duncan: I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my sincere sympathy in connection with the death of your son Harold E. Duncan in this city on the 17th instant. I personally knew this young man as, in the course of his duties he called at my home daily and he was very, widely respected and liked by all those with whom he came into contact in the course of his business. The tragedy took place very close .to my own house and. everyone was shocked to hear of the outcome. Your son was of such a happy disposition that he endeared himself to all those with whom he came into contact and there are many citizens in Prince Albert today who feel that his untimely death was a real tragedy. To you and Mrs. Duncan I therefore extend my deepest sympathy and also that, of scores of citizens of this city. Yours sincerely, H, J, FRASER, Mayor | Duncan, Harold Edmund (I2883)
1653 | 1935, Thursday February 14, The Almonte Gazette page 4 Mr Alex McGill An aged and respected resident of the community passed away on Tuesday morning, Feb 12th, in the person of Alex McGill, after a few day's illness. Deceased, who was the third son of the late John McGill and Jane McCann was born at Bell's Corners in 1849 and moved with his parents the following year to the 11th concession of Pakenham, where he spent the great part of his life. About 50 years ago he married Jennie Armstrong and continued to reside on the homestead until he was about 35 years of age when he sold it and moved to a farm near Almonte. About two years ago he moved again and finally took up residence in town. Mr McGill leaves a widow and three sons and one daughter. namely, William, Victor and John and Ida. All of the family reside in Almonte. The funeral took place on Thursday at 2.30 from his late residence on Brougham Street, to the Auld Kirk Cemetery Vault. The funeral services was conducted by Rev A.J. Fowlie of the Presbyterian Church. The pallbearers were: Jas Timmons, John McGill, Thomas McGill, James McGill, Samuel McAdam and John Syme. The late Mr McGill was the last of his immediate family and was one of the pioneers of this district. | McGill, Alexander (I17423)
1654 | 1935, Thursday February 21, The Almonte Gazette page 4 ?b?Mr Duncan Aitken?/b? The death occurred in Almonte on Friday, Feb 15th, of Mr Duncan Aitken following a short illness of pneumonia. Deceased was born in Huntley Township of 71 years ago and farmed in Ramsay until his removal to Almonte 15 years ago where he lived retired until the time of his death. Mr Aitken is survived by his widow who was Minnie Leishman before her marriage. Five brothers and five sisters predeceased him. The funeral was held Monday afternoon from the late home of deceased on Wesley street to the Auld Kirk Cemetery where interment was made. Services were conducted by Rev A. J. Fowlie of the Almonte Presbyterian Church. The pallbearers were Thomas, Ernest, Allan and Clyde Leishman, Lorne Moreau and Alfred Barrowclough. The late Mr Aitken was a quiet retiring man who went his way through life making many friends and no enemies. He will be missed by those who knew him intimately during the long period of his residence in town. | Aitken, Duncan (I6079)
1655 | 1935, Thursday February 7, The Almonte Gazette, page 8 Middleville Mrs. James H. Rodger Death has once again invaded our village, claiming on Sunday morning one of our aged and most highly respected citizens in the person of Mrs. James H. Rodger, nee Ellen Miller. During her illness which lasted a little over a year, her sufferings were borne in that quiet, patient manner so characteristic during her lifetime. A native of Lanark Township, in which her whole lifetime was spent, she was born on the farm now owned by Mr. Russell Ramsbottom, Sept. 18, 1855. She was the last surviving member of a family of 11 children, born to William S. Miller, who came from Ballymena, Ireland, and his wife, Ann Graham of Lanark Township. On June 18, 1875 she was united in marriage to Jas. H. Rodger of this township, by Rev. James Wilson, and to them were born a family of eight children, all of whom reside within a radius of 20 miles and were present with her during the last weeks of her life. There are also 28 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. The funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon from her late residence to St. Paul's United Church, interment being made in Middleville Greenwood Cemetery, her pastor. Rev. K D. Snelgrove conducting the services. Six grandsons were pallbearers and many beautiful floral tributes adorned the casket. The bereaved husband and family namely - William S. of Almonte; Jas. M. and Nellie, Mrs. R. Welland McKay of Ramsay; Jessie Ann, Mrs. Charles M. Ramsbottom of Lanark Village; Margaret, Mrs. Finlay Ramsbottom; Edna, Mrs. Robert L. Woods; Eva, Mrs. Wm. Rintoul and Harry L. of Lanark Township, have the sincere sympathy of the community and a host of friends in the loss: of a devoted wife and mother. | Miller, Ellen (I31637)
1656 | 1935, Thursday June 6, The Almonte Gazette page 4 ?b?Mr James H. Bennett?/b? A popular citizen of long standing passed away in Almonte on Tuesday, June 4th, in the person of Jas H. Bennett. He was in his 75th year. Born in Glossop, Derbyshire, England, Mr Bennett came to Canada and settled in Almonte immediately after he left school. He entered the employ of the Rosamond Woolen Company, Limited, and there learned the textile business. He remained with the Company for 51 years and seven months, for a long period being overseer of the scouring and fulling departments. He retired from active work four years ago last October and on that occasion his outstanding record of service and his personal popularity were recognized by a banquet tendered him at the home of the President of the Company, Mr A.G. Rosamond. This was attended by the various heads of departments and the retiring employee was presented with a handsome clock and a purse of gold. Mr Bennett in his younger days took an interest in the work of several organizations and in municipal affairs. He served for nine years on the town council and the flag on the town hall was flown at half-mast for the last three days as a tribute to his memory. For upwards of 40 years he was secretary of the Sons of England and for a similar period he acted as secretary-treasurer of the Almonte Baptist Church, of which he was an active member and supporter. Mr Bennett's parents were the late John and Eliza Bennett. Fifty years ago he married Miss Margaret Lang of Almonte, a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Alexander Lang, and she is the only immediate relative who survives him. The funeral took place this (Thursday) afternoon at 2.30 o'clock from the family residence, Wilkinson street, to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Services were conducted at the home and graveside by Rev William Aird, pastor of the Baptist Church, and H.G. Dillimore, organist of Bethany Church, supplied the piano accompaniment for the hymns that were sung which were all favourites of the deceased. The pallbearers were department heads from "Number One," all old friends of the late Mr Bennett, namely: Andrew Elliott, James Barber, James Moncur, Robert Hogg, Nelson Washburn and Edward Nicholson. A profusion of floral offerings and the large attendance at the funeral testified to the high esteem in which deceased was held. He was one the Almonte's substantial citizens, extremely popular with all who knew him and his passing will be a source of much regret to large circle of friends. Relatives of Mrs Bennet present for the funeral were a nephew, Mr Harold Cockroft and his wife and a niece, Miss Eunice Cockroft of Woonsocket, R.I. and a cousin, Mrs Harry Porett of Ottawa. | Bennett, James Henry (I30507)
1657 | 1935, Thursday June 6, The Almonte Gazette page 4 ?b?Mr John Metcalfe?/b? There passed away at his home in Ramsay on May 29th, a member of one of Ramsay's pioneer families in the person of Mr John Metcalfe. Born on the homestead in 1866, where he always resided, he was a son of the late Hugh Metcalfe and his wife Jane McLean, he was also a grandson of the late James Metcalfe, the original locater who came to Ramsay more than a century ago. He was one of a family of nine sons and three daughters, whose names were as follows" James Laughlin, Robert, Alexander, Hugh, Henry, William, Dr A.A. The three sisters were Christena (Mrs J. Nicholson); Annie (Mrs H. Eccles); Jane (Mrs J. Watt). Of the entire family there remain one sister and three brothers, namely, Mrs James Watt of Ramsay; Alexander of Ramsay; William of North Dakota and Dr Archie A. of Almonte. The late Mr Metcalfe was married about 36 years ago to Miss Elizabeth Simpson, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs William Simpson of Ramsay. To this union were born a son and daughter: Mr Hugh of Arnprior and Annie, Mr Keller of Toronto. The funeral was held from the homestead on Friday, May 31st, at 2.30 p.m., to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Rev Wm Aird of Almonte Baptist church conducted services at the home and the grave. The pallbearers were two brothers Alexander and Dr A.A. Metcalfe, Wm Giles, Clifford Rivington, John Simpson and Wm Simpson. Always of a kindly charitable disposition the late Mr Metcalfe was greatly respected among his neighbours and friends whose sympathy goes out to surviving members of the family in there recent sad bereavement. | Metcalfe, John (I37113)
1658 | 1935, Thursday June 6, The Almonte Gazette page 4 Mr John Andrew Thom Following a comparatively brief illness the death occurred on Friday, May 31st, at the homestead in Pakenham, of Mr John Thom in his 74th year. Deceased was a son of the late William Thom and Catherine Sinclair, natives of Scotland, who came to Canada when they were quite young. Mr Thom was born and spent his lifetime on the farm where he passed away. In September of 1891 he married Miss Catharine Gilmour of Almonte, who survives together with a son and daughter, Fred of Almonte and Rebecca (Mrs L. Settlage of Detroit). There are also, two sisters and two brothers, namely, Margaret (Mrs Thomas Hamilton of Ottawa;) Mary (Mrs William Flett of Paisley, Ont.); Findlay of Pembroke and George of Vancouver. The late Mr Thom was a quiet man who devoted his main attention to his farm. The funeral was held Monday afternoon to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Services were conducted at the home and grave by Rev A.J. Fowlie assisted by Rev George Thom and Rev J. M. Rutherford. Pallbearers were: six cousins: Jas Thom, John Thom, Jas Thom, David Thom, John Turner and James Turner. | Thom, John Andrew (I27141)
1659 | 1935, Thursday May 23, The Almonte Gazette page 4 Nathaniel E. Rose There passed away at his home in Pakenham on May 19th, a man loved and respected by friends and neighbours, in the person of Mr Nathaniel Edward (Thane) Rose, the eldest son of the late Edward Rose and his wife Margaret Waddell. Born April 7th, 1858, he had reached a good old age. On December 12th 1893, he was married to Miss Margaret Frances Core of Baltimore, Md. To them were born two sons, Edward John on the homestead and James Francis of the Provincial Police, residing in Morrisburg. During his lengthy illness he was tenderly cared for by his wife and family who anticipated his every want and by neighbours who never ceased in their kind attention and service. A member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Almonte, he loved the house of God and attended regularly so long as health permitted. The sympathy of a host of friends and neighbours were shown on Tuesday, the 21st inst., at the funeral to the Auld Kirk cemetery. Services at the house and graveside were conducted by is pastor, Rev J.M. Rutherford, assisted by Rev C.D. McLellan of Bethany United Church. The casket was covered with beautiful flowers, among them being a wreath from the officers of No 9 sub-district Headquarters Provincial Police of Cornwall. The pallbearers were Messrs John Woods, J.S. Waddell, T.J. Bowes, J.W. Thom, John Waddell and Milton Lindsay. | Rose, Nathaniel Edward (I8564)
1660 | 1935, Thursday November 14, The Almonte Gazette front page ?b?Joseph E. Paul Called By Death?/b? Former Almonte Resident Passes Away In Carleton Place After a somewhat brief illness, Mr Joseph E. Paul, one of our esteemed citizens, passed away at his home on William Street, in the early hours of Sunday morning, of a heart affection. Mr Paul was in his 76th year. He was born in Admaston, Renfrew county, in December 1859, a son of the late Robert L. Paul and his wife Sarah Houston. After receiving his early schooling he took a commercial course in a Brockville college and later went into business in Clayton village, which he conducted successfully for some years. After disposing of this business he moved to Almonte, where he resided for many years and about three years ago came to Carleton Place. Mr Paul was twice married, his first wife, Margaret Rath predeceased him, leaving three sons - Robert, Clare and Everett. Clare enlisted in the Great War and beame one of Canada's Heroes who gave their lives for the cause of democracy. Robert died four years ago. and Everett whose home is in Montreal, was at his father's bedside when the final summons came. Three years ago Mr Paul married Isabella Wilson Butler, who predeceased him by some 13 months. One brother and three sisters survive - W.B. Paul, of Stittsville; Mrs Geo Robertson and Mrs Alex Rath of Clayton, and Mrs Wm Robertson of Hailbury. Mr Paul was a member of the Anglican Church and a member of the Masonic Order belonging to Mississippi Lodge, Almonte. He was fond of music, had been a former member of the Almonte Band and was latterly of the Band here, and the members of both these organization attended at the funeral and paid the last tribute of respect to their late comrade. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon to St James Church, where the service was conducted by Rev Mr Bruce, assisted by Rev J.J. Lowe of Almonte. Before leaving the home the Mason conducted a brief service. At St Paul's cemetery, Almonte, the Masonic service was concluded by Bros D.H. Taylor, Dr W.M. Johnson and Ernest Adams. The pallbearers were Bros D.B. Taylor, John Lindsay, Ed Nicholson, Edgar Lee, Thos Barclay and Chas Baird. Many floral tributes were received. Amongst them, wreaths from: Mississippi Lodge No 147, A.F. and A.M., Almonte, Carleton Place, Horticultural Society and Carleton Place Band. Amongst those present from out of town were Mrs R. Paul, Mrs J.J. Dunlop and Mrs J.A. Charboneau, of Ottawa, Mr and Mrs Robert Wilson, Mr Harry Wilson and Mrs Dr Samis, of Lanark. | Paul, Joseph E. (I40477)
1661 | 1935, Thursday November 28, The Almonte Gazette, page 5 MIDDLEVILLE Miss Jennie Barr attended the funeral of her grandfather, Mr. James Watt Sr. on Wednesday afternoon. .... Messrs. George Taylor and son Arch and Mr. Albert Affleck attended the funeral of Mr. James W att Sr., Ramsay. Interment was made in Greenwood cemetery, Middleville. | Watt, James Sr. (I18149)
1662 | 1935, Thursday October 3, The Almonte Gazette front page Middleville Another of the older residents of our village, Mr. James H. Rodger, passed on to the spirit world last Friday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Finlay Ramsbottom. He had reached the age of 85 years and 3 months, and during his lifetime was seldom seriously ill, but for a few years his heart had caused him uneasiness and his sudden demise was due to this weakness when walking around the home. Mr. Rodger was married to Ellen Miller in the year, 1875, and to this union there was a family of five daughters and three sons, Jessie A., Mrs. Charles Ramsbottom, Lanark; Harry L., Maggie, Mrs. Finlay Ramsbottom, Ferguson's, Falls; William S. of Almonte; Nellie, Mrs. Welland McKay of Ramsay; James of Almonte; Edna, Mrs. Robert Woods of Arklan; Eva, Mrs. Wm. Rintoul. Galbraith. The large funeral services Sunday afternoon were conducted at the home of Mrs. Finlay Ramsbottom, thence to United church Middleville, by the pastors, Rev. Snelgrove and Rev. McLean of Lanark. The six grandsons who acted as pallbearers were: James and John Rodger, John Rintoul, Wilbert McKay, Lloyd Ramsbottom, Roy Rodger and four grand-daughters were flower bearers, Eleanor Rintoul, Mildred and Margaret Ramsbottom and Ella Rodger. Another nephew Mr. Geo. Rodger was requested to sing "Will the Circle Be Unbroken." | Rodger, James H. (I31636)
1663 | 1935, Thursday October 31, The Almonte Gazette, front page Mrs A. Cochran Of Ramsay Passes, At Age of 79 Years Deceased Took Active Part, In Social and Religious Work Attended by a host of friends and relatives from this district and more distant points, the funeral of the late Mrs Andrew Cochran was held on Sunday afternoon from the family residence, Seventh concession of Ramsay, to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Mrs Cochran was one of the best known and most highly respected citizens of the North Lanark section. Her maiden name was Catherine Wilson and she was born in Lanark Township in 1856, a daughter of the late Catherine and Daniel Wilson. In 1883 she married Andrew Cochran, prominent Ramsay farmer, who survives her. At the time of her death early Saturday morning, Mrs Cochran had reached the advanced age of 79 years. Left to mourn Mrs Cochran, in addition to the husband, are four sons and one daughter, namely, Alex of Ramsay, Wilson of Sudbury, Milton of the homestead, Kenneth of Portland, Oregon, and Isobel, Mrs W.A. Jamieson of Almonte. Another son, Lieut Robert H. Cochran fell in the World War. Three sisters and four brothers also survive. They are Mrs Angus Sutherland and Miss Hattie of Almonte; Mrs Harold Philips of Regina; R.C. Wilson of Toronto; J.W.S. Wilson of Arnprior; Howard Wilson of Lloydminster, Sask., and William Wilson of Clayton. Some idea of the active interest taken by the late Mrs Cochran in the social and religious activities of the district may be gained from the following facts in connection with her long life. A member of the Presbyterian church and a life member of the Women's Missionary Society since 1912, she always took an active part in every organization of the church. She was the first president of the Almonte Branch of the Women's Institute and also organized the branches at Clayton and Antrim. She was a member of the Alexandra Club and an honourary director of the N.L.A.S. for many years. Funeral services were conducted at the home and grave on Sunday afternoon by Rev A.J. Fowlie, pastor of Almonte Presbyterian Church, assisted by Rev J.M. Rutherford of the Reformed Presbyterian Church; Rev Wm Aird of the Baptist Church and Rev Andrew McLauchlin of Trinity United Church. The pallbearers were: Wilbert Cochran, Wm Jamieson, Sylvester Moir, Andrew Stewart, James Steele, and Wm Philip. Among the many floral tributes were those from the Presbyterian Church; Women's Institute; Canadian Legion; Granite Chapter of Royal Arch Mason and Mississippi Lodge A.F. & A.M. The death of Mrs Cochran is widely regretted breaking as it does another link with the historic past. The sympathy of a large circle of friends is extended to surviving members of the family. | Wilson, Catherine Emilia (I18699)
1664 | 1935, Thursday September 5, The Almonte Gazette front page Mrs William Rodger Largely attended by friends and relatives the funeral of Mrs William Rodger was held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late residence, Almonte street, to the Auld Kirk cemetery. Rev James Foote of St Andrew's church, Carleton Place, conducted the services. The pallbearers were Messrs J. Emo, E. Manson, E. Somerville, J. Rodger, R. Rodger and W. McKay. The numerous floral tributes testified to the high esteem in which deceased was held. The late Mrs Rodger had been in ill health for about nine months and passed away Friday night. Born 55 years ago at Middleville, the daughter of the late John Somerville and Katherine Ballantyne, she had made her home there until 13 years ago when she moved to Almonte. She was married 27 years ago to William Rodger, who survives her. Left to mourn besides her husband are one daughter, Miss Ethel Rodger of town, and six sisters and two brothers, namely, (Rachel) Mrs Thomas Manson, Middleville; (Nellie) Mrs E. Lynch, Dakota, Wash; (Kate) Mrs Wm Penman, Gilbert Plains, Man.; (Olive), Mrs Bruce Bell, Winnipeg, Man.; (Lily) Mrs Wm McIntyre, Almonte; (Sarah) Mrs Sarah Breesnee, Moosejaw, Sask, and John L. and James of Middleville. | Somerville, Caroline G. (I31605)
1665 | 1935, Wednesday April 3, The Carleton Place Herald front page Edward John Houston of Almonte The death occurred Monday morning, of Edward John Houston, aged 79 years. he was born in Almonte, a son of the late Isabel Harrison and Robert Houston. Early in life he learned the bricklaying trade which he followed until passing years forced him to retire from active work. Mr Houston worked on most of the brick building erected in Almonte during the active period of his life, including the Penman plant on Mill street. Mr Houston married Mary Trail of Darling, who passed away some years ago. For many years he lived with his son James Houston, and following his death, two years ago, continued to live at the home of his daughter-in-law. he is survived by William of Carleton Place, and Mrs William Lockhart (Jean) of Almonte. Two sons James and Edward jr., predeceased him, the latter falling in the World War. There are also two brothers, Thomas of Arnprior, and William of Almonte. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock services being conducted at the home and the grave by Rev. A. McLauchlin. Pallbearers were Harry, Alex., Charles and George Houston. | Houston, Edward John (I27560)
1666 | 1935, Wednesday February 6, The Carleton Place Herald, front page Mrs. B. Craig-Albright The death occurred last week at Lucas Hospital, Toledo Ohio, of Bertha Ethel Craig, beloved wife of Milton H. Albright, of Toledo. Deceased was the second daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Thomas Craig, and was born on the eighth line of Ramsay. She was a graduate of the Mount Sinai Hospital School of Nursing, Cleveland, Ohio. Thirteen years ago she was married to Mr Albright, who predeceased her just three months ago. She is survived by two sisters and one brother: (Emma), Mrs J.A. Hough, White Lake; Miss Effie Craig, Masselon, Ohio, and Thomas F. Craig on the homestead in Ramsay. The funeral, which was largely attended, took place from the home of G.L. Comba, in Almonte last Friday afternoon to the Auld Kirk cemetery. Rev. A.J. Fowlie, pastor of St John's Presbyterian church, conducted the services. The pallbearers were: William Munroe, Milton Moore, Charles Burke, Herbert Goodfellow, Jack Gleeson, and Edward Gilmour | Craig, Betha Ethel (I24207)
1667 | 1935, Wednesday July 3, The Carleton Place Herald page 8 Mrs Allan Naismith Largely attended by friends and relatives, the funeral of Mrs Allan Naismith, who died Saturday morning was held Sunday afternoon from her late residence, Colburne street, Almonte. Interment was in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Rev C.D. McLellan of Bethany church conducted the service. The Pallbearers were John Lindsay, Albert Naismith and four nephews, John, Robert, Gravelle, and Fred Toshack. The late Mrs Naismith had been ill only three weeks and her passing was quite unexpected. Deceased, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Snedden, was born 78 years ago in Ramsay township, a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Snedden, pioneers settlers of Ramsay. Surviving her are three sisters and one brother, namely Agnes Snedden, Almonte; (Annie) Mrs G. Toshack of Ramsay; (Margaret) Mrs F.W. Turnbull, Regina and James Snedden of Big Creek, California. | Snedden, Elizabeth (I19407)
1668 | 1935, Wednesday November 27, The Carleton Place Herald, front page Miss Jane Goodfellow The funeral of the late Miss Jane Goodfellow, of Ramsay, was attended by large numbers of friends and relatives who gathered Monday afternoon at the home on the 8th line of Ramsay. Rev C.D. McLellan, of Almonte, presided at the services at the home and graveside. The pallbearers were Messrs. John McAllister, William Smithson, Richard Smithson, Peter Ferguson, George Arnott and Norman Paul. Interment was made in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. The late Miss Goodfellow had been ill for only a week and her death on Friday came as a great shock. Born 55 years ago in Ramsay, the daughter of Anne Craig and Thomas Goodfellow, she had made her home on the homestead. Surviving her are four brothers, Thomas and William Goodfellow, with whom she resided, and Herbert and Robert, of Ramsay township | Goodfellow, Jane (I24198)
1669 | 1936, Monday June 1, The Ottawa Journal, page 14 W.T Urquhart Dies in Hospital Former Official of Customs Department in Ill Health Short Time One of the best known figures in the social religious and sporting life of the Capital, William Thomas Urquhart, a founder and most active member for many years of the Ottawa Lawn Bowling Club, and an elder of the Presbyterian Church, died at the local hospital late Sunday evening. Mr Urquhart was one of most enthusiastic bowlers in Ottawa and district and was a consistent winner in competitions for years. His death will be mourned by all who had been associated with him in the Ottawa cub, as well as members of the Presbyterian congregations of the city and former colleagues in the Government service. Born in Western Ontario, Mr Urquhart had lived in Brantford, Ont., for some time before coming to Ottawa about 40 years ago. He had entered the Government service here, and was one of the most popular members of the Customs Branch, until his retirement on superannuation about four years ago, holding the pos of Chief Clerk of the refunds Branch. Formerly a leading member and elder of the former Glebe Presbyterian Church, Mr Urquhart had continued his allegiance to the denomination and associated himself with St Giles Presbyterian Church, in which he was one of the prominent members, and an elder. He was representative elder for St Giles Church in the Montreal-Ottawa Presbytery. He was a member of Oddfellows' Harmony Lodge No 115, Brantford, Ont. He had been in ill-health for only a few days. His death in his 73rd year occurred following his removal to hospital. Mr Urquhart's wife died several years ago, but he is survived by two sons, Gordon, of the Customs Department, and Robert, and by three daughters. Mrs R. Lorne Stead and Misses Christina and Jessie Urquahart, all of Ottawa. The funeral will be held at 2.30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 3, from the funeral parlours of George B. Burney and Son, 338 Somerset street west, to St Giles Presbyterian Church, where the service will be conducted by Rev J. Logan-Vencta, pastor assisted by Rev T. J. Thompson, of Glebe United Church. Interment will be made at Auld Kirk cemetery, Almonte, Ont. 1936, Thursday June 4,The Almonte Gazette, page 4 Mr W.T. Urquhart The remains of the late W.T. Urquhart were brought to Almonte Wednesday afternoon by motor hearse and interment was made in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Previous to leaving Ottawa the body was taken from the funeral parlours of George D. Burney & Son to St Giles Presbyterian Church, where the service was conducted by Rev J. Logan-Vencta, pastor, assisted by Rev T.J. Thompson of Glebe United Church. Mr Urquhart was twice married, his second wife, who passed away in 1930, being Meda Young, a daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Young, of Ottawa, formerly of Almonte. Surviving are two children by the first marriage, Gordon Urquhart and Mrs Lorne Stead (Jean); by the second marriage, one son Robert and two daughters, the Misses Christena and Jessie, all of Ottawa. Mr Urquhart died in an Ottawa hospital, Sunday night, following a brief illness. Mr Urquhart was one of the most enthusiastic bowlers in Ottawa and district and was a consistent winner in competitions for years. His death will be mourned by all who had been associated with him in the Ottawa club, as well as members of the Presbyterian congregation of the city and former colleagues in the Government service. Born in Western Ontario, Mr Urquhart had lived in Brantford, Ont, for some time before coming to Ottawa about 40 years ago. He had entered the Government service there and was one of the most popular members of the Customs Branch, until his retirement on superannuation about four years ago, holding the post of Chief Clerk of the Refunds Branch. Formerly a leading member and elder of the former Glebe Presbyterian Church, Mr Urquhart had continued his allegiance to the denomination and associated himself with St Giles Presbyterian Church, Ottawa, in which he was one of the prominent members, and an elder. He was representative elder for St Giles' Church in the Montreal-Ottawa Presbytery. He was a member of Oddfellows' Harmony Lodge, No 115, Brantford, Ont. | Urquhart, William Thomas (I29200)
1670 | 1936, Thursday April 30, The Almonte Gazette front page John A. Sutherland Fitting tribute was paid to the memory of John A. Sutherland by the large concourse of friends and relatives who gathered for his funeral held Saturday afternoon from his late residence, St George street. Rev C.D. McLellan of Bethany United church, conducted services at the home and graveside. Interment was in the Auld Kirk cemetery. The pallbearers were four nephews, Lloyd Sutherland of Toronto, Travers and David Sutherland of Ottawa, and William of Union Hall. Included in the numerous floral tributes were wreaths from the teachers and pupils of Pakenham Public School. The late Mr Sutherland was well and favourably known, and his death on Thursday after a brief illness was quite unexpected. Born 78 years ago at Union Hall, the son of the late William Ritchie Sutherland and Jessie Campbell, pioneer settlers of that district. Mr Sutherland grew to manhood there and on August 12, 1896, he was married to Jennie Stevenson, and they moved to Almonte, where he was in the employ of the Singer Sewing Machine Company up until the time of his death. Left to mourn his loss besides his widow is one son, John of Almonte. A brother William of Ottawa, also survives. | Sutherland, John Alexander (I23905)
1671 | 1936, Thursday August 6 , The Almonte Gazette front page ?b?Mr John Neilson Smith?/b? A pioneer of the 11th line, Ramsay, passed away at his residence in Almonte on Tuesday night, in the person of Mr John N. Smith, after an illness of about eight months, Mr Smith was in 83rd year, having passed his 82nd birthday on July 27. He was born in 1854 on the Smith Farm on the 11th line, the second son of the late William and Mrs Smith. Deceased resided on the home farm for the 30 years of his life, with a short interval in the Northwest. later Mr Smith purchased the adjoining farm, now occupied by Mr Joseph Symington. After some years he moved to Almonte. Being of a mechanical turn he went into business. Mr Smith married Miss Lillian Manning, daughter of the late Rev J.W. Manning. To them was born one son William Manning, marine engineer of New York City, who with his mother survive him. Mr Smith is also survived by one brother, the Hon Justice Robert Smith of Ottawa, and two sisters, Misses Agnes and Mary Smith of Almonte. Two brothers, William of Arnprior and James of the home farm, predeceased him, also one sister Miss Jean. The late Mr Smith was a man of rare mechanical ability, with a natural bent for handcraft in wood and metals. He was a staunch Liberal in politics. In religion he was a Presbyterian and strictly honest in principle and practice. The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon. Rev A.J. Fowlie will be the officiating clergymen, assisted by Rev Geo Thom, cousin of deceased. | Smith, John Neilson (I42418)
1672 | 1936, Thursday December 10, The Almonte Gazette front page GEO. E. PATERSON CALLED BY DEATH Well-known Ramsay Farmer Passes Away After Two Months' Illness Mr. George E. Paterson, a well-known and respected resident Ramsay Township passed away early Saturday morning in his 77th year, following two months illness of pneumonia. Deceased was a son of the late William Paterson and his wife, Margaret Paterson of Paisley, Scotland, and was born on the farm, 6th concession of Ramsay, Where he died. This farm which had been purchased by the late Mr. Paterson's father would have been 76 years in possession of two generations of the family had he lived a short time longer. In his earlier days Mr. Paterson spent several years in Manitoba and North Dakota, but with that exception, his life was lived on the homestead which he farmed in partnership with his brother William until the latter's death 10 years ago. The late Mr. Paterson never married. He was a fine, substantial citizen and was blessed with a kindly disposition that won him many staunch friends. He was one of a family of ten the only surviving member of which is Dr. T. R. Paterson of Almonte. Other members of the family that predeceased him were: James, who was a veteran of the Northwest Rebellion and was afterwards killed in Mexico where he was engaged in mining operations; William, who farmed in Ramsay; Robert, who was in business as a merchant in Almonte, and afterwards went west, to Saskatchewan, where he died; Dr. John H., who died at Bow Island, Alta.; and Hugh, Mary, David and Agnes who passed away in childhood. The funeral which was largely attended took place from the late residence of deceased, Sunday afternoon, under Masonic auspices, Mr. Paterson having been a member of Mississippi Lodge, Almonte. Rev. .Geo. D. Empey of Blakeney and Clayton United Churches, conducted the service and interment was made in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. The pallbearers were: John R. Reid, Archie McArthur, Milton Cochran, Nelson Washburn, Jno. Lindsay and James Edmonds. | Paterson, George E. (I7299)
1673 | 1936, Thursday February 13, The Almonte Gazette page 4 News of Almonte And District F.M. Young After an illness which began shortly before Christmas, Francis (Frank) Murdock Young, retired railroad man and resident of this town for many years, passed away early Monday morning at the age of 79. Born in Appleton, Ont, when the nineteenth century was barely half finished, Mr Young spent his youth and early manhood in this district in the historic period which led up to Confederation. Moving to Almonte at an early age, Mr Young worked in the woollen mills there, later moving to North Bay. In the Northern Ontario city he entered the service of the C.P.R., in which he remained until the time of his retirement in 1924, when he returned to Almonte. The late Mr Young and his wife were married on April 21, 1885, at Pembroke, and were honoured by a host of friends when their golden jubilee was celebrated in April last year. He is survived by his widow, formerly Mary Ann Cattell, who is four years his junior; four sisters, Mrs Agnes Munroe, Carleton Place; Mrs William France, Marcellus, N.Y.; Mrs Marion Reid, Powell avenue, Ottawa, and Mrs Harriett McNaughton, Lacombe, Alta; one son, V.M Young, Byron street, Ottawa; one daughter, Mrs J. A. Campbell, of Regina, and three grandchildren, Vivien Campbell and Constance and Betty Anne Young of Ottawa. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon service being held at the home under the auspices of Alpha Lodge I.O.O.F. after which the body was conveyed to the Almonte Presbyterian Church where a second service was conducted by the pastor. Rev A.J. Fowlie, assisted by the Rev J.M. Rutherford of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. The remains were placed in the Auld Kirk Cemetery vault. Brethren of Alpha Lodge acted as pallbearers. Among those attending the funeral from a distance were: Mrs Maynard Peterkin, Mrs J.A. McLachin, Mrs Marion Reid and Mr Andrew Templeton, all of Ottawa and Mr Bruce Munro, Mrs Geo Campbell, Mrs H. Sedman of Carleton Place. Among the floral offerings were pieces from Alpha Lodge I.O.O.F.; B.R.C. of A., No 192, North Bay; Board of Managers and Ladies' Aid of Almonte Presbyterian Church; business office and classified department of Ottawa Citizen. | Young, Francis Murdock "Frank" (I15154)
1674 | 1936, Thursday January 16, The Almonte Gazette page 4 Robert Stewart There passed away on Saturday morning, Jan 4th, 1936, a well known and highly respected resident of Ramsay Township in the person of Robert Stewart. Deceased was the youngest son of the late James Stewart and his wife Ellen Brown, and was the last of ten children, five boys and five girls. He was born August 17th, 1844, on the farm where his son Andrew now lives. Mr Stewart was twice married, his first wife was Agnes Stewart whom he married in 1869. To this union were born eight children, two sons and six daughters, namely, Agnes, Mrs David Fender, Pakenham; Ellen, Mrs Chas W. Bowes, Dundurn; Marion, Mrs Chas D. Young, Issaquah, Wash; Belle, Mrs J.K. Houston, Winnipeg; James, deceased; Margaret, Mrs J.B. Jack, deceased; Andrew on the homestead and Mayme, Mrs Geo W. Boal of Pakenham. His second wife was Jessie Rath who died six years ago. To them was born one daughter, Roberta, Mrs R.S. Jack of Ramsay. Mr Stewart was the eldest of a family of five generations. He leaves 24 grandchildren, 39 great grand-children and three great great-grandchildren. The funeral which was largely attended was held on Sunday, Jan 5th, from the home of Mr and Mrs David Fender. Rev G.A. Goth of Pakenham, preached a very impressive funeral sermon. The pallbearers were R.M. Boal, George Boal, J.S. Paterson, J.R. Reid, Russell Innis and Gordon Boal. Floral tributes included a wreath from the family. | Stewart, Robert (I2852)
1675 | 1936, Thursday January 2, The Almonte Gazette front page ?b?Mrs G. M. Gemmill?/b? Attended by many friends and relatives the funeral of Robena May Willoughby, wife of George M. Gemmill, took place at Almonte on Thursday January 2nd. The Late Mrs Gemmill who was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs George W. Willoughby of Ottawa, was born in Almonte and with the exception of a few years in Ottawa, had spent her life in her home town. She was married to r. George M. Gemmill on Nov 7th, 1916 and is survived by her husband, one son Arthur, her parents and sister Myrtle and brother Graydon. The late Mrs. Gemmill was actively identified with church work in which she took a great interest, holding office in the Ladies' Aid and Missionary Societies of Trinity United Church of which she was a member. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Andrew McLauchlin, assisted by Rev. Mr. C.D. McLellan of Bethany United Church, interment being made in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Almonte. The pallbearers were Dr. J.K. Kelly, W.G. Kelly, Thorpe Kelly and R.D. Kelly. Numerous floral offerings and messages of sympathy were received including wreaths from Trinity Church, The Ladies' Aid, The Almonte High School and Mississippi Lodge A.F.& A.M. | Willoughby, Robena May (I35619)
1676 | 1936, Thursday January 30, The Almonte Gazette page 8 Death Summonses Mrs A. Stevenson Native of Union Hall Section Dies At Perth Aged Ninety Years. The funeral of Mrs Andrew Stevenson was held from the home of her daughter, Mrs J.A. Sutherland, George street, Almonte, on Saturday afternoon. She had passed away Thursday, Jan 23rd, at the home of her son, William, in Perth, at the great age of 90 years. The remains were removed to Almonte and the funeral service was conducted by Rev S.D. McLellan of Bethany United Church. Interment will be made in the Auld Kirk Cemetery in the Spring. The pallbearers were D.B. Taylor, Jack Barker, Grant Dunlop and Jack Lindsay. Among the many numerous floral tributes were tokens from Mississippi Lodge A.F. and A.M., No 147, Ontario Eastern Star, Perth; Staff of the Public School, Perth; The Choir and Women's Auxiliary of St Paul's United Church, Perth; Bethany Choir, Almonte; and the staff of Wellington Street Public School, Ottawa. Mrs Stevenson was widely known around Almonte having resided here for more than 35 years, moving to Perth six years ago, where her son William is organist and choir leader of St Paul's United Church. Deceased had been in poor health for some time. She was one of the oldest residents of Lanark County. Mrs Stevenson whose maiden name was Sarah Taylor, was born at Union Hall, Ramsay Township, 90 years ago, a daughter of the late John and Ann Taylor. Seventy years ago she was married to Andrew Stevenson who died 27 years ago. To this union were born 10 children, of whom seven survive, four daughters and three sons namely: Mrs J.A. Sutherland, Almonte; Mrs D.J. Thompson, Vancouver, Mrs C. James, Almonte; Mrs Thos Kedey, Fitzroy Harbour; Daniel at Jordan, Sask; John of Drake, Sask, and William at Perth. Miss Lena Robertson of the staff of the Wellington Street Public School, Ottawa, is a granddaughter. Among those attending the funeral from a distance were Miss Vera Manders, Mrs Palmer and Mrs Gerald Palmer, Mrs A.E. Hanna, Miss Gladys Buchanan, Mrs Spencer, Miss Florence Thomas, Mr and Mrs Harry McIntosh, Mr Munn and Mr Roy Clark, all of Perth. | Taylor, Sarah (I41599)
1677 | 1936, Thursday March 12, The Almonte Gazette, page 5 Mrs. Charles James Although she had been ailing for some time the death of Mrs. Charles James on Thursday morning, March 5th, came as a distinct shock to her many relatives and friends in and around Almonte. The funeral, which was largely attended, was held last Saturday afternoon, from the family residence, Martin Street, to St. Paul's church where service was conducted by the rector, Rev. J . J. Lowe. The remains were placed in the Anglican vault. The pallbearers were: Walter James Hugh McLachlan, Alan Carswell, Edward James, Robert Boyd and William C. Smithson. Mrs. James, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Dolan, was born in Westport, County of Mayo, Ireland, 74 years ago, a daughter of the late John and Elizabeth Dolan. She came to Canada with her parents, 10 years later and settled at Almonte. Forty-one years ago, she married Charles James at Brockville and after residing at Massena, NY., for some time, Mr. and Mrs. James, in 1914, removed to Almonte. Surviving in addition to her husband are two daughters and one son: Maud, Mrs. Clarence Leishman, Almonte; Beatrice, Mrs. Dan Leach, Carleton Place, and John of Syracuse, N.Y. A son Ross died as a result of an accident in 1917. There also survives one sister, Miss Fannie Dolan, of Almonte. Mrs. James was highly regarded by a large circle of friends who will greatly regret her passing. She was a devout member of St. Paul's Anglican Church and always took a keen interest in its welfare. Among the floral tributes were offerings from the office staff of the Continental Can Company and the Continental Can Assurance Co. of Syracuse, N. Y.; the Almonte Badminton Club and the staff and pupils of the Almonte High School, Out of town people attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Horace Dummert, Misses Betty Dummert; Carrie and Ria Dolan, Carleton Place; Mrs. Marshall Van Allan, of Perth; Mrs. Vern H. Brown and Mrs. Henry Ormond, Ottawa; Mrs. Robert Metcalfe, Pakenham ; Mr. Sam James and Mr. Earl Halpenny, Ashton; Mr. Dan Earner, Mr. Fred Earner, Mrs. Robt. Earner and Mrs. Jessie McPherson, Smiths Falls. | Dolan, Elizabeth (I29241)
1678 | 1936, Wednesday November 4, The Carleton Place Herald front page The Late W.J. Wilson The death occurred on Friday last, of Wm J. Wilson, who for over half a century had been a resident of Carleton Place, at his home on Grant Street. Deceased was a son of Warren Wilson, of Manotick, and was born there, May 5, 1860. He was educated in the district schools and came to Carleton Place in 1883, entering the services of the C.P.R. and was yardmaster here for some years. Besides his widow, he is survived by three sons and two daughters, W.C. and P.R. Wilson, of Carleton Place; R.H., of London, Ont; and Mrs Lorne Griffith and Mrs Ross Dowdall, of Carleton Place, also one brother, Charles Wilson, of Gananoque, and two sisters, Mrs Fred Pearson, of Toronto, and Mrs Robert Fee, of Manotick. His funeral took place on Sunday afternoon to the Auld Kirk cemetery, Almonte, the service being conducted by Rev James Foote. The pallbearers were Messrs R.D. Carmichael, And Arbuckle, J.C. Elliot, Robt Armour, Wm Hawkins and Richard Kidd. | Wilson, William John (I24745)
1679 | 1937, Thursday April 15, The Almonte Gazette page 4 Mrs Andrew Dunlop The death occurred on Saturday morning, April 10, at the home of son-in-law, Mr Wilbert Porterfield, Lake Avenue, Carleton Place of a life-long resident of Almonte, in the person of Mrs Andrew Dunlop, after a lengthy illness. Born in Ramsay, a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs James Gilmour, pioneers of this township, deceased was married to Andrew Dunlop, overseer in the Rosamond Woolen Co., 59 years ago, by the late Rev Mr Lougheed. Mr C.D. Millar was best man and Miss Margaret Gilmour, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. Of late years, Mr and Mrs Dunlop had been in the habit of spending the winter with Mr and Mrs Porterfield. Besides her husband, five daughters and two sons survive: Ethel (Mrs W.J. Porterfield) of Carleton Place; Gertrude (Mrs H.S. Reynolds) of Calgary, Alta; Inez (Mrs C.H. Ley) Toronto; Olga (Mrs A.W. Roberts) of Berlin, Germany; Roberta (Mrs Gordon Brown) of Ottawa; Frank of Ottawa and Russell of Calgary. Two daughters predeceased their other, Jessie, the late Mrs Thompson of Fort William, and Miss Delice of Almonte. Two sisters also survive: Mrs Frank Stevens of Ogdensburg, N.Y., and Mrs James Kelly of Los Angeles, Cal. The funeral was held from her late residence, Carleton Street, on Monday, April 12, at 2.30 p.m. to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Rev C.D. McLellan conducted the service, assisted by Rev D.C. Munro of Memorial Park Church, Carleton Place. Both clergymen spoke very feelingly of the noble and kindly qualities of the deceased, so evident during the period of her prolonged illness. The pallbearers were Mr W.C. Pollock, Mr Robert Hogg, Mr Geo Clement of Almonte; three sons-in-law Mr C.H. Ley, Toronto, Mr Gordon Brown of Ottawa and Mr W.J. Porterfield, Carleton Place. Out-of-town friends and relatives were: Mr and Mrs Frank Dunlop, Ottawa; Mr and Mrs C.H. Ley, Toronto; Mr and Mrs Gordon Brown, Ottawa; Mrs Frank Stevens, Ogdensburg, N.Y.; Mr and Mrs Frank Proctor, Ogdensburg; Mr Herbert Caldwell, Mr and Mrs Leonard Caldwell, Claude Caldwell, Miss Audrey Caldwell of Brockville; Mrs A.C. Gilmour and granddaughter Pauline Mrs Wilfred Bryan, Mr and Mrs Thos Kearns of Ottawa; Mr and Mrs H.D. Gilmour and Marjorie, Mr and Mrs Chas Caldwell, Mrs R. Munshaw, Mrs J.A. Johnston, Carleton Place. Floral tributes testifying to the high esteem in which deceased was held were received from Mississippi Lodge A.F. & A.M., Renfrew Woollen Mills, Post Office Department, Ottawa, The Ottawa Dairy, Almonte W.I., together with many personal contributions. In view of the long period of time the late Mrs Dunlop was identified with the community's life it was with deep sorrow that the citizens of Almonte, marked the passing of one endowed with such estimable qualities. Family Members | Gilmour, Agnes Lindsay (I26180)
1680 | 1937, Thursday February 4, The Almonte Gazette page 4 Mrs A.A. Metcalfe Following a lengthy illness the death occurred on Tuesday, Feb 2nd, of Mrs A.A. Metcalfe, at the family home, Main street, Almonte. Mrs Metcalfe's health became impaired some five years ago and she had been confined to her bed for the past two years. In the end death came as a result of an attack of pneumonia. Deceased was the former Isabella Mitchell McCallum She was born in Argylshire, Scotland, near Oban, a daughter of the late Archie McCallum and his wife Ellen Shannon, the latter of Irish extraction. Mrs Metcalfe's early years were spent in this Highland environment where she was as much at home in the Gaelic as in the English language. At the age of fifteen her father died and the mother and family moved to St Andrews and later to Edinburgh,, where Mrs Metcalfe took courses in domestic science that fitted her to make her own way in life. She came to Canada, in 1898, and in 1900 was married to Dr A.A. Metcalfe, wellknown physician of this town. She visited her old home in Scotland in 1903 and again in 1928. On this last mentioned occasion she sailed in the summer and was prevailed upon to remain over until her birthday in September. This was the last time she was to see her mother who died a few months after Mrs Metcalfe's return to Almonte. Mrs Metcalfe was fond of outdoor exercise and was an enthusiastic horticulturalist. She took pride in her flowers and was a frequent exhibitor at exhibitions of the local branch of the Horticultural Society of which she was a member for many years. The late Mrs Metcalfe was fond of music and was an accomplished singer. While at home in the general field of music she was especially fond of Scotch songs. She sang frequently in the church choir and was a member of the Confederation Choir in 1927. She was a member of Trinity United Church. One of a large family Mrs Metcalfe leaves three sisters and two brothers, namely, Mrs William Guthrie (Flora) of Glasgow; Mary, a war nurse now following her profession in London; Nellie at home in St Andrews and Duncan and Robert at the old home in Argylshire. The funeral was held from the family home, Main street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Services were conducted by Rev Andrew McLauchlin of Trinity United Church and a favourite hymn of deceased was sung. Pallbearers were Messrs W.C. Pollock, Percy Grieg, J.B. Illingsworth, W.A. James, Andrew Elliott and Alex McDonald. Mrs Metcalfe was a home loving woman whose kindly disposition was always to the fore. She bore her long illness with great patience and fortitude. A year ago last May, her niece Miss Ishael McKenzie Guthrie, a registered nurse from Glasgow, came out to attend her and she was with the aunt up to the time when death came. A profusion of floral tributes from relatives, friends and public bodies bore tribute to the esteem in which deceased was held and to the sympathy felt for the husband, Dr. Metcalfe, who is left to mourn the passing of his wife. | McCullum, Isabella Mackenzie (I34587)
1681 | 1937, Thursday January 7,The Almonte Gazette page 4 Mr Jas A. Gilmour Many friends and relatives were present, Sunday morning at the funeral of James Allan Gilmour, highly respected resident of Kingston, Ont., who died on Friday, January 1st, at the Kingston General Hospital. The funeral was held from his home, Princess Street, Kingston, Rev H.W. Cliff officiating at the service and also accompanying the funeral cortege by motor to Almonte, burial taking place in Auld Kirk Cemetery. A Masonic service was held at Mr Gilmour's late residence Saturday evening when full Masonic honours were accorded. Several members of the Order accompanied the remains to Almonte. The late Mr Gilmour was born at Almonte, 61 years ago, the son of Mrs Gilmour and the late Allan A. Gilmour. Although in failing health for some time, Mr Gilmour's death was sudden and his numerous friends were deeply shocked to hear of his passing. Surviving are his aged mother of Ottawa, his widow, Jennie Thurlow, one daughter, Miss Jean, one son George Allan of Kingston, also two sisters in Ottawa, Mrs J.A. McLachlin and Mrs J.W. Lockhart. Numerous telegrams and floral tributes were received testifying to the esteem in which Mr Gilmour was held. Many out-of-town friends were present at the funeral. Pallbearers at Kingston were members of the Masonic Order and those at the cemetery were: Mr Harold Osborne, Mr James Ingram, Mr Mace Madell, Mr Leonard Martin, of Kingston, Mr Lindsay Thurlow of Carleton Place, Mr J.A. McLachlin of Ottawa, and Mr Hugh Thurlow of Napanee. | Gilmour, James Allan (I12886)
1682 | 1937, Thursday May 20,The Almonte Gazette, page 4 Mrs Robert Young The many friends of Mrs Robert Young will be shocked to learn of her death which occurred after a brief illness at her home, 240 Fifth Avenue at an early hour, Wednesday morning. Mrs Young was in her 85th year. Born July 3rd, 1853, on the Ninth Line of Ramsay, the eldest daughter of the late John MacFarlane and Agnes Baird, Christena MacFarlane resided at her home until her marriage in 1875, to Robert Young of the Mississippi Iron Works, Almonte. After their marriage Mr and Mrs Young lived in Almonte for over 37 years, later moving with their family to Ottawa, where they have resided since 1912. Mrs Young was a staunch member of St Giles Presbyterian Church. Last March, Mr and Mrs Young celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary. Mrs Young is survived by her husband; two daughters, Mrs A.K. MacLean and Mrs (Dr.) O.C. Spratt; seven grandchildren, (Jean) Mrs (Dr.) D.N. MacMillan of Dunvegan, Ont; (Flora) Mrs Alistair Cameron and Giorsal MacLean at home; Robert Urquhart, Christena Urquhart, Jessie Urquhart and Campbell Spratt, all of Ottawa; and one sister, Mrs J. George Hunter of Riverside, California. A daughter (Meda) Mrs W.T. Urquhart and a baby Peter, predeceased her. The funeral will be held Thursday, May 20th at two o'clock, Daylight Saving Time, from her home to the Auld Kirk cemetery at Almonte. | McFarlane, Christina (I24511)
1683 | 1937, Thursday November 16, The Almonte Gazette page 4 Mr J.W. Lockhart The remains of the late J.W. Lockhart of Ottawa, were conveyed to Almonte, this afternoon, by motor hearse and interment was made in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Born and educated in Almonte, He was the son of the late Mr and Mrs Arthur Lockhart of Almonte. Going to Ottawa, after living for most of his life in Almonte, he entered the decorating business and became well known there. Surviving in addition to his widow, are six brothers, Walter, William and Arthur of Almonte; Harold of Carleton Place; Herbert of Ottawa and Robert of Montreal. The funeral service was held at the residence of his brother-in-law, J.A. McLachlin, 380 Cooper street, this Thursday afternoon, at one o'clock, after which the body was conveyed to Almonte, accompanied by mourners from the Capital. | Lockhart, John Wesley (I15386)
1684 | 1937, Thursday November 4, The Almonte Gazette, page 4 SNEDDEN -- In Ramsay Township on Thursday, Nov. 4th, Inst, Jane Isabelle Toshack, wife of the late W.A. Snedden, aged 65 years. The funeral will take place on Friday, Nov 5th at 2 o'clock p.m. from her late residence, 9th line of Ramsay to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Service at the home at 1.30 p.m. 1937, Thursday November 11, The Almonte Gazette page 8 Mrs William A. Snedden Largely attended by friends and relatives the funeral of Mrs William A. Snedden who died Thursday Nov 4th, was held Friday afternoon from her late home, 9th line of Ramsay, with interment being made in the Auld Kirk cemetery. Mr Fred Rice, assisted by Rev C.D. McLellan of Bethany Church, Almonte, officiated at the funeral service, The pallbearers were Messrs R.W. Young, Alex Barker, William Phillip, Peter Syme, William Young and Robert Buchan. Included in the numerous floral tributes were wreaths from the U.F.W.O. of Ramsay, Ladies' Aid of Blakeney United Church and the office staff of the Producers' Dairy, Almonte. Decreased, whose maiden name was Jane Isabel Toshack, was born 65 years ago the daughter of the late John Toshack and his wife, Janet Young. In 1895 she was married to William A. Snedden, who predeceased her. Left are two daughters and four sons, namely, Isabel, Mrs Arthur Blakeley of Whitby, Ont., Jean, Alex, James and John, Ramsay, and Wilfred of Almonte. | Toshack, Jane Isabelle "JENNIE" (I25002)
1685 | 1937, Thursday October 14, The Almonte Gazette page 8 Mr James Stewart Paterson Following an illness of several months the death occurred on Monday, Oct 11th, of Mr James Stewart Paterson, aged 68 years, at his home on the 6th line of Ramsay. Mr Paterson was born on Sept 1st, 1869, a son of Buchanan Paterson and his wife Isabella Stewart. He is survived by his wife, the former Jessie McArthur whom he married on March 2nd, 1898; three sons Harvey, Stewart and Wilbert; three sisters, Mrs Jas McArthur of Blakeney; Mrs Sam Drummond of Almonte of Almonte; Mrs Lawrence Naismith of Rosetown, Sask., and two grandchildren. Mr Paterson farmed all his life. He was at one time a member of the township council and served on the school board of his section for 21 years. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon to the Auld Kirk Cemetery with Mr Fred Rice, pastor of the Clayton and Blakeney charges, officiating at the home and grave. The pallbearers were: George Stewart, Andrew Stewart, cousins of deceased, Archie McArthur and John R. Reid. | Paterson, James Stewart (I6706)
1686 | 1937, Wednesday August 4, The Ottawa Journal page 12 Mrs William Wilson CARLETON PLACE, Aug 3 - (Special) - The death occurred in Carleton Place today of Margaret Gilmour, widow of William Wilson, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs Lorne Griffith, following a long illness. About three years ago Mrs Wilson suffered a stroke, and has since been in indifferent health. Mrs Wilson was the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Allan Gilmour, who lived on the eighth line of Ramsay, and where she was born nearly 77 years ago. She was married in Almonte by the late Rev Orr Bennett to William Wilson, 58 years ago, and, following a short resident in Almonte, the couple moved to Carleton Place, where they spent their entire married life. Mr Wilson died in October, 1936. Mrs Wilson was one of the town's best known citizens, and in her earlier life took an active part in the work of St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, of which she has been a lifelong member. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs Lorne Griffith and Mrs Ross Dowdal, and three sons, R.H. Wilson, P.R. Wilson and W.C. Wilson, all of Carleton Place; also two sisters, Mrs Thomas Johnston, of Carleton Place, and Mrs James Townend, of Almonte. Service will be held at the home of her daughter, Mrs Griffith, on Thursday afternoon, with Rev James Foote, of St Andrew's Church, in charge, assisted by Rev Mr Pritchard, of Osgoode. Interment will be in the Auld Kirk cemetery, Almonte. | Gilmour, Margaret (I24744)
1687 | 1938, Monday May 16, The Ottawa Journal, page 14 William R. More Dies in Ramsay Township ALMONTE, Ont., May 16 - (Special) - William R. More, noted horse-breeder and widely known agriculturist, died on Sunday at the home of his son, Edwin More, of Ramsay township. Mr More was in his 77th year and had been in ill-health for the past 10 months. A son of the late Mr and Mrs James More, Scotch settlers of this district, Mr More made his home on the 7th line of Ramsay and specialized in Clydesdale breeding stock. His home was the meeting place of many horsemen. Surviving are his wife, the former Minnie Toop, of Almonte, whom he married 54 years ago; three daughters, Mrs M. Root, California; Mrs F. Girouard, Ottawa, and Mrs Peter Derouchie, Rochester, N.Y.; four sons, Alfred Carberry, Manitoba; William, Alton, Iowa, and Edwin and Cecil, of Ramsay township. The funeral will be held on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock from his late residence to Auld Kirk cemetery | More, William R. (I24328)
1688 | 1938, Thursday April 14, The Almonte Gazette page 4 ?b? Mr John Traill?/b? The death occurred at Almonte on Tuesday, April 12th, 1938, of Mr Jno. Traill, aged 82 years. Mr Traill was born near Tatlock in the Township of Darling and came to Almonte 35 years ago. His father was the late William Traill and his mother was the late Martha Camelon. For years Mr Traill was employed in the dyeing department of the Almonte Knitting Company. Fifty-one years ago he married Miss Annie Wark of Darling who survives him together with two sons and one daughter, William of Ottawa, James of Almonte and Nellie, Mrs T.S. Rintoul of Calgary. There are seven brothers and six sisters in his family namely, David, William, Robert, James, Stewart, Andrew and Ralph. Of these James of Lanark Village and Stewart of Farmington, Alta., are the only ones living. The sisters are Martha, Mrs J.W. Munro of Pembroke; Agnes, Mrs Charles Belisle of Webwood; Mary, Mrs Edward Houston of Almonte; Bella, Mrs Jack Belisle of Darling, Jennie, Mrs Alfred Comba of Winnipeg and Susie who passed away many years ago. The funeral was held this afternoon to the Auld Kirk Cemetery, Rev C.D. McLellan of Bethany United Church conducting the services. The pallbearers were William and Howard Traill of Lanark; William Lockhart, Almonte; William McClymont of Almonte; Fred Boal of Kempville and William Stevens of Almonte. | Trail, John (I34483)
1689 | 1938, Thursday April 14,The Ottawa Journal page 11 ?b?John T. Robertson?/b? John Thomas Robertson, formerly of Arnprior, died on Wednesday evening at his home, 417 Bay street. Although in failing health for some time, his death will come as a shock to many friends in Ottawa and district. Born in Lanark township on November 28, 1867, he was the son of the late Thomas Robertson and his wife, the former Mary Creighton. Mr Robertson lived in Arnprior for some time before coming to Ottawa in 1918. His wife, the former Elizabeth Ann McKay, predeceased him three years ago. He is survived by one daughter, Miss Meda M. Robertson, of the Department of National Revenue, Ottawa, and one son, Earl G. Robertson, of Simcoe, Ont. Three brothers, James William and Robert, predeceased him some time ago. The funeral will be held on Saturday at two p.m., from the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs Margaret Schoular, Farm street, Almonte. Interment will be at Auld Kirk cemetery, Almonte. 1938, Thursday April 21, The Almonte Gazette page 4 ?b?Mr John T. Robertson?/b? Largely attended by friends and relatives, the funeral of the late John T. Robertson, was held Saturday afternoon from the residence of his sister-in-law, Mrs Margaret Schoular, Farm Street. Rev C.D. McLellan of Bethany United Church, conducted the funeral service. Interment was in Auld Kirk Cemetery. The pallbearers were Alex, James and William Schoular, Nelson and Norman Dunlop and Hartley McKay, all nephews of the deceased. Mr Robertson died in Ottawa on Wednesday after an illness of four months. The body was brought to Almonte on Thursday. Born in Middleville, November 28, 1867, he was a son of the late Mr and Mrs Thomas Robertson, early settlers of that district. He lived for many years in that community, later residing in Almonte, Arnprior and Renfrew, where he engaged in the shoe business. For the past 20 years he had made his home in Ottawa. His wife, the former Elizabeth Ann McKay of Lanark Township, predeceased him about four years ago. Surviving him are one daughter, Miss Meda of the Department of National Revenue, Ottawa, and a son Earle G. Robertson of Simcoe, Ont. | Robertson, John Thomas (I6622)
1690 | 1938, Thursday December 22, The Almonte Gazette front page ?b?Allan C. Cannon Called By Death Member of Pioneer Ramsay Family In Ill Health For Some Time ?/b?The death occurred at his home 8th line of Ramsay on Wednesday of a wellknown resident of this district in the person of Mr Allan Carswell Cannon. he was in his 78th year and had been in poor health for some time. The late Mr Cannon was a member of one of Ramsay's pioneer families. He was born on the homestead where he died, a son to the late John Cannon and his wife Harriet Carswell. Dr William Cannon, the first registered medical doctor in this part of the country, was his grandfather, He lived on the farm next the one where Mr Cannon died. Married In Utah Early in life deceased went to Utah where he married Miss Jennie Austin, a native of Antwerp, N.Y. She predeceased him in 1935. From there Mr and Mrs Cannon went to Alberta, where they were pioneer settlers, arriving shortly after the railway was built through to the Coast. later they came East and resided in Almonte. Mr Cannon left the family here, while he spent some time in the newly opened mining country of Northern Ontario, mostly in the vicinity of Kerr Lake, In 1908, the family went West again to Alberta, remaining there until 1928 when they returned to this part of the country and took up residence on the Cannon farm, 8th line of Ramsay. Three daughters survive, namely, Miss Jean of Chicago; Miss Dora at home and Florence (Mrs William Broderson) of Rimbey, Alta. One son, Gilbert, died in 1933. One Brother Survives Out of a family of seven, only one brother, Dr Gilbert Cannon, survives. He practised for many years in Watertown, N.Y. but of late years lived retired with his brother, the late Mr Allan Cannon. Other brothers were James, William, John, David and one sister, Harriet. Mr Cannon never took part in municipal politics or other public affairs, living quietly on th homestead which was located close to the town of Almonte. The funeral was held this Thursday afternoon to the Auld Kirk Cemetery, Rev C.D. McLellan of Bethany United Church and Rv A.J. Fowlie of Almonte Presbyterian Church, conducting the services. The pallbearers were Dr J.K. Kelly and Messrs W.C. Pollock, Hugh Bowland, Melville Paul, W.J. Rea and Norman Bowes. | Cannon, Allan Carswell (I12606)
1691 | 1938, Thursday February 24, The Almonte Gazette page 4 ?b?Mrs Thos L. Hamilton?/b? Ruth Danby, beloved wife of Thos L. Hamilton, 415 Elgin St, Ottawa, passed away in an Ottawa hospital, Feb 3. She had been ailing but death came peacefully. Besides her sorrowing husband, she leaves three sons, Roy Hamilton, Pembroke; Allan Hamilton, Ottawa, and Maurice Hamilton of Sudbury; five sisters, Mrs John Turriff, Montreal; Mrs Henry Van Wiggerin, Clinton, N.Y.; Mrs Wm Deeth, Turrist, N.J.; Mrs H.W. Thomas, Highland Park, N.J., and Mrs Alex Turriff, Allan, Sask. Three brothers also survive, J.C. Danley, Ottawa; George Danby, Morrisburg and Frank Danby, Winchester, also three grandchildren, Miss Danby Hamilton, Pembroke; Miss Marjory Hamilton and Master Billy Hamilton, Ottawa. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, Feb 6th with service at 2.30 Dr Johnson of Knox Presbyterian Church officiated, and the body was placed in the vault at Beechwood Cemetery, until spring. 1938, Thursday March 3, The Almonte Gazette front page Correction In the account of the death of Mrs Thomas L. Hamilton of Ottawa, which appeared in last week's issue, her maiden name was incorrectly spelled. It should have read Ruth Dauley. 1938, Thursday May 5, The Almonte Gazette page 4 ?b?Funeral of Mrs T.L. Hamilton?/b? The funeral of the late Mrs Hamilton, beloved wife of Thomas L. Hamilton, Ottawa will take place on Sunday, May 8th. Funeral cortege, motor hearse, leaving the city and arriving at Auld Kirk Cemetery at 2 p.m. standard time. Rev C.D. McLellan will have charge of the services at the grave. | Dauley, Ruth Esther (I19775)
1692 | 1938, Thursday February 3, The Almonte Gazette page 4 APPLETON ? On Monday another old resident of this district was buried in Almonte in the person of Miss Sarah Neilson. Miss Neilson passing makes the third death in that connection inside of a month, having been predeceased by Miss Marion Neilson of Renfrew and Mr John Neilson of Brantford. We extend deep sympathy to the surviving relatives | Neilson, Marion (I8199)
1693 | 1938, Thursday February 3, The Almonte Gazette page 4 APPLETON ? On Monday another old resident of this district was buried in Almonte in the person of Miss Sarah Neilson. Miss Neilson passing makes the third death in that connection inside of a month, having been predeceased by Miss Marion Neilson of Renfrew and Mr John Neilson of Brantford. We extend deep sympathy to the surviving relatives | Neilson, Sarah Christian (I8205)
1694 | 1938, Thursday January 13, Carleton Place Canadian, front page ?b?Mr J.N. Neilson?/b? The death occurred suddenly in Brantford on Friday of last week on Mr John N. Neilson, second son of the late W.G. Neilson, M.P.P. of Golden B.C., and Mrs Neilson, 458 Oriole Parkway, Toronto, formerly of Ottawa and Carleton Place. The late Mr Neilson was a resident of Carleton Place for many years and was well known and highly esteemed. News of his sudden passing came as a shock to a wide circle of friends in town and district. Besides his mother, he is survived by three brothers, Dr William Neilson of Calgary, and Messrs James and Robert Neilson of Toronto; also three sisters, (Eliza) Mrs Borrowman of Calgary; Miss Violet Neilson, Ottawa, and (Marion) Mrs Geo McCallum, Paris, Ontario. The remains were conveyed to Almonte on the arrival of the Toronto train Monday morning for interment in the Auld Kirk cemetery. All members of the family and Mr George McCallum were present for the funeral returning to their respective homes on Monday evening. During their stay in Carleton Place there were the guests of Mr and Mrs Robt McCallum, Lake avenue. 1938, Thursday January 13, The Almonte Gazette front page ?b?APPLETON?/b? ? The body of John N. Neilson of Brantford, was brought to Almonte on Monday morning and taken to the Auld Kirk Cemetery where interment was made. He was buried beside his father, Wm Neilson M.P., who died at the homestead about 40 years ago; whilst home on a visit to the old home on the 11th line of Ramsay. John was the third son and was here with his father and mother and a brother, His mother, Mrs W. Neilson of Toronto, also three sisters were in attendance at the funeral. William Nelson, the eldest son, Eliza, Mrs Borrowman of Calgary, James of Ingersol, and Robert of Arnprior and Miss Violet Neilson of Ottawa, were present. We extend sympathy to the relatives and friends of deceased. The Misses Sara and Jessie Neilson are aunts of the deceased. | Neilson, John Norman (I24732)
1695 | 1938, Thursday January 27, The Almonte Gazette page 4 ?b?Mr William Lawrie?/b? William Lawrie for many years a farmer in the Almonte district, passed away at the residence of his daughter, Mrs Roy Gibbons, Ottawa. A son of the late Thomas Lawrie and the former Ellen McKillop, he was born in Ramsay Township in 1861. His marriage to the former Rebecca McCann, took place in 1898. She predeceased him seven years ago. Mr Lawrie retired from his farm 20 years ago, and in his late years had lived in Ottawa. Of a quiet disposition, he was highly esteemed and will be greatly missed by a wide circle of friends. He was a member of St James United Church. He is survived by two daughters, Mary (Mrs Roy Gibbons), Ottawa, and Ann, (Mrs R.J. Burnside, of Peterboro, Ont, and by two grandchildren. The funeral service was conducted by Rev J. Richmond Craig of St James United Church, at the parlours of Hulse & Playfair, 315 McLeod St., Ottawa. The remains were conveyed to Almonte for burial in the Auld Kirk cemetery. | Lawrie, William (I17473)
1696 | 1938, Thursday January 27, The Almonte Gazette page 4 ?b?Mrs David Wilson?/b? The funeral of Mrs David Wilson well known resident of town, was held Monday afternoon from the residence of her son, William, Queen Street, to the Auld Kirk cemetery. Rev C.D. McLellan of Bethany Church, officiated at the funeral service. The pallbearers were Messrs Adam Lotan, Dr J.F. Dunn, Otto Shane, Edward LeMaistre, John Hourigan and C. Bradshaw. The late Mrs Wilson who has made her home with her son, William, for the past ten years, was ill only a short time and died Saturday morning. Born in Michigan, U.S.A., 75 years ago, she moved to Canada when young, and resided first in Elgin, Ont, then moved to Almonte. She was married many years ago to David Wilson who predeceased her 13 years ago. For a time she lived in Toronto but returned to Almonte some time ago. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Churchill. Of a family of ten, one daughter and five sons survive, Effie of Toronto; George of Winnipeg; Kenneth and Frank of Toronto and William and Elmer at home. She is also survived by 24 grandchildren. | Churchill, Elizabeth (I39967)
1697 | 1938, Thursday July 21, The Almonte Gazette page 4 Mr William McKenzie Simpson Largely attended by friends and relatives, the funeral of William McKenzie Simpson, well known Ramsay township farmer, was held Saturday afternoon from his residence, 9th line of Ramsay, at two o'clock with interment being made in the Auld Kirk cemetery. Rev Wm Aird of the Baptist church, conducted impressive funeral services. The pallbearers were Messrs Lloyd Watson, John Simpson, Alton Matthews, Wilfred Metcalfe, Wesley Rae, and Herbert Simpson. Numerous floral tributes were in evidence. The late Mr Simpson had been in poor health for some years and passed away Thursday evening. Born 70 years ago on the 11th line of Ramsay, the son of William Simpson and his wife, Mary Forgie, deceased had lived all his life in Ramsay township. Some 38 years ago he was married to Emma Blythe Munro, who predeceased him seven years ago. Surviving are one daughter and one son, Mrs John DeQuetteville of Almonte, and Earl at home; also left to mourn his loss are six sisters and two brothers, namely, Mrs William Scott of Sault Ste Marie; Misses Bella and Martha Simpson, Almonte; Mrs John Metcalfe, Toronto; Mrs Alex Scott, of Sault Ste Marie; Mrs Marion Dodds of Tisdale, Sask; Herbert Simpson of Almonte, and John Simpson of Ramsay. Another brother, Charles, is dead. | Simpson, William McKenzie (I24124)
1698 | 1938, Thursday March 17, The Almonte Gazette page 8 ?b?Miss Annie Arthur?/b? Lanark County has lost one of its oldest residents in the death of Miss Annie Arthur, who passed away at 12.45 Tuesday, March 15th, at her home on the 10th line of Ramsay, after a short illness, in her 87th year. She was a daughter of the late John Arthur and his wife, Martha Crow, two of the early pioneers of Ramsay. The late Miss Arthur was born in Maryland, U.S.A., one of the family of nine, three daughter and six sons, who have all predeceased her except one brother, Sam, of Rocanville, Saskatchewan. Let to mourn Miss Arthur are a nephew, Geo Arthur and niece, Miss Agnes Ballantyne, with whom she resided. The late Miss Arthur was a member of the Blakeney United Church in the welfare of which she took an active interest. She was a kindly lady and much beloved by a wide circle of relatives and friends, and especially to the younger generation to whom she was known by the affectionate term "Auntie Annie." Her passing will be widely mourned. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon, March 17th, from the home of her nephew, Mr George Arthur. Service was conducted by Mr Fred Rice, pastor of Blakeney Church. The pallbearers were Robert McPhail, Robert Stewart, John McGill, Jas Bingham and Gordon Hanna. The body was placed in the Auld Kirk Cemetery vault. | Arthur, Annie (I36958)
1699 | 1938, Thursday March 24, The Almonte Gazette page 4 Mrs William Gardner Largely attended by friends and relatives the funeral of Mrs William Gardner was held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of her daughter, Mrs D.H. Lowry, 9th line of Ramsay. Mr Fred Rice, student minister at Rev Wm Foote of Carleton Place, conducted the funeral services. The pallbearers were Alex Barker, William Philips, John Waddell, Alton Matthews, William Anderson and David Drummond. The remains were interred in the Auld Kirk cemetery. The late Mrs Gardner, who had made her home with her daughter, Mrs D.H. Lowry, had been ill over a year, and passed away Friday evening. Deceased, whose maiden name was Isabella U. MacInnes, was born 73 years ago in Dalhousie township, daughter of the late James MacInnes and his wife, Catherine McNicol. Some 45 years ago she married William Gardner of Bennie's Corners, and lived there until a few years ago. Mr Gardner predeceased her in 1923. Surviving are three daughters and four sons, namely Mrs D.H. Lowry, Ramsay; Mrs Harold Bellamy, Toledo, Ont; Dorothy, Ottawa; Stanley, Lloyd and Lorne of Oshawa; and Earl of Dundas. There also survive three sisters and three brothers: Mrs James Black and Mrs Andrew Ross of Smiths Falls; Mrs Asa Bond, Iona, Alta., Donald MacInnes, Hopetown, James MacInnes of Brockville, and John MacInnes, of Syracuse, N.Y. | McInnis, Isabella Urguhart (I7420)
1700 | 1938, Thursday March 3, 1938, The Almonte Gazette, page 4 ?b?Mrs John Andrews?/b? The death occurred suddenly on Wednesday morning, Feb 23rd, of an esteemed resident of Carleton Place, in the person of Annie Moore, beloved wife of Mr John Andrews, who passed away at her home on Thomas street. Mrs Andrews had been in failing health for two years but during the past few weeks had enjoyed exceptional good health. She retired on Tuesday night apparently feeling as usual and giving no indication that death was close at hand, but during the early hours of the morning she suffered a heart attack. Her husband immediately summoned medical aid but Mrs Andrew had passed to the Great Beyond before the doctor's arrival. Deceased was born 58 years ago on the 7th line of Ramsay and was the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs William Moore. She was married in Zion church, Carleton Place, to Mr John Andrews by the late Rev A.A. Scott. Following their marriage the couple lived on their farm in Ramsay and continued residence there until four years ago when they retired and move to Carleton Place where they have since lived. During her residence in town Mrs Andrews made a host of friends through her kindly and friendly nature and her passing caused widespread regret. In religion she was a member of Memorial Park United church and was interested in all its works. She was a lady very considerate of others and in her unassuming manner performed many deeds of kindness. Besides her husband she is survived by two stepdaughters, (Pearl) Mrs Thomas Suozzi of Detroit, Mich., and Miss Jennie Andrews of Almonte; also two step-sons, Messrs David and William Andrews on the homestead in Ramsay. Four brothers Messrs James and Charles of Almonte and Donald and Edward Moore of Crystal Falls, also survive. The funeral took place from her late residence on Friday afternoon the service being held at 2 o'clock. Interment was in the Auld Kirk Cemetery in Almonte. The pallbearers were Thomas Rathwell, Ernest Rathwell, Andrew Brown and John Smith of Carleton Place; Earl Simpson and Roy Rodger of Almonte. Rev Donald Munro of Carleton Place, assisted by Rev A.J. Fowlie of Almonte, conducted the service. | Moore, Annie (I11495)
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