Our Family's Journey Through Time
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1751 | 1942, Thursday February 5, The Almonte Gazette front page Miss Margaret Blair Dunlop The death occurred Sunday morning at her home on Martin Street of Miss Margaret Blair Dunlop. Born at Paisley, Scotland, the daughter of Andrew Dunlop and his wife, Annie Lees, she came with her parents to Canada and settled in Almonte about 60 years ago. She had been in poor health for the past few months. Surviving are a sister, Christena with whom she resided; two brothers, David L. Dunlop of North Adams, Mass., and Andrew Dunlop of Carleton Place. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from her late residence with interment in the Auld Kirk cemetery, Rev W.J. Scott officiated. Pallbearers were Messrs E.P. Clement, John Aspinall, Hugh McLachlin, Duncan Forgie, J.B. Illingworth and P.A. Greig. Miss Dunlop was an employee of the Rosamond Woolen Co. here for upwards of 50 years. She was a member of Bethany United Church. | Dunlop, Margaret Blair (I30149)
1752 | 1942, Thursday January 1, The Almonte Gazette front page FORMER ALMONTE MERCHANT PASSES Wesley West Was Pillar Of Local Business Life For Almost 40 Years One of the most widely known men in this part of Lanark County died in Ottawa, on Monday, in the person of Wesley West, aged 76 years. For a long time he ran one of those big general stores that became an institution in a rural community and was a Mecca for farmers throughout the adjoining countryside. Wesley West had a long and varied business career which took him, in his youth, as far afield as Georgia and which ended in the quiet town of Almonte. He was born in Renfrew. His father, William West, was a contractor and his mother was Emmeline Dulmage. While Wesley was a boy the family moved to Almonte where he attended school. Later he took a course in a Detroit business college. and for some years was in Georgia engaged in various mercantile pursuits. Locates In Almonte On returning to his native land he located at the busy village of Appleton where, for some years, he operated a general store. In 1898 he opened the general store business in Almonte which was destined to reach great proportions and to survive until a few years ago. His partner was the late Howard Conn and when he gave up his interest in the enterprise, to leave Almonte, Mr. West continued on. his own with a degree of success that was, for a long time, truly remarkable. In 1900 Mr. West was married to Ethel Teskey of Appleton, who died in 1934. Surviving in the immediate family are one son and four daughters; John D. West of Ottawa; Mrs. R. O. MacFarlane, (Muriel), Winnipeg; Mrs. J.C. Stevenson (Kathleen), Owen Sound; Mrs. G. L. Morgan Smith (Edith), Ottawa, and Mrs. Jag. Warren (Ordelia) , with the C.W.A.A. F. in Toronto A son Gerald Teskey, died in. February, 1941. He also leaves a half-brother, William West,. and three half-sisters, the Misses Gertrude and Maude, Penetanguishene, and Mrs. Alex Burns, Toronto. Public Spirited Citizen For 35 years after founding his business, here, Mr. West was more closely associated with the business and everyday life of Almonte than falls to the lot of most citizens. Farmers came to trade at his store for miles around and he was in a true and singular sense an asset to the community. He dealt fairly with his patrons and was always ready to allow those from the country better prices than they could obtain in most. other centres. He encouraged farmers' clubs and was interested in everything that tended- to the improvement of agriculture. He was active in many branches of civic enterprise having' served. in his time, on the 'Town Council; Board of Education and as a president of the Board of Trade; He was one of those who promoted the Lanark & Carleton Counties Telephone Co. and for a great many years was president of the concern: He was on the directorate of the N.L.A.S. and a friend of the annual fair which in his day was at its zenith. Faithful Church Attendant Mr. West was an Oddfellow and in religion was a Methodist first, and after union a member of Trinity United Church. He was one of the most faithful attendants and workers in the congregation and served on the board for a long time. In politics he was a Conservative. In 1935 Mr. West's health began to fail and in 1937 he retired from active connection with the business. The remains were brought to Almonte, Tuesday, and rested at the residence of Mr. W. E. Scott, Elgin Street, until one o'clock this Wednesday afternoon when, they were conveyed to Trinity United Church where they lay in state until three o'clock when the funeral service was conducted by the pastor, Rev, G. C. R. McQuade. The attendance at the church was large and the number in the funeral procession, from far and near, testified to the widespread popularity of the deceased. Pallbearers were Messrs. Gerald R. Dulmage of Perth; Geo. A. Thompson of Ramsay; R. A. 'Jamieson, W. A. Jamieson. R. G. Kenny and D. M. Campbell of Almonte. Among the profusion floral tributes were pieces from the Lanark and Carleton Counties' Telephone Co., Almonte Business Men's Association and the Foreign Exchange Control Board. | West, Wesley (I9446)
1753 | 1942, Thursday January 1, The Almonte Gazette, page 4 Miss Matilda Snedden The death occurred in Ottawa on Christmas Day of Miss Matilda Snedden, aged 80 years. She was born on a farm now occupied by Mr Thorpe Bowes, Pakenham Twp, and moved to town with her parents many years ago. After the death of her mother she continued to live with her father, the late James Snedden, until he passed away after which she removed to Ottawa where she made her home for the rest of her life. Service at the funeral parlours in Ottawa, was taken by the Very Rev Dr. J.W. Woodside, Chalmers United Church. The funeral then proceeded to the Auld Kirk cemetery. Almonte, for interment. Service at the graveside was conducted by Rev W.J. Scott, Bethany United Church. Chief mourners were several cousins. Her closest relative in this district in Miss Minnie Snedden of the 9th line. | Snedden, Matilda "Tillie" (I167)
1754 | 1942, Thursday January 22, The Almonte Gazette page 4 ?b? Mrs. James Foster?/b? There passed to rest on Thursday, Jan. 15th, a respected resident of the neighbourhood in the person of Mrs. James Foster. Born in Darling Township. a daughter cf the late Robert Scoular and his wife Mary Rintoul. She was in her 71st year and the last surviving member of the family. Her husband predeceased her in November. 1926. She is survived by nine children and 24 grandchildren, namely Mary, Mrs. Vadboncoeur of U.S.A.; Rebecca, Mrs. Harold Munro; Margaret, Mrs. Gilbert Munro; Jessie. Mrs. John Munro of Clayton; Miss Flossie J. of Almonte; Roy R. of Cut Knife, Sask.; Ernest, Irvine and Thomas of Clayton. The funeral was held from the home of her son, Ernest, to Greenwood Cemetery. Middleville, on Saturday afternoon and was conducted by the Misses Hunter and Clarke. The pallbearers were Wm. McKirdy, Wm. Rintoul, Chas. Virgin, Alex Virgin, Thomas Price and Thos. Thompson. | Schoular, Grace (I13147)
1755 | 1942, Thursday July 30, The Almonte Gazette, front page SUDDEN DEATH OF HUGH C. BOWLAND Popular Citizen Served As North Lanark Registrar For 27 Years St. Paul's Anglican Church was filled to capacity, Tuesday afternoon, as a final tribute to Hugh C. Bowland, one of Almonte's most popular citizens, who died suddenly early Sunday morning. Mr. Bowland was 76 years of age. He had been in his usual health up to Friday night when he took part in a lawn bowling tournament. He felt ill next day and a physician was summoned. Death came in the early hours of Sunday and was a great shock to his relatives and friends. Registrar 27 Years For the last 27 years, Mr. Bowland had filled the post of registrar for North Lanark. He was born in Ramsay, near Clayton, son of the late Jno Bowland and his wife Katharine Montgomery. Fifty-two years ago he was married to Matilda Patterson and shortly after that, Mr. and Mrs. Bowland moved to Almonte where he became assistant postmaster in the days when the post office was located near West's store. After some years, the Bowland went West to Lacombe, Alberta, where he farmed until 1906, when they returned to Almonte. From then until 1915 he was with the local foundry and iron works and in that year received the appointment he held until the time of his death. Mr. Bowland was a faithful member of St. Paul's Anglican Church and served as warden and as treasurer for many years. He was fond of sport and was an ardent curler and lawn bowler. In these organizations he was very popular and whether he won or lost he thoroughly enjoyed the game. Surviving in addition to his widow are four daughters and one son, namely, Mrs. Stewart Houston, Tyvan, Sask.; Mrs. Maurice Hale of Newport, R.I.; Mrs. Alex Stewart and Mrs. Norman Paul, both of Ramsay, and Alan H. Bowland of Toronto. There is one brother, surviving, Mr. Wm. J. Bowland of Carleton Place. There are also 13 grandchildren. Mrs. John S. Bowland of Clayton, is a sister-in-law. Funeral On Tuesday The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from the residence of Mr. George L. Comba, Church Street, to St. Paul's Church. Services were conducted by Rev. J. J. Lowe of Ashton, a former rector of St. Paul's, assisted by Rev. D. F. Weegar of Clayton, who is taking charge of the local parish while Rev. J.C. Anderson is on vacation. Interment was in St Paul's Cemetery. The pallbearers were Dr. J. K. Kelly and Messrs. T. A. Thompson, James Savage, W.C. Pollock, A.C. Wylie and J.H. Proctor. Conspicuous among the floral offer tags were pieces from the County Council and the Almonte Lawn Bowling Club. Among the many people who attended the funeral from outside points were Messrs. Geo. H. Doucett, M.L.A of Carleton Place; C. M. Forbes of Perth, registrar for South Lanark and E. R. Stedman of Perth, treasurer of Lanark County. | Bowland, Hugh Christopher (I25010)
1756 | 1942, Thursday June 25, The Ottawa Citizen page 2 ?b?Thomas L. Hamilton, Market Weighmaster, Died Suddenly?/b? A familiar figure on By Ward Market where he was weighmaster and collector for the past 12 years, Thomas L. Hamilton died suddenly at his home, 415 Elgin street, Wednesday afternoon, He was at his usual post during Tuesday's market and seemed in good health. During his service with the city, "Tom", as everyone called him, weighed hundreds of tons of meat and coal and became known to farmers and dealers for miles around. Reporters "covering" the market beat were always certain of getting a cheery message from him as they made their rounds. "He was one of the most efficient men we ever had", T.A. Hand, market superintendent, said today. Born near Almonte, Ont., Mr Hamilton was the son of the late Duncan and Agnes Hamilton. Educated at Almonte schools, he married Ruth Dauley there before coming to Ottawa in 1925. Mrs Hamilton predeceased him in Ottawa four years ago. Before taking the By Ward Market post in 1930, Mr Hamilton worked for various department stores in the city, including Charles Ogilvy, Limited, and C.D.S. He was a member of the Pembroke Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of the Rebekah Lodge, I.O.O.F., and of the Pembroke Masonic Order, also. In Ottawa he attended Knox Presbyterian Church. Surviving are three sons, Roy, of Pembroke; Allan, of Ottawa, and Morris, of Sault Ste Marie; one sister, Nellie Hamilton, of Ottawa, and two brothers, G.J. Hamilton, of North Bay. Three grandchildren, one in Pembroke and two in Sault ste Marie, also survive. Funeral services will be held at the parlours of George H. Rogers, Ltd, 172 Elgin street, on Friday at 1.30 p.m. Burial will take place in Auld Kirk cemetery, Almonte. 1942, Thursday July 2, The Carleton Place Canadian page 5 ?b?Thos L. Hamilton?/b? A host of friends and acquaintances in Ottawa and the surrounding district are mourning the passing of Thomas L. Hamilton, who died suddenly on Wednesday of last week while visiting friends in Carleton Place. Born in Almonte, he was a son of the late Duncan Hamilton and Agnes Lang, of Almonte. Going to Ottawa quite a number of years ago, he was employed with various departmental stores. until 12 years ago when he became weigh-master and collector at By Ward Market. His wife, the former Ruth Dauley, predeceased him by four years. In Ottawa, Mr Hamilton attended Knox Presbyterian church, He was a member of the Masonic Lodge at Pembroke and the I.O.O.F, and Rebekah Lodges. Surviving are three sons, Roy, of Pembroke; Maurice, of Sault Ste Marie; and Allan Hamilton, Ottawa' two brothers, J.G. Hamilton, of Toronto, and J.H. Hamilton, of North Bay. Also surviving are three grandchildren. The funeral service was conducted at the parlours of George H. Rogers, 172 Elgin street, on Friday afternoon, by Rev Dr Woodside, of Chalmers United Church. Interment was made in Auld Kirk cemetery, at Almonte. Representatives of Odd Fellows and Masonic lodges, associates and friends on Friday afternoon paid tribute to the memory of Mr Hamilton. Among those who attended the service was G.H. Bryson, superintendent of City Engineering Department; T.A. Hand, market superintendent; H.I. Morgan, Roy Walsh, O. Gervais, J. St Pierre, William Slatteryl H.S. Graham, G.O. Fortune, R. Birtch, J.H. McLeod, G.W. Willoughby, E.J. Morgan, George Painter, M.E. Lynch, J. Foley, D.R. Hamilton, J.B. Wilson, P. Savage, Cpl J.L. MacCormack, M. MacLeod, James Jackson, L.M. Price, A.D. Powers and B. Grayson Bell. Among the floral tributes were those from the Auditor General's office, the market and coal weighing staff; staff of Stevenson's Drug store, Kisean Rebeckah Lodge No 120, Pembroke; Masonic Lodge, A.F. and A.M., No 128, Pembroke; officers and members of Pembroke Lodge, I.O.O.F., No 203; friends from the tennis club; The Club, North Bay; The Bridge Club; The Picadilly Koffee Shop. | Hamilton, Thomas Lang (I19774)
1757 | 1942, Thursday March 5, The Almonte Gazette, front page Last Tribute Paid To Robert Young He and His Brother Operated The Mississippi Iron Works For Years One of the oldest residents of Ottawa, died Friday last, in the person of 93-year-old Robert Young, 240 Fifth avenue. Mr Young had been in excellent health until Friday morning. Shortly before noon, after carrying on conversation with relatives at his home, he passed away. He had lived in Ottawa since 1912 going there from Almonte. For 50 years before leaving Almonte he had been associated with his brother, the late Andrew Young, in operating the Mississippi Iron Works, having learned the blacksmith trade while a young man. Mr Young was born at Bennie's Corners, near Almonte, a son of the late Peter Young and Jean Erskine. He was the last survivor of their family of seven sons and four daughters. In 1875 he was married to the former Christina MacFarlane of Almonte, and for 62 years they lived a married life rich in happiness. Mrs Young died five years ago. In Almonte, Mr and Mrs Young worshipped at St John's Presbyterian Church, where for 18 years he was superintendent of the Sunday School. In Ottawa they attended St Giles' Presbyterian church where, at the time of his death, Mr Young was the oldest member of the Kirk Session. He was most active physically, and until his death retained fullest use of his faculties. All last winter he played in the church carpet bowling league and this winter enjoyed many a brisk walk. A daughter, Mrs O.C. Spratt, Ottawa, survives, and seven grandchildren. They are Mrs D.W. MacMillan, Mrs Alister Cameron and Mrs Georsal MacLean, all of Ottawa; Lieut L.W. Urquhart, Camp Borden; Mrs F.G. Cram and Miss Jessie Urquhart, both of Ottawa, and Sub Lieut C.Y. Spratt, Halifax. The funeral took place Monday afternoon from his late home to St Giles' Church, Ottawa, for service at 1.30 pm. The body was taken to Pinecrest cemetery and placed in the vault until a later date when burial will be made in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. The service was conducted by Rev Dr. Hugh Cameron, assisted by Rev Dr. T.J. Thompson. The church choir was conducted by Mrs Angus Orr. Members of the Kirk session of St Giles Church attended the funeral in a body, as honourary pallbearers. They were: J.A. Millar, T.J. Somerville, A.H. McAdam, J.L. Johnston, Thos McCord, A.P. MacVannel, G.H. Robertson, Thomas Mulligan, W.H. Weir, John J. Marshall and Gordon Urquhart. representing the session of St Andrew's Church; G.E. Leslie, Alderman McCulloch, Peter M. Willing, Lieut Robert Urquhart, J. Howard Young, Ernest Barrett, F.R. Duminy and A.H. Merkley. Many fine floral tributes were received, among them pieces from St Giles session; Ladies Aid of St Giles' Church and staff of Henry Birks and Sons, Limited. | Young, Robert (I24510)
1758 | 1942, Thursday May 2, The Ottawa Journal page 4 ?b?J. J. LESWAY. CARLETON PLACE,?/b? May 20. (Special) The funeral of John James Lesway. who had been failing in health for nearly five years and who died on Friday night. took place from the family residence, Napoleon street yesterday afternoon to Auld Kirk cemetery for interment. Services were conducted by Rev. James Foote. minister of St Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Born in Cedar Hill 75 years ago, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Lesway and 24 years ago came to Carleton Place where he was employed with the C.P.R, until his superannuation some years ago. Twice married, his first wife, Mary Fulton, died many years ago. To the union four daughters were born, three of whom are living, Mrs. Percy Wilson, of Carleton Place; Mrs. Andrew Ford, of Appleton, and Mrs. W. R. Svendsen, of Chicago. His second marriage took place in Blakeney to the former Hilda Dunkley, who survives with two daughters, Mrs. Cecil Henderson and Mrs. Leo Kennedy, both of Carleton Place, and five sons, Raymond and Ronald, overseas; James, of the R.C.A.F, Ottawa; Joseph and John, both at home; also one brother. Joseph Lesway, of San Francisco, California. There were a number of floral tributes received. | Lesway, James John (I1218)
1759 | 1942, Thursday May 21, The Almonte Gazette front page Miss Catherine McKenzie Young The death occurred at her home in Blakeney Village, Friday evening following a year's illness, of Miss Catherine McKenzie Young, aged 73 years. A resident of Ramsay township and Blakeney her entire life, she was well known and highly esteemed. For some 47 years she was organist, first in the Presbyterian church and at church union in the United Church at Blakeney. For many years she taught music. Born in Ramsay, the daughter of pioneer parents, Stephen and Elizabeth Young, she had lived in late years with her only surviving sister, Miss Elizabeth Young. There also survive a niece, Mrs J. Sanderson of New York state and a nephew Oliver Ford of Arvida. The deceased members of her family are: Annie, Mrs Ford, Christina; Janet, Mrs McLean; Margaret and Mary; Stephen, Robert James and Andrew. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon to the United Church at Blakeney with burial in the Auld Kirk Cemetery, Almonte. Rev Thomas McCord of Blakeney, officiated. There were four honourary pallbearers: Alex Barker, Milton Lindsay, Jack McGill and Wm Phillips while the pallbearers were: Geo Stewart, Thomas McGill, O.A. McPhail, A. Snedden, B. Young and J. Camelon Included in the profusion of flowers were offerings from the church and the W.A. | Young, Catherine Mkenzie (I29485)
1760 | 1942, Thursday September 10, The Almonte Gazette front page Mrs James Schoular There passed to rest at her home on Farm Street, on Saturday last, a highly respected resident of the town in the person of Mrs James Schoular, after an illness of more than two years. Mrs Schoular was the former Miss Margaret McKay and was born in Lanark Township in 1862, a daughter of the late William McKay and his wife Ann Pretty, descendants of pioneers of that district. In June 1890, she married James Schoular and they resided in Arnprior for a time, coming to Almonte, 26 years ago. Mr Schoular died two years later. Surviving are three daughters and three sons, Mrs Harry Cameron of Arnprior; Miss Elizabeth Schoular of the teaching staff of the Almonte Public School; Miss Della Schoular of Almonte; William Schoular, C.P.R., Smiths Falls; James Schoular, of St Hyacinthe, Que; Alex Schoular of Almonte, and three sisters and four brothers, Mrs Duncan Hamilton of Carleton Place; Mrs William Dunlop, Union Hall; Mrs Peter McDougall of Blakeney; Alex McKay, Middleville; Daniel and George McKay, Arnprior, and Nelson McKay, Almonte. Mrs Schoular was a valued member of Bethany United Church and also a member of the Women's Missionary Society. The funeral was held on Monday, Sept 7, from her late residence and was largely attended by relatives and friends. Rev W.J. Scott, pastor of Bethany United Church officiated. The pallbearers were Messrs W.W. Watchorn, Martin Maxwell, E.H. Farnham, John Miller, John McDonald and Howard Giles. Among the beautiful floral tributes were wreaths from the weaving department of the Rosamond Woolen Co Limited; Tweed department of Penman's Limited, St Hyacinthe, Que; Mississippi Lodge No 147 A.F. & A.M., and the teaching staff of Almonte Public School. Interment was in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. | McKay, Margaret "Maggie" (I15598)
1761 | 1942, Thursday September 10, The Almonte Gazette, front page Mr. Alexander Lindsay The death occurred at New Westminster, B.C., on Friday, Sept. 4th, of Alexander Lindsay, in his 92nd year. The remains were brought to Almonte, Wednesday morning and the funeral took place that afternoon from the residence of his son, Milton Lindsay. 9th line of Pakenham, to the Union Cemetery. Detailed obituary next week. 1942, Thursday September 17, The Almonte Gazette, page 3 Mr. Alexander Lindsay An aged and respected resident of this community in former years, passed away on Friday, Sept. 4th, in the New Westminster Hospital, B.C., in the person of Alexander Lindsay after a brief illness with pneumonia. Deceased who was the youngest son of the late Alexander Lindsay and Jane Duncan, was born in Pakenham Township, Sept. 9th, 1850. About 65 years ago he was married to Agnes Fleming and settled on the 9th concession of Pakenham. This union was blessed by a family of one son Milton on the homestead and one daughter, (Tena) Mrs. Samuel Cross of Port Coquitlam, B.C., both of whom survive. He is also survived by one sister Miss Elizabeth Lindsay of Vancouver, B.C., two grandchildren and three great grandchildren. His wife predeceased him 35 years ago. Some years ago deceased went west and resided for a number of years at Onefour, Alta, and about five years ago he went to Port Coquitlam, B.C., where he since resided. The remains were brought east for burial arriving here Wednesday morning and the funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the residence of his son Milton Lindsay, 9th con. of Pakenham, to the United Church cemetery, Pakenham, where interment was made beside his late wife. Rev. G.C.R. McQuade conducted the funeral service at the home and grave. The pallbearers were Messrs. Alex Barker, John McGill, Wm. Clark, W. A. Scott, John Lindsay and Robert Toshack. In spite of the disagreeable weather a large number turned out to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased and to extend sympathy to the surviving relatives in their sad bereavement. | Lindsay, Alexander Duncan (I8360)
1762 | 1942, Thursday September 17, The Almonte Gazette front page ?b?Mrs John Kirk?/b? The sudden death at her home this morning (Thursday) of Mrs John Kirk, came as a shock to a large circle of friends and relatives. She was 57 years of age. Although she had not been in the best of health for the past year her death at this time was entirely unexpected. Mrs Kirk was the former Miss Jane Hurdis of Carleton Place, a daughter of the late Mr Wm Hurdis and his wife Mary Gaston. She is survived by her husband and three sons, Glenson Kirk, R.C.A.F., overseas; Kenneth with the Provost Corps, now at Valcartier, Que. and Ross of Almonte. The funeral will be held from the family residence at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Sept 19. 1942, Thursday September 24, The Almonte Gazette page 4 ?b?Funeral of Mrs John Kirk?/b? The funeral of Mrs John Kirk whose sudden death on Thursday, September 17th, came as a severe shock to her relatives and friends, was held on Saturday afternoon from the family residence on Almonte street. Rev J.C. Anderson, rector of St Paul's Anglican Church of which she was a member, officiated. Deceased was the former Miss Jane Hurdis of Carleton Place, a daughter of the late Mr Wm Hurdis and his wife, Mary Gaston. She is survived by her husband and three sons, Glenson Kirk, R.C.A.F. in Canada; Kenneth with the Provost Corps, Sussex, N.B. and Ross of Almonte. Among the floral tributes which testified to the esteem in which she was held were wreaths from B. Coy, Lanark and Renfrew Sottish Regiment; Weave Room of The Rosamond Woolen Co. Ltd., and Local Union No. 1. The pallbearers were Albert Ashfield, George Lodge, Ernest Giles, W. Miller, Thomas Porter and Oswald Trotman. Interment was in the Auld Kirk Cemetery | Hurdis, Jane (I38505)
1763 | 1942, Thursday September 3, The Almonte Gazette front page ?b?Pioneer Of Early Railway Era Dies.?/b? Malcolm C. MacFarlane Served On Many Surveys In Canada and U.S. Malcolm C. MacFarlane, well known and highly respected resident of Almonte, died Friday last at his home here. He was 87 years of age. Mr MacFarlane was engaged in many public, being a graduate in civil engineering from McGill University in 1879. He was in charge of the installation of waterworks at Brockville and following engineering work in the Prairie Provinces and Wyoming, he was on the geological survey in Kansas. He was a member of Bethany United Church. He had been ill for the past seven years. Deceased was born in Almonte, son of the late James McFarlane and his wife, Ann MacFarlane, and was married in 1892 to Helen MacFarlane who survives in addition to one son, William Bert MacFarlane of Temagami. He was the last member of his immediate family. The funeral was held Monday afternoon from his late residence to the Auld Kirk cemetery. Rev W.J. Scott of Bethany Church conducted the service. The pallbearers were T.J. Reid, P.A.E. Young, W.C. Pollock, J.D. McCallum, Harry Houston and Hal B. Kirkland. Mr MacFarlane had a lone and interesting life. In addition to the professional activities mentioned above he took part in the construction of the Kingston & Pembroke Railway, which was built by the late M.J. O'Brien; he was on the survey of the Canada Atlantic Railway built by the late J.R. Booth; he was employed by the Canadian Northern Railway in the Prairie Provinces under MacKenzie & Mann, from 1895 until 1905 and was with the National Transcontinental as district engineer in the early days of construction. Later on he was divisional engineer with headquarters in Winnipeg. Mr MacFarlane conducted surveys in Manitoba before the Riel Rebellion and altogether had priceless fund of information about the early days of railway construction in Canada and pasts of the United States. | McFarlane, Malcolm C. (I29308)
1764 | 1942, Tuesday December 1, The Ottawa Evening Citizen page 16 DIED BRYAN ? At her home, 3 Lakeside Ave, on Saturday November 28, 1942, Hazel Dean Gilmour, beloved wife of G. Wilford Bryan, in her 56th year. Resting at Hulse and Playfair, Ltd, 315 McLeod, St, where service will be held in the chapel on Tuesday, December 1, at 2 p.m. Interment Auld Kirk Cemetery, Almonte. 1942, Wednesday December 2, The Ottawa Evening Citizen page 8 Obituary Mrs G.W. Gilmour Rev F. Fidler conducted a simple but impressive service at the funeral yesterday afternoon of the late Hazel Dean Gilmour, wife of G. Wilford Gilmour, who died Saturday at her home. The service was held in the Hulse and Playfair funeral chapel, 315 McLeod street, and burial was in Auld Kirk cemetery. Floral pieces received included those from The Neighbours; manager and staff, Bank of Montreal; Class of 1942 Girls, Kemptville Agricultural College; and the staff of the National Parks Bureau. | Gilmour, Hazel Dean (I29721)
1765 | 1943, Monday May 10, The Ottawa Evening Citizen page 22 BOUCHER ? On Monday, May 10, 1943, in hospital, Alphonse Boucher, beloved husband of Ida Chamberlain, of 481 Sunnyside Ave., in his 66 year. Resting at Fred N. Garrett Funeral Home, 584 Somerset St W., from where funeral will be held on Thursday, May 13, at 1.30 p.m. Interment in Auld Kirk cemetery, Almonte. 1943, Monday May 10, The Ottawa Evening Citizen page 12 Alphonse Boucher The death of Alphonse Boucher, a moulder by trade and an employee of the Ottawa Car and Aircraft Company for the past few years, occurred this morning at a local hospital. He had been ill for a week. Born in Renfrew 65 years ago. he was the son of Mr and Mrs Oliver Boucher and a member of the Seventh Day Adventist church where he was respected by all who knew him. He is survived by his widow, the former Ida Chamberlain; five sons, Joseph, Detroit; Alonso, Buckingham; Andrew of Ottawa and Reginald and Melvyn at home; four daughters, Mrs A. Miller, Mrs F. Poulin, Mrs Frnk Brady, all of Ottawa, and Sandra at home; two brothers, Joseph and George of Pembroke; three sisters, Mrs J. Leclaire, Almonte; Mrs V. Montford, Ansonville, Ont, and Mrs R. Larose, Iroquois Falls. The funeral will be held at the F.N. Garret parlours on Thursday afternoon at 1.30 when Elder H.R. Brennan will conduct the service. Interment will be in the Auld Kirk cemetery, Almonte. 1943, Friday May 14, The Ottawa Journal page 18 Funeral is Held of Alphonse Boucher A large number of friends and relatives attended the funereal of Alphonse Boucher yesterday. Mr Boucher died in hospital Monday in his 66th year. Rev H.R. Brennab officiated at the service held at the Fred N. Garrett Funeral Home, 564 Somerset street west, and interment was made in Auld Kirk cemetery, Almonte. Besides a large number of private floral tributes there were pieces from Ottawa Car and Aircraft, Limited, and staff; Carleton Place Church members; friends from Detroit; employes, Dominion Store, 1075 Bank street; Neighbours; fellow-employes, Ottawa Car and Aircraft, Limited, Foundry Division; Members and Friends of Seventh Day Adventist Church. The Ottawa Car and Aircraft Limited, was represented by M.L. Lambe and T. Ryan. Those left to mourn include five daughters and three sons by his first wife, Regina Gendron, who predeceased him 11 years ago, Mrs Albert Millar, Mrs Fred Poulin, Mrs Frank Brady, of Ottawa, Mrs Vianney Montford, Ansonville, Ont., and Mrs Rene Larose, Iroquois Falls, Ont.; Joseph, of Detroit, Alonzo, of Buckingham, and Andrew, of Ottawa; one daughter and two sons by his second wife, Ida Chamberlain, who survives, Sandra, Reginald and Melvin, at home; one sister, Mrs John Leclair, Almonte, and two brothers, Joseph and George Boucher, Pembroke. | Boucher, Alphonse (I34509)
1766 | 1943, Thursday August 5, The Almonte Gazette page 3 ?b?Mrs Wm Smith?/b? Mrs Wm Smith, of the 11th line, Ramsay, had been in poor health for several weeks, though able to be about the house at times, and was not thought to be seriously ill, but on Wednesday morning death came and ended a long and useful life. Mrs Smith, who was in her 77th year, was Jean Neilson, daughter of the late John Neilson, and was born on the 12th line of Ramsay, one of a family of nine, of whom only one, Mrs Gavin Hamilton, is now living. The deceased was married to Mr Smith over fifty years ago, and has since lived on the farm upon which she died. The family born to them consisted of five sons, one of whom died in infancy, and three daughters. The daughters are Misses Agnes and Jennie, at home, and Miss Mary, who follows her profession as trained nurse in Ottawa, but who was home and tended her mother in her declining health. The sons who attained manhood are William, who is dead, John at Winnipeg; Robert, at Cornwall, and James, who died a year or two ago. Mrs Smith was of a quiet and retiring disposition, but her kind and motherly nature endeared her to many who bear testimony to her willingness to sacrifice her won comfort and convenience if by doing so she could help a needy friend or neighbour. The funeral takes place on Friday to the eighth line Cemetery. The bereaved family and friends have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. 1902, Friday October 10, The Almonte Gazette front page All About Town The funeral of the late Mrs W. Smith, of Ramsay, took place last Friday afternoon from her husband's residence to the eighth line cemetery. A large procession of friends followed the body to its last resting place, showing the esteem in which the deceased lady was held. For nearly half-a-century a missionary in India under the Presbyterian Church in Canada, Mrs Agnes Wilson Wilkie, widow of Rev Dr Jno Wilkie, died July 16th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs J.A. Brown, 67 Chaplin Crescent, Toronto, in her 96th year. Following her husband's retirement 15 years ago, Dr and Mrs Wilkie left India to make their home in Canada. Dr Wilkie died on the journey and was buried in the Red Sea. Mrs Wilkie, then 80 years of age, continue her journey to Toronto, where she had lived since with her daughter. Mrs Wilkie was born in Almonte and taught school here for a number of years prior to her marriage to Dr Wilkie who was teaching at the same time in Almonte High School. It was some remark of Rev McKenzie, then Presbyterian minister in Almonte, which caused Dr Wilkie to take up foreign mission work. Following their marriage, Dr. and Mrs Wilkie went at one to India, where they served as pioneer missionaries in Indore and Jhansi. Dr Wilkie, from funds collected by himself, built Indore College now affiliated with Calcutta University, as he believed the best results could be obtained by Christianizing the youth of India. Bible study was a essential part of every student's program. After establishing a great plant at Indore, Dr and Mrs Wilkie went to Jhansi and began educational work there, Boys' and Girls' Boarding Schools were built and an industrial school and Model Farm were established. Massy Harris and Australian plows were shipped out and also other agricultural machinery and farming was carried out, under an expert, on progressive, modern lines. The converts were then placed on these farms. Failing health forced Dr Wilkie's retirement to Canada 15 years ago, but he ever reached his homeland. Since coming to Toronto, Mrs Wilkie has retained her interest in missionary work and corresponded extensively until two years ago, with missionaries all over the world, whom she had met on her journey back and forth. In spite of travelling over most of the world, she loved above all places, her home town Almonte and was heard to say, when she arrived in Canada "Now I shall die happy, because I can be buried in Almonte." It was there she was laid to rest on July 19th in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. She is survived by her sister, Miss Jessie Neilson, Almonte and one son and two daughters, Mrs T. Graham Mitchell, Australia; Rev J. H. Wilkie, Cawnpore, India, and Mrs J.A. Brown, Toronto. Also surviving are two grandsons, Spencer Wilkie in the American Army and Neilson Wilkie in the American Navy; two grand-daughters Janet and Joan Wilkie, Toronto, one grandson Donald Mitchell and a granddaughter Helen Mitchell in Australia. The late Mrs Wilkie had a very charming and gracious personality and made friends easily among all classes of people. In India she was called "The Angel of Jhansi." | Neilson, Agnes Wilson (I8230)
1767 | 1943, Thursday December 23, The Almonte Gazette page 5 Mr William E. Sutherland Word has reached Almonte of the death in the Ottawa Civic Hospital early this Thursday morning of William E. Sutherland, a former resident of Union Hall section. He was 80 years of age and had been seriously ill only a few days. The late Mr Sutherland was born at the homestead, Union Hall, now occupied by a son, William J. Seventeen years ago he and his wife removed to Ottawa where they resided since. Deceased was a member of Guthrie United Church when he lived in this district and was an elder for some time. He is survived by his wife, the former Edna Travers and four sons, namely, Wm J. of Union Hall; John T. and David B.W. of Ottawa and Flying Officer Lloyd C. of Toronto. While funeral arrangements were not completed Thursday morning it is understood a service will be held in Ottawa after which the remains will be conveyed to Almonte where a service will be held at the residence of Mr W.E. Scott, Elgin Street, Further particulars will be published next week. 1943, Thursday December 30, The Almonte Gazette front page Funeral of W.E. Sutherland The funeral was held on Dec 25th of Mr William E. Sutherland, a former resident of the Union Hall section, who had resided in Ottawa for upwards of 17 years. A service was held at Burney's Funeral Parlours, there, at which Rev Cannon Brunet, a former Anglican rector at Clayton, officiated. The body was then brought to Almonte and a service was conducted at the residence of Mr W.E. Scott, Elgin Street, by Rev W.J. Scott, pastor to Bethany United Church. The remains were then conveyed to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Pallbearers were Messrs Wm Dunlop, Kenneth Robertson, Clarence Kellough, John Reid, Wm Bellamy and Fred Travers of Ottawa. | Sutherland, William Edward (I23917)
1768 | 1943, Thursday December 23, The Almonte Gazette, page 5 Mr. Alfred James Following a period of ill health extending over several years, the death occurred at Perth on Tuesday, Dec. 21st of Alfred James, a resident of Lanark Township. He was in his 83rd year. Deceased was born on the homestead on the 12th Concession next the farm he had occupied for so many years, and was a son of the late Benj. James and his wife, Ellen Bowland. He married Janet Robertson who predeceased him 11 years ago Surviving are five daughters and one son, namely; Mrs. Wm. Gardiner (Mabel) of Ottawa; Lieut. Ella E. James, a nursing sister with the American Armed Forces in North Africa; Mrs Arthur Bach (Anna) of New Canaan. Conn.; Mrs. John Hammond (Winifred), Stamford, Conn.; Mrs. George Rodger (Laura) of Almonte and Alfred on the homestead. There is also a brother Thomas E. James residing in Lanark Township. Mr. James was one of the well-known farmers of this district and his death will be regretted by a host of old friends and acquaintances. The funeral will be held on Friday, Dec. 24th, from his late residence, 12th Concession of Lanark at 2.30 p.m., to St. George's Cemetery. Service will be conducted at the home at 2 o'clock. 1943, Thursday December 30, The Almonte Gazette, page 4 Mr. Alfred James The funeral of Alfred James which was held from his late residence, 12th Concession of Lanark, on Friday, Dec 24th, was largely attended by friends and relatives who came to pay a last tribute to one who through his long lifetime was highly regarded. Mr. James was in his 83rd year and his death came on Tuesday, Dec. 21, following a short illness. Rev. D. F. WeegaT, rector of St. George's Anglican Church, Clayton, of which deceased was a member, officiated. A profusion of flowers was an added tribute to the esteem in which the deceased was held. Among the floral offerings were pieces from Bryson Graham Limited, Clark's Dairy and the Hunt Club, Ottawa. The pallbearers were six nephews, Ed. James, Ben James, Clarence Kellough, Russell. George and Kenneth Robertson. Interment was in St. George's Cemetery. | James, Alfred F. (I23649)
1769 | 1943, Thursday December 23, The Almonte Gazette, page 5 Mr. Charles James The death occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Dan Leach, Copper Cliff, Ont., on Wednesday, Dec. 16th, of Mr. Charles James, a resident of Almonte for many years. Deceased was born in the Township of Montague, near Smiths Falls, a son of the late John James and his wife Jane Atcheson. At the time of his death he was 83 years of age. While a boy his parents moved to Almonte, where they resided until 1885, from there moving to Messena, N.Y., where they remained until 1914. Mr. James later returned to Almonte and resided in this town until he moved to Sudbury and later to Copper Cliff to live with his family. The late Mrs. James predeceased him in March 1936, at Almonte. . Mr. James was a stone-mason by trade, working on many large construction contracts in the States and in the Ottawa Valley. For some years previous to his retirement Mr. James served the Almonte Board of Education very efficiently in the capacity of caretaker of the High School. He was a member of the Anglican Church. He is survived by one son, John, of Syracuse, N.Y.; two daughters Mrs. C. Leishman of Sudbury, and Mrs. D. Leach, of Copper Cliff; and two brothers, Albert, of Vancouver, B.C., and Walter, of Almonte. The remains arrived at Almonte on Friday, Dec. 17th, and the funeral was held from the Comba Funeral Home on Saturday Dec. 19th, to St. Paul's Anglican Church and interment was made in St. Paul's Cemetery. Rev. R. S. V. Crossley, the rector, officiated. The Pallbearers were Mr. E, James, A. Byron, O. James, H. McLaughlin, L. James, and A. Metcalfe. Among the many floral tributes were wreaths from Continental Can. Co., and the Continental Association of Syracuse N.Y. | James, Charles (I29240)
1770 | 1943, Thursday January 14, The Almonte Gazette page 4 Mrs William Toop There passed away at her home her Monday morning, a well known citizen in the person of Mrs William Toop, in her 65th year. Daughter of the late Mr and Mrs David Fumerton of Appleton, Ont., Christena Fumerton was married to the late Mr Wm Toop of Almonte who died four years ago. Mr and Mrs Toop had resided in Almonte since their marriage and were members of the Baptist church. There remain to mourn her loss, one son, Corp Arthur Toop, R.C.O.C. stationed at Barriefield Camp; three sisters, Mrs J.R. Tuggey, of Ottawa, Mrs W. Ashman of Pakenham and Mrs E. Coxford of Rochester, N.Y.; one brother, Frederick Fumerton of Carleton Place; four step daughters, Mrs Ernest Little, Mrs James Guthrie, Mrs Lester Ford of Almonte and Mrs A. McLeod of Moose Jaw, Sask.; Three stepsons, Mr Sidney and Henry Toop of Brockville and Mr Fred Toop of Regina, Sask. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the funeral parlours of G.L. Comba, Church Street, to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs James Guthrie, Edwin More, Lester Ford, Hubert Syme, Gordon Toop and Frank Honeyborne. | Fumerton, Christina (I27546)
1771 | 1943, Thursday July 22, The Almonte Gazette page 8 Mrs Alex Turner This week we have to record the passing of the second oldest of the late Matthew Neilson's family, Mrs Alex Turner (Annie Neilson) who died Tuesday, July 13. She was in her 82nd year. Her husband predeceased her about 58 years ago. She was the daughter of the late Matthew Neilson and Emmeline Teskey. Her son Ernest died 24 years ago. For the last ten years she had made her home with Mr and Mrs W.H. Neilson from whose residence the funeral took place on Thursday, Rev A.J. Fowlie and Rev Morrison of Almonte officiated at the services. Interment was in the Auld Kirk cemetery. Mrs Turner is survived by one granddaughter Mrs Hannah McArton of Carleton Place, one grandson Alec Turner of Ottawa and many nephews and nieces. Beautiful floral tributes adorned the casket. The pallbearers were Rev Harold Turner of Pakenham, Cecil and Sinclair Turner, John B. and Alan Neilson and Thorpe Bowes. | Neilson, Annie Sophia (I8221)
1772 | 1943, Thursday July 22, The Almonte Gazette, page 8 Mr. William J. Giles The death occurred on Sunday evening of Mr. William J. Giles a life-Long resident of this district. He had been in failing health for some time and was a patient in the R. M. Hospital. Two weeks ago he returned to his home where he passed away. He was a son of the late James Giles and his wife Marv Ann Smith and was born on the farm where he had resided and was 72 years old. He is survived by two brothers. Thomas of Pakenham and Edward of Almonte, three sisters. Eliza Jane, Mrs. R. Evans of Burritt's Rapids: Maggie, Mrs. James Jackson of Edmonton, Alta., and Miss Mary Agnes at home. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon and was very largely attended. friends coming a great distance to pay their last respects to one who was so well known. A beautiful service, was conducted in St. Georges Church, at Clayton, by Rev. D. F. Weener and interment made in the Anglican cemetery at Pakenham The pallbearers were Messrs. H. Richards, H. Rath, A. Nolan, H. Morrison, L. Wark and T. A. Edwards, Many beautiful floral tributes were received showing the high esteem in which deceased was held. | Giles, William John (I16351)
1773 | 1943, Thursday July 29, The Almonte Gazette front page Miss Elizabeth Jane Young Following a prolonged period of ill-health the death occurred at her home in Blakeney on Monday, of Miss Elizabeth Jane Young in her 78th year. She was a daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth Young, pioneer settlers of Ramsay Township. Upward of 30 years ago she took up residence in Blakeney village with a sister Miss Catherine Mackenzie Young, who died in May of 1942. Surviving are a niece and nephew, namely, Mrs J. Sanderson of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Mr Oliver Ford of Montreal. Members of her family who predeceased her were Miss Elizabeth, Blakeney; Annie, Mrs Ford; Christina; Janet, Mrs McLean; Margaret and Mary; Stephen, Robert, James and Andrew. The late Miss Young was a life long church worker, first as a Presbyterian and latterly in the United Congregation. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon from her late home to Blakeney United Church where service was conducted by Rev Thos McCord of Carleton Place. Interment was in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Honourary pallbearers were Messrs Wm Philip, John McGill, Milton Lindsay and Alex Barker. Pallbearers were Messrs Robert Toshack, Bert Young, Thomas McGill, John Camelon, John Snedden and Geo M. Robertson. | Young, Elizabeth Jane (I29484)
1774 | 1943, Thursday March 11, The Almonte Gazette page 5 Mrs John Metcalfe Word was received here of the death in Toronto on Thursday, March 11th, of Mrs John Metcalfe, in her 80th year. Mrs Metcalfe, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Simpson was born in Ramsay Township, a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Wm Simpson. Following her marriage to Mr John Metcalfe they resided on the Metcalfe homestead on the Clayton road until his death seven years ago when she went to Toronto to live with her daughter Mrs J.F. Keller. The remains will arrive in Almonte on Saturday morning. The funeral will be held from the Comba's Funeral Home on Sunday afternoon, March 14, at 2.30 p.m., to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. The service will be conducted by Rev Wm Aird at 2 p.m. Mr Metcalfe is survived by one son Hugh of Arnprior and one daughter Mrs J.F. Keller of Toronto. Of her immediate family, one brother and three sisters survive, namely Herbert Simpson and the Misses Bella and Martha Simpson, all of Almonte, and Marion, Mrs J. Dodds of Tisdale. Sask. | Simpson, Eliza Jane (I24122)
1775 | 1943, Thursday March 11. The Almonte Gazette page 5 ?b?Mrs Charles More?/b? The death occurred in Almonte on Thursday March 11th, of Mrs Chas More, at the age of 67 years. Deceased, whose maiden name was Catherine Gunn, was born in Darling Township, a daughter of Mr and Mrs George Gunn. Following her marriage to Mr Chas More, they farmed in Ramsay Township and later retired to live in Almonte. Her husband predeceased her in July, 1942. Left to mourn are four sons Milton and Andrew of Ramsay; Harold and Charles of Ramsay; one daughter Mrs John Corkery of Gananoque. Of her immediate family there are eight brothers and two sisters surviving, namely: Daniel, Almonte, Alex of Arnprior; George of Tatlock; Grant of Ramsay; Bert of Brantford; Ernest of Battleford, Sask., James of Climax, Sask., Stewart of Winchester, Belle, Mrs Wm McDonald of Pakenham and Jeanette, Mrs Wm Rintoul of Tatlock. The funeral will take place from the Comba Funeral Home, Church Street, Saturday, March 13th, at 2.30 p.m. to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. The service will be held at 2 p.m. 1943, Thursday March 18, The Almonte Gazette page 8 ?b?Mrs Chas More?/b? The funeral of Mrs Chas More, whose death occurred on March 11th, was held on Saturday afternoon, March 13, from the Comba Funeral Home. The service was conducted by Rev A.J. Fowlie of the Presbyterian Church of which deceased was a member, assisted by Rev W.J Scott of Bethany United Church. Surviving are four sons, Milton, Andrew, Harold and Charles, all of Ramsay Township and one daughter Myrtle, Mrs John Corkery of Gananoque. The pallbearers were her four sons and two brothers, Alex Gunn, Arnprior and Daniel Gunn of Almonte. Interment was made in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Among the beautiful floral tributes were pieces from the Producer Dairy, Almonte, and the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr Stewart Gunn, Winchester; Mr and Mrs Howard McBane of Smiths Falls; Mr and Mrs Alex Gunn of Arnprior, Miss Blanche Ring of White Lake and Mr Wm McDonald of Pakenham. | Gunn, Catherine (I11477)
1776 | 1943, Thursday May 13, The Almonte Gazette page 4 Mrs Robert C. Tosh One of Almonte's older residents passed away at her home on Colborne Street on Tuesday, May 11th, in the person of Mrs Robert C. Tosh. Deceased had been in failing health for some years and death came suddenly on Tuesday as a result of a heavy stroke which she suffered on Saturday evening. Mrs Tosh was formerly Miss Caroline Elizabeth Powers and she was born in Pakenham Township 80 years ago, a daughter of the late Thomas Powers and his wife Elizabeth Lowe. Following her marriage to Mr Robert C. Tosh, she and her husband lived in Ramsay Township, retiring to Almonte some 22 years ago. Mr Tosh predeceased her in 1926. Left to mourn are four sons and two daughters, Winnard R. of Oakland, Calif; Harvey of Philadelphia, P.A., Miss Caroline of Owen Sound, Alex, Cephas and Miss Pearl, all of Almonte; twelve grandchildren and one great grandchild. One sister also survives. Mrs A.J. Falconer of Seattle, Washington. The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon from her late residence and interment was in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Rev A.J. Fowlie, minister of St John's Presbyterian Church of which deceased was a member officiated at the home and graveside. 1943, Thursday May 20, The Almonte Gazette page 4 Mrs Robert Tosh Largely attended by many friends from town and surrounding districts, the funeral of Mrs Robert Tosh was held Thursday afternoon, May 13th, from her late home to the Auld Kirk cemetery. Rev A.J. Fowlie of St John's Presbyterian Church, conducted the service at the house and cemetery. The pallbearers were Percy and Earl Spalding, Perth; Delmer Johnson, Peter Syme, Lloyd Watson, and Alton Matthews. Among the floral tributes were wreaths from The Alexander Fleck Co., Ottawa; Almonte Ladies' Curling Club, The Heather Club of the Presbyterian Church and relatives and friends. | Powers, Caroline Elizabeth (I14791)
1777 | 1943, Thursday May 20, The Almonte Gazette page 4 ?b?Mrs J.N. Smith?/b? The death occurred at Almonte on Thursday, May 13th, of Mrs J.N. Smith, aged 83 years. She had been in failing health for some time and an accident which resulted in a fractured hip some weeks ago, hastened the end. She was born in this town and was the former Lillian Manning, a daughter of the late Rev J. Manning and Mrs Manning. Her father was pastor of the Baptist Church, here, for many years and later removed to Toronto, where he was chief license inspector of the Province, a position to which he was appointed because of his strong temperance convictions. The late Mrs Smith was educated in the local schools and like many young ladies of that day, showed considerable talent as an artist. About 1883 she married Mr John N. Smith who predeceased her in 1936. Mrs Smith was a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church and for many years was active in its organizations. She leaves one son, Lieutenant Commander Wm Manning Smith of the American Navy, whose home was in New York but is now stationed at Hingham, Mass. She was predeceased by three brothers and two sisters, namely, James who lost his life some 53 years ago with Dr Mostyn of this town when a boat in which the two of them were returning from Appleton, capsized; Walter and A.H. of Clinton, Ont; Mrs E.W. Smith (Elizabeth) of Almonte; Mrs (Dr) Thomas Amos (Laura) of Exeter, Ontario. The funeral was held from the Comba Funeral Home, Saturday afternoon to the Auld Kirk | Manning, Lillian Lewis "Lily" (I42419)
1778 | 1943, Thursday November 25, The Almonte Gazette page 8 ?b?Mr John E. Rose?/b? The funeral was held last Saturday afternoon from the Comba Funeral Home here of John Ebenezer Rose, who died Friday in Ramsay Township following a year's illness. Rev W.J. McBurney of Reformed Presbyterian Church conducted the funeral service. Burial was in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs Alex Burns, Sam Burns, Will Burns, Norman Bowes, Wilfred Metcalfe and Edward Rose. Deceased who was 81 years old, was born on the Scotch Line, a son of the late Mr and Mrs Edward Rose. His wife, the former Mary Ellen Cavers, predeceased him by 20 years. He moved to Huntley with the family as a boy and became a teacher. Wright's School was his first charge. Surviving is one son, John T. Rose of Ramsay. | Rose, John Ebenezer (I37914)
1779 | 1944, Saturday January 1, The Ottawa Evening Citizen page 12 FORGIE ? At Almonte, on Thursday, December 30, 1943, Margaret Switzer, beloved wife of Duncan Forgie. The funeral will take place from her late residence Clinton St., to St Paul's Anglican church, on Saturday, January 1, 1944. Interment in Auld Kirk cemetery. 1944, Thursday January 6, The Carleton Place Canadian page 7 ?b?Mrs Duncan Forgie?/b? Following a week's illness the death occurred this Thursday morning of Mrs Duncan Forgie at her home in Almonte. Deceased was the former Margaret Switzer and was born at Ashton, a daughter of the late Martin Switzer and his wife, Susan McFadden. Upwards of 53 years ago she was married to Mr Forgie at Almonte and the couple continued to live here ever since. There were three children, two daughters and a son, namely, Miss Hattie E., with the Penman Company, in Paris, Ont; Jessie, who died in Almonte in 1941, and Edward M. Forgie with the Manufacturer's Life, in Toronto. There are also three grandchildren, Margaret, Jean and Dorothy, of Toronto. Mrs Forgie leaves a brother and a sister, namely, James Switzer, of Port Arthur, and Mrs Edward Gagain (Harriet), of Almonte. Three sisters and two brothers predeceased her, Kate and Mary in the U.S.; Hannah (Mrs Edwards), of Ottawa; Abraham and Joseph, of Ashton. The funeral will be held from the family home, Clinton street, Saturday afternoon to St Paul's Anglican church with service at two o'clock. Interment will be made in the Auld Kirk cemetery. The sympathy of many friends goes out to Mr Duncan Forgie in his double bereavement. To have lost his wife a day after the death of a brother, Mr Wm Henry Forgie, in Toronto is a sad experience that is spared most people. The death of his daughter, a few years ago, was another sore bereavement. ? Almonte Gazette | Switzer, Margaret (I39059)
1780 | 1944, Thursday April 13,The Almonte Gazette, front page Mrs Wm M. Sutherland The death occurred in London , Ont on Sunday last of a former wellknown resident of this district in the person of Mrs William M. Sutherland. She had been in ill-health for two years. The former Millicent Arthur, she was born at Blakeney, the daughter of the late James Arthur and his wife Ellen Paterson. Twenty-one years ago she was married to William M Sutherland in Ottawa and resided there until two years ago. Her husband died in 1934. Surviving are a daughter Elaine of Blakeney; a son, Arthur, R.C.A.F. of St Thomas; one brother, Howard of Kirkland Lake; and six sisters, Mrs R. Ellerbeck of Glenvale, Ont; Mrs Charles Burke, New York; Mrs Melville Royce, Almonte; Miss Mary Arthur of Ottawa, and the Misses Belle and Margaret of Blakeney. The remains were brought to Almonte, Tuesday morning, and interred in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Rev W.J. Scott of Bethany Church officiated 1944, Thursday April 20, The Almonte Gazette, page 8 Mrs William M. Sutherland The funeral was held Tuesday morning, April 11, of Mrs Wm. M. Sutherland who died the preceding Sunday in the hospital at London, Ont. She had been in ill health for nine years. The former Millicent Arthur she was born near Blakeney, the daughter of the late James Arthur and Ellen Paterson. Twenty-one years ago she was married to William M. Sutherland in Ottawa and resided there for several years. He died in 1934. Surviving are a daughter, Elaine of Blakeney; a son LAC Arthur, R.C.A.F., St Thomas; one brother Howard of Kirkland Lake, and six sisters, Mrs Russell Ellerbeck of Glenvale, Ont; Mrs Charles Burke, New York; Mrs Melville Royce, Almonte; Miss Mary Arthur of Ottawa and the Miss Mary Arthur of Ottawa and Misses Belle and Margaret of Blakeney. The remains were brought to Almonte and interred in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Rev Morrison of Trinity officiated. Pallbearers were Oral Arthur, George Arthur, Stuart and Wilbert Paterson | Arthur, Lettitia Millicent (I36963)
1781 | 1944, Thursday August 3, The Carleton Place Canadian front page Mrs R.M. Yuill One of this town's best known and most highly esteemed residents, in the person of Agnes Elizabeth Yuill, beloved wife of Mr Robert M. Yuill, McLaren avenue, died in Rosamond Memorial hospital on Sunday following a long period of failing health Developing a rheumatic condition in June, Mrs Yuill was confined to bed for a couple of weeks but recovered sufficiently to be up. Recently she suffered from flu and on Saturday afternoon she was taken to the hospital, but the constitution being so greatly weaken she could not respond to treatment and in the early hours of Sunday morning she passed very quietly and peacefully away. A daughter of the late Robert Yuill and his wife Elizabeth Boyd, she was born in Bruce county, near Teeswater. She was married at the home of her parents to Mr Yuill, and after their marriage they came to Ramsay, where they lived on the Yuill homestead on the sixth line until 18 years ago, when they came to Carleton Place. The late Mrs Yuill was a devout member of Memorial Park United church and of the Woman's Association and the Women's Missionary Society. A lady, broad-minded in her views and of very pleasant personality. Mrs Yuill won the respect and admiration of her many friends throughout the community, and her passing occasioned widespread regret. Though she had not enjoyed good health for some time she did not complain, but rather looked on the brighter side of life and to the time when she would again be among those whom she loved. Of late her chief interest was in her home and she was one who had done her part nobly and well in all that pertained to the welfare to those with whom she was connected by ties of love. In addition to her husband, she is survived by one brother, Mr Jos Yuill, of Brussells, Ont; and two sisters, Miss Margaret Yuill, of Carleton Place, and Mrs Bert Petrie, of the United States. The funeral, which was attended, took place from the Fleming Brothers funeral home, Lake avenue, to the Auld Kirk cemetery. Rev E.C. Kelloway, minister of Zion church, officiated in the absence of her minister, Rev D.C. Munro, minister of Memorial Park United church. The pallbearers were Messrs Norman Paul, Frank Paul, Beatty Hamilton, Andrew Stewart, Dr W. F. Baird and Kenneth Dack. Among those from outside points attending the funeral were Mr and Mrs Jos Yuill, from Brussels; Mr and Mrs McBurnie, of Wingham; Mr and Mrs Robert McKenzie, of Belgrave; Mr and Mrs Hamilton Stewart, Mr and Mrs Herb Stewart, Mrs James Scott, all of Balderson; Mr Stwart Gilfour, of Toronto, and many from Beckwith, Ramsay, Almonte, Pakenham and surrounding district. Many beautiful floral tributes were received, a symbol of love and devotion of Mrs Yuill's many friends for the warmth and loyalty of her friendship and her many kindly acts. | Yuill, Agnes Elizabeth (I25017)
1782 | 1944, Thursday February 10, The Almonte Gazette, page 4 ?b?Mr Jas. H. Black?/b? A native of Almonte in the person of James Herbert Black passed away in Toronto on Monday Feb 7th. The remains were brought to Almonte and the funeral was held from the Comba Funeral Home on Thursday (today) at 11 am. Interment was in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. He is survived by his wife the former Miss Dorcas Bradford of Almonte, one son with the R.C.A.F., Montreal, and two brothers, Alex of Ottawa and Milo of Sterling. When a young man Mr Black was employed as a clerk in West's store here. Later he joined the postal service and for many years he worked out of Toronto as a railway postal clerk. | Black, James Herbert (I7655)
1783 | 1944, Thursday February 17, The Almonte Gazette page 4 Mr William A. Gilmour Following a period of ill-health extending over two years, the death occurred on Sunday, Feb 13th, of William Allan Gilmour, aged 50 years. He was born in Almonte, a son of the late John Gilmour and his wife Mary Riddell. Deceased lived in this town all his life. He was a quiet industrious type of man and word of his death was received with regret by many friends. Twenty-four years ago he married the former Jean McClymont of Almonte, who survives him together with two sons, Jack and Wayne, and two daughters, Miss Rachael at home and Mary (Mrs Stanley Barry) of Arnprior; also two sisters, Mrs Charles Winmill of Ottawa and Mrs Maud Wright of Hamilton. There is one grandchild. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon from the family residence on Country Street to the Auld Kirk Cemetery where interment was made. Services were conducted by Rev A.J. Fowlie of Almonte Presbyterian Church. Pallbearers were Messrs Andrew Cochrane, Jeff Martin, Harry Nontell, Lorne James, W.B. James and Grant McDougall. Among the floral offerings were pieces from the Superior, third form of the High School and the Dominion Store. | Gilmour, William Allan (I26164)
1784 | 1944, Thursday February 17, The Almonte Gazette, front page W.H. Black Was Popular Figure Former Almonte School Teacher Great Favourite With His Old Pupils Following a lengthy period of illness, the death occurred in Toronto on Thursday, Feb 10th of Mr. William Hamilton Black, a former well-known resident of Almonte. He was born on the 7th line of Ramsay, 86 years ago, a son of the late James Black and his wife Janet Johnstone. Mr Black attended the local schools and while a young man went to the American West where he spent several years. He worked as a carpenter in the States of Utah, Colorado and California in the days when pioneer conditions existed and when the advice of Horace Greeley was being followed ? "Go West, young man and seek that better land." When he was in a reminiscent mood Mr Black sometimes talked of his experiences on the Western coast. While discussing newspaper work he once dropped the information that he was employed in the circulation department of the San Francisco Argonaut for a time. Becomes A Teacher. Returning to his own country. Mr Black resumed his academic studies graduating from the Ottawa Normal as a teacher. He had been a brilliant pupil at the Almonte High School standing High in the estimation of the late P.C. McGregor for that reason. Under these circumstances it was not surprising that he himself proved a most successful educationist. He taught in many places generally in the capacity of principal. Among these might be mentioned Arnprior, Pakenham, Whitby, Carleton Place, Marmora and Almonte. He was principal of the public school here for some years and is remembered affectionately by his old pupils as one who mingled kindness and humour with that degree of discipline necessary to succeed in the profession of his adoption. When Mr Black retired as headmaster of the local school he was appointed secretary of the Public Utilities Commission of Almonte, a position he filled with the upmost satisfaction up to some ten years ago when he retired and made his home in Toronto where his son Eric resided. Aside from his work he had many interest during his long life in this town. He was a great reader of good books and he liked to discuss public affairs. His ideas on such subjects were reflected in letter which he sent to the press. Many of them appeared in the Gazette and were written in the style of essays. They were read with great interest and especially by those who were personally acquainted with their author. A Faithful Churchman. A faithful and active churchman, Mr Black, a former Presbyterian, transferred to the United Church at the time of Union and worshipped with the Bethany congregation up to the time of his departure from Almonte. He served for years as clerk of the session and in other capacities on church organizations. For a time he also discharged the onerous duties of committee secretary in connection with the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Mr Black took a great interest in this last mentioned institution and on one occasion wrote an excellent history of this pioneer burying ground going to the personal expense of buying engravings to reproduce printed pictures of the new McLeod memorial entrance, the old church and other scenes. Among his donations to Bethany Church, outside of his liberal monetary contributions, was a fine brass name plate to be seen on the front of the building and a handsome pulpit lamp. After he left Almonte to live in Toronto, Mr Black kept in touch with his old friends through letters and occasional visits. He was always a cheerful conversationalist and people liked to see him back in the old town. For some years before he left he lived at the Hotel Almonte where he was a favourite with the proprietor, Mr Charles Tallon, the staff, other boarders and the travelling public. Shortly after the turn of the century Mr Black lost his wife, the former Anna Greig of Almonte. There was one son and one daughter, Eric Black who survives, and Marion, a clever young lady who died in a tragic level crossing accident about twelve years ago. This was a terrible blow to the father and it is doubtful if he ever fully recovered from it. There were nine members in Mr Black's family. Five brothers and three sisters predeceased him. They were: Walter, James, Gilbert, Robert and Charles; Margaret (Mrs A. Gilmour); Jessie and Agnes (Mrs E. Steele). The remains were brought to Almonte Saturday morning and deposited in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. The body was expected to arrive on the Pembroke local and a number of old friends had assembled at the station to pay a last tribute to the departed. It developed, however, that the train from Toronto to Ottawa had been late and the local did not wait for it. The remains were sent to Carleton Place on the pool train which leaves Ottawa shortly after the local and they were conveyed by motor hearse from that town to the cemetery, A service was conducted by Rev W. J. Scott of Bethany Church and the following acted as pallbearers: Messrs. J.B. Illingworth, L.B. Jamieson, Ed James, W.A. Metcalfe, N.S. Lee and W.C. Pollock. Out-of-town friends present for Mr Black funeral were: Mrs Marion and Mr Maurice McFarlane of Ottawa; Mrs May Colborne of Ottawa; Mrs R. Tomilson and Mr Charles Gilmour of Braeside. All above are nieces and nephews of deceased. | Black, William Hamilton (I7650)
1785 | 1944, Thursday February 3, The Carleton Place Canadian page 4 Wemyss Ballantyne Mr Wemyss Ballantyne, a leading and well known citizen of the city of Sherbrooke, Quebec, died suddenly at his home, 143 Belvidere street South on Thursday, of last week, following a brief illness. Mr Ballantyne had apparently been in his usual health until the Friday previous when he suffered a heart attack, but he recovered from that and was able to be up and going about. On Thursday last he had partaken of the evening meal and later went to his room to rest and while there he suffered another seizure which resulted in his passing, his death coming as a great shock to his daughters and to his numerous friends in Sherbrooke and Carleton Place. Only six weeks previous Mr Ballantyne was in Carleton Place attending the funeral of his sister, the late Mrs Samuel Dunfield, Sr., with whom he spent several weeks each summer. Mr Ballantyne, who was born in Hawick, Scotland, received his education in that place and when quite young came to Canada with his parents and settled in Almonte where he lived for an number of years. He later moved to Sherbrooke, Quebec, where he accepted a position with the Paton Manufacturing Company and leaving there he went to the Imperial Oil Company serving as manager of the Sherbrooke branch for many years, remaining with the latter until he retired about ten years ago. Active in local Masonic circles, he was a member of the Victoria Lodge, of Sherbrooke, for the past fifty years and during that time he had served in the capacity of secretary of the Lodge for the past 42 years and in that time never missed a meeting. He was intensely interested in the activities and motives of the Order and was a Past Master of the Sherbrooke lodge. He was also a Royal Arch Mason and Past Grand Senior Warden of the Grand Lodge. The late Mr Ballantyne played an active part in the various other organizations of the city and in the church and at the time of his death was serving as chairman of the Board of Managers of St Andrews Presbyterian church. He was twice married, his first wife, the former Margaret Scott, of Almonte, passed away many years ago and a number of years after her death he married the former Miss Annie Dunlop, also of Almonte, who died several years ago. He is survived by two daughters (Margaret) Mrs George Dick, of Sherbrooke, and Miss Helen Ballantyne, at home, children of the first marriage, a son-in-law, Mr George Dick, C.E., and a grandson, Jimmy Dick, of Sherbrooke; two brothers, Mr John Ballantyne, and Mr Matthew Ballantyne, both of Almonte. In addition to Mrs Dunfield, two other sisters, Mrs G. Wilson, of Hawick, Scotland, and Mrs R. Blackwood, and one brother, Mr Thos Ballantyne, are deceased. He is also survived by a number of nieces and nephews. Persons from all walks of life, members of the Masonic Order, church and community organization to which he belonged, attended the large funeral on Sunday afternoon which was held from his residence on Belvidere street to Elmwood cemetery. The service was conducted at the home and graveside by Rev Alfred Bright, minister of St Andrews Presbyterian church. The pallbearers were representatives of Masonic, church organizations and the Imperial Oil Company, namely, Messrs W. Byham, R. Whetley, A. Davidson, G. Davidson, H.M. Thompson and G.E. Gallagher. Those from out-of-town attending the funeral were Mr Matthew Ballantyne, of Almonte; Mr and Mrs Vincent Clarke, Miss Joan Clarke, Roderick Clarke, of Quebec City; Mrs T. George Haley, of Carleton Place. Mr and Mrs Wilson N. Flegg and Mr Aubrey Clarke, Who reside in Sherbrooke, were also present, as were many from towns surrounding Sherbrooke. Mr John Ballantyne was unavoidably absent through illness. | Ballantyne, Wemyss (I30152)
1786 | 1944, Thursday June 1 Janet (Jessie) Neilson ALMONTE, May 25 -- (Special) - At Rosamond Memorial Hospital, Wednesday, Miss Janet (Jessie) Neilson, died after a short illness. She was born in Ramsay township, daughter of the late James Neilson and Marion McFarlane. She received her high school education in Almonte, later entering a Cleveland, Ohio, hospital where she graduated. She is the last member of a family of 10. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon to the Auld Kirk cemetery. | Neilson, Janet McFarlane "Jessie" (I8238)
1787 | 1944, Thursday June 15, The Almonte Gazette page 4 George W. Bennett The funeral of the late George W. Bennett of Toronto, will be held from the C.P.R. station Friday morning on arrival of the north bound local. Interment will be in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Deceased was married to Annie Cowie of Almonte, who predeceased him in 1940. He was a son of the late Rev John Bennett, D.D. and Mrs Bennett who resided here for many years. | Bennett, George Weir (I33219)
1788 | 1944, Thursday May 18, The Almonte Gazette page 4 DIED GORDON ? In Ramsay Township on Wednesday, May 17, John F. Gordon, in his 85th year. Funeral will be held on Friday, May 19, at 2 p.m. from his late residence to Auld Kirk Cemetery. 1944, Thursday May 25, The Carleton Place Canadian page 2 John F. Gordon Almonte, May 19 - The death occurred Wednesday at his home, in Ramsay township of John F. Gordon, in his 85th year. He was a son of J.F. Gordon and Ann Wells, of Glasgow, Scotland, early settlers of Lanark village. In 1885, Mr Gordon married Mrs Margaret Ann Giles, formerly Margaret Ann Evans, of Clayton, Ont., who predeceased him in 1928. To this union, two son and four daughters were born, namely, William, and present living on the homestead; Maggie (Mrs Thos Corrigan), and Minnie (Mrs W.J. Elliott), of Sonneugdale, Sask; Ada (Mrs D. Boyd Traill), of Drummond, and Miss Eva, of Ottawa. Mr Gordon was born in Scotland and was one of a family of 10, of whom two survive, Mrs M. A. McFarlane, Ottawa, and Mrs J.A. Morrison, of Prescott. The funeral was held this afternoon at 2 p.m. from the family residence in Ramsay to the Auld Kirk cemetery. | Gordon, John Findlay (I6412)
1789 | 1944, Thursday May 25, The Almonte Gazette page 8 ?b?James A. Julian?/b? Following a month's serious illness the death occurred on Sunday, May 21st of James A. Julian, a wellknown citizen of Almonte. Born in London, England, he came to Canada 50 years ago and lived at Belleville for a short time, afterward moving to this town where he had resided ever since. For a great many years Mr Julian was an employee of the Rosamond Woolen Co Ltd, first as a textile operator and for 20 subsequent years as night watchman. He retired from the latter position several years ago as a result of failing health. Deceased was a member of the local lodge of the L.O.L. and of the Presbyterian Church. He was twice married. His first wife who predeceased him 23 years ago was the former Margaret Mae Royce. To the union six children were born, five of whom are living, namely: Lillian, Mrs Clarence Waugh; Dorothy, Mrs Bruce Cumerford; Marjorie, Mrs Norman Cochrane, all of Carleton Place; Pte Arnold Julian, who recently returned from Overseas and Derward of Renfrew. His second wife was the former Gladys L. Rivett of Arnprior, who survives with two children: L.A.C. Howard Julian, R.C.A.F. Deseronto and Miss Violet Julian at home. Deceased also leaves two brothers and a sister, Thomas and Walter of Almonte and Emily (Mrs John McGill) of Almonte. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon from his late residence, mary Street, to the Auld Kirk Cemetery, Rev A.J. Fowlie, pastor of the Almonte Presbyterian church, officiating. Pallbearers were three sons-in-law, Norman Cochran, Bruce Cumerford and Clarence Waugh and three brothers-in-law, John McGill, Almonte, and Lorne and Russell Rivett of Arnprior. Included in the floral offerings were wreaths from the Worsted Room of the Rosamond Woolen Co and from the Renfrew Woollen Mills in Carleton Place and from neighbours in New England. | Julian, James Allan (I37327)
1790 | 1944, Thursday November 9, The Almonte Gazette front page ?b?Last Tribute Paid To Peter Cochran?/b? Many Attend Funeral Of Well-known Ramsay Farmer Saturday Afternoon Mr Peter Cochran, lifelong resident of Ramsay Township, passed away at his home on the 7th line on Thursday, Nov 2, at the age of 91 years. Mr Cochran was born March 31, 1853, on the family homestead, a son of the late Andrew Cochran and his wife, Isobel Erskine. All his life was devoted to agricultural pursuits. He was a progressive farmer and specialized successfully in raising purebred Shorthorn cattle and Oxford Down sheep. In religion he was a Presbyterian and was a lifelong member of Almonte Presbyterian Church. In 1886 he married, Miss Adeline Rule of Rothsay, Ont, who passed away four years ago. To them were born one son, Wilbert Rule Cochran at home and one daughter, Gertrude, Mrs Thomas Somerton, who died eight years ago. Besides his son, he is survived by two sisters, Mrs D.E. Snedden, Almonte and Mrs Thos Philip, Forest Grove, Oregon, U.S.A. The longevity of Mr Cochran's immediate family is remarkable. Out of a family of eleven brothers and sisters, six lived to be over 90 years of age and three were more than 85 years old. The funeral which was largely attended was held on Saturday, November 4 from his late residence and burial was made in the Auld Kirk cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs Milton Cochran, Alex Cochran, Peter Syme, Thos Erskine, Wm Philip and George Stewart. Services at the home and at the grave were conducted by Rev A.J. Fowlie, minister of the Almonte Presbyterian church. | Cochran, Peter (I18708)
1791 | 1944, Thursday November 9, The Almonte Gazette front page Former Almonte Resident Passes Andrew Dunlop Dies At Home Of Daughter In Carleton Place (Carleton Place Canadian) Mr Andrew Dunlop, an esteemed and well known resident of Carleton Place and Almonte, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs Wilbert J. Porterfield, Lake Avenue West on Wednesday of last week. Mr Dunlop was in his 90th year. The late Mr Dunlop was a man younger looking than his years and enjoyed good health until his illness which occurred on Saturday, October 28th. Up until that tie he was able to take his walks to the barber shop and enjoyed meeting and conversing with old and new friends whom he met from time to time. Mr Dunlop's passing is widely mourned by his friends throughout the whole district. Born In Scotland Born in Paisley Scotland, in 1855, a son of the late Mr and Mrs Andrew Dunlop, he came to Canada with his parents in 1870, and settled in Guelph, and later at Fergus, Ont. In 1872, the family moved to Almonte where Mr Dunlop entered the employ of the Rosamond Woolen Company. He remained there 49 years, 40 of them as overseer. In 1922 Mr Dunlop was forced to retire due to ill health. On September 4th 1878, Mr Dunlop was married to the former Miss Agnes Lindsay Gilmour, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs James Gilmour at the home of her parents on the 8th line of Ramsay, by the late Rev Mr. Lougheed In 1936 Mr and Mrs Dunlop came to visit with their sonin- law and daughter, Mr and Mrs W.J. Porterfield, and were only here a short time when Mrs Dunlop passed away, since which time Mr Dunlop has made his home in Carleton Place. An Old Citizen The late Mr Dunlop was one of Almonte's oldest and best known citizens and since coming to reside in this town had made a host of friends. He was well read and kept close contact with current events through his daily newspaper. The death of his young grandson, Flying Officer Andrew Porterfield, overseas, was an almost overwhelming blow from which Mr Dunlop never seemed to recover. As husband and father he had all the vicissitudes of the years with a brave heart and cheerful courage and it was always more natural of him to think of others than of himself. Mr Dunlop lived a full and well rounded life wit an abundance of philosophy and good humour that enabled him to endure a great deal and he leaves behind him a good name and the inspiration of a friendship that will be cherished by those who knew it. Prominent Mason During his long years of residence in Almonte, Mr. 'Dunlop was active in many of the town's affairs. He was a member of Bethany United Church and was deeply interested in its welfare. He was a member of Mississippi Lodge, A.F. & A.M. No. 147, Almonte, for 67 years and some time ago was given the 50-year veteran jewel and the Past Master's 50-year medal and was the oldest living member at the time of his death. Left to mourn are five daughters (Ethel) Mrs W.J. Porterfield, Carleton Place, (Gertrude) Mrs Harry Reynolds, Calgary, (Inez) Mrs Charles Lay, Toronto, (Olga) Mrs Arthur T. Roberts, Desplain, Ill., U.S.A., (Roberta) Mrs Gordon Brown, Toronto, also two sons Mr Frank Dunlop, Ottawa and Mr. Russell Dunlop, of Calgary, and one brother, Mr David Dunlop, North Adams, Mass., and one sister, Miss Tena Dunlop of Almonte. Two daughters Delcia and (Jessie) Mrs L. Thompson, are deceased. The funeral took place from the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Porterfield, Saturday afternoon. A short service was conducted at the home by Rev D.C. Munro, minister of Memorial Park United Church at 2 o'clock and the cortege then proceeded to Almonte for service at 2:30 at Bethany United Church by the minister Rev. W.J. Scott. Buried at Almonte Interment was made at the Auld Kirk Cemetery. The honorary pallbearers were: Messrs George Clement, W.C. Pollock, William Coxford, Robert Hogg, Nelson Washburn and Dr. Kelly, all of Almonte. The active pallbearers were P.S.G. Mac Porterfield, Messrs George George Buffam, Elmer Walker, Harry Buffam, Elmer Walker, Harry Gilmour, Roy Gilmour, and W.W. Pollock, K.C. Many beautiful floral tributes were received evidence of the high esteem in which Mr. Dunlop was held | Dunlop, Andrew (I26181)
1792 | 1945, Thursday August 2, The Almonte Gazette, page 4 Thomas F. Craig The death occurred in the Civic Hospital, Ottawa, on Sunday, July 22, of Thomas Frederick Craig, aged 60 years. He was the only son of the late Thomas Craig and his wife Isabella McAlister, and had lived all his life on the homestead on the 8th line of Ramsay. He is survived by two sisters, Effie, Mrs L.E. Menuez of St Petersburg, Florida, and Emma, Mrs J.A. Hough of White Lake, Another sister, Bertha, Mrs M. Albright of Toledo, Ohio, died in 1935. The funeral took place from his late home to the Auld Kirk cemetery and was largely attended. Rev Mr. Fowlie of the Presbyterian Church conducted the service. Pallbearers were his neighbours, Milton More, Arthur Mathers, Russell Barr, John Camelon, Chas Burke and a brother-in-law, John Hough of White Lake. Many beautiful floral offerings were received. | Craig, Thomas Frederick (I24204)
1793 | 1945, Thursday July 12, The Almonte Gazette, page 4 Mrs Robt G. Kellough Mrs Robert G. Kellough, the former Margaret Brown Young, died at her residence in Almonte, Tuesday, following a lengthy illness. She was in her 78th year. Mrs Kellough, who was born and educated in Renfrew County, was the daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Young. She was married in 1898 at Claybank, Ont., and had been a resident of Almonte for the past 20 years Active in church work until the time of her illness she was a regular attendant of Bethany United Church at Almonte and was a life member of the W.M.S. She is survived by her husband, three sons, Victor Kellough of Almonte; John Kellough of Cobourg; Earle Kellough of Dunnville; a daughter, Capt. Matron Margaret M. Kellough, R.C.A.M.C., recently returned home from overseas two brothers, William A. Young, of Clayton, Dr. John M. Young, of Rapid City, Man., and one sister, Mrs John McArton of Ottawa. The funeral was held at 2 o'clock this Thursday afternoon to Bethany Church where a service was conducted and interment was in Auld Kirk Cemetery. | Young, Margaret Brown (I11136)
1794 | 1945, Thursday June 21, The Almonte Gazette page 4 ?b?Mr Roy Gibbons?/b? There passed away in Ottawa Civic Hospital on June 14, Mr Roy Gibbons, son of the late Mr and Mrs Alexander Gibbons of Almonte. He was educated in Almonte Public and High Schools. A veteran of the First World War, he served as a gunner in the 74th battery and later in the Army of Occupation in the Rhineland. For the past 16 years he had been employed as a postal clerk in Ottawa. The funeral service was held on Saturday afternoon with Rev Richmond Craig officiating. Left to mourn his loss besides his wife, the former Mary Lawrie and daughter Helen, are two brothers, Joseph and Ira Gibbons of Almonte, four sisters (Annie) Mrs P.B. Morris Kewagama, P.Q.; (Margaret) Mrs Wm McCallum, (Hannah) Mrs Eddie Gilmour, Almonte and (Jennie), Mrs Wood, Fordville, North Dakota. Included in the many floral tributes were a basket from the Post Office Dept City Delivery and a spray from the Atthewell Past Noble Grands Club. The pallbearers were Messrs C. Johnston, Geo Munnery, Edward Skipworth, Cyril Osborne, Thomas Gerrard and Carson Kearns all of Ottawa. Interment was in Auld Kirk Cemetery, Almonte. Relatives from out of town who attended the service were Mr and Mrs R.J. Burnside, Peterborough; Mr and Mrs J. Gibbons, Ira Gibbons, Mr and Mrs Wm McCallum, Mr and Mrs Ed Gilmour, and Miss P. Houston, Almonte; Mrs Peter Morris, Kewagama, Mr Wm Leckie Sr., Mr Wm Leckie Jr., of Burnstown; Mr and Mrs R.J. Gibbons and Mr and Mrs F. McNeely, Smiths Falls; Mr John and Alfred Gibbons, Northcote. | Gibbons, Roy (I17475)
1795 | 1945, Thursday March 22, The Almonte Gazette front page Mrs Nathaniel Rose On March 14th, 1945, there passed away at the Rosamond Memorial Hospital, Margaret Frances Core, widow of Nathaniel E. Rose of Pakenham Township, in her 84th year. Mrs Rose was born in Catonsville, Md., U.S.A., June 24th, 1861, came to Canada in April 1892 and was married December 12th, 1893 to Mr Rose, who predeceased her almost ten years ago. To them were born two sons, Edward John who lives on the homestead and James Frances of the Provincial Police Force, residing in Perth, who mourn the passing of a beloved mother. There are also two granddaughters, Barbara and Margaret Rose of Perth. A sister, Mrs Stephen George in Baltimore, Md., U.S.A. and a number of nieces and nephews. A faithful member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church she loved the House of God and attended so long as health permitted The funeral was from the family homestead on Friday, March 16th at 2.30 p.m. to Auld Kirk Cemetery and was attended by a large number of sympathizing friends and neighbours. The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. Services at the house and cemetery were conducted by her pastor, Rev W.J. McBurney assisted by Rev W.J. Scott of Bethany United Church The pallbearers were James Connery, Milton Lindsay, Thorpe Bowes, James Morton, Thos Morton and Will Burns | Core, Margaret Francis Frances (I8571)
1796 | 1945, Thursday March 22, The Almonte Gazette, front page Thomas Edward James The death occurred at the family home, Lanark Township on Friday, March 16th of Thomas Edward James. He was born July 5, 1859 a son of the late Benjamin James and Ellen Bowland. He was married on December 24th, 1895 to Hannah McNeely, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Brice McNeely, Carleton Place, who predeceased him in 1920. He leaves two daughters and two sons, namely, Lillian, Mrs. Herbert Stanley, Pakenham; Ellen, Mrs. W.H. Connell, Toronto; Benjamin E. and Edwin M., of Lanark Township. The funeral was held from the family home on March 19th to St. George's Church, Clayton where service was conducted by the Rev. D. F. Weegar, rector of the parish. Pallbearers were W.L. James, Herbert James, Gordon, Frank and John James and John F. James. The remains were taken to the vault in St. Paul's Cemetery, Almonte, where a Masonic Service was held under the auspices of Mississippi Lodge, A. F. & A. M. He was the last of a family of eight brothers and one sister, William, Benjamin, Nathaniel, Edwin, Herbert J., James M.D. and Mrs. Wm. Robertson, all of Bathgate, N. D.; John R. of Ramsay Township and Alfred of Lanark Township. He was a member of the Township Council for many years and a member of Mississippi Lodge, No. 147, A.F. & A.M., Almonte, and of the Royal Arch Masons. For years he served on the executive of the Lanark County Progressive Conservative Association and was one of the original directors of and a former president of the Lanark and Carleton Counties Telephone Company. Among many floral tributes from the family, relatives and friends was one from Mississippi Lodge A.F. & A.M. | James, Thomas Edward (I23626)
1797 | 1945, Thursday March 29, The Almonte Gazette page 8 Miss Flora Wilson The funeral of Flora Wilson was held on Thursday afternoon, March 22nd, from the residence of Mr W.E. Scott, Elgin Street. She died in the Rosamond Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, March 20th. Miss Wilson was born in Almonte, a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs James Wilson. Her mother's maiden surname was McPhail. The father was a stone mason and he erected many buildings in this district including the Reformed Presbyterian Church and the home at the end of Cameron Street where Miss Wilson lived all her life. Mr Wilson died about 1911 and his wife in 1928. Miss Wilson was predeceased by a sister, Jessie, and she leaves a brother, W.A. Wilson of Regina. She was a member of Bethany United Church. The funeral services were conducted by the pastor of that church, Rev W.J. Scott and interment was in Auld Kirk Cemetery. Pallbearers were, Peter Young, William Young, Geo Etherington, W.C. Pollock, John Easton and John Sutherland. | Wilson, Flora L. (I25713)
1798 | 1945, Thursday May 10, The Arnprior Chronicle, page 5 Mrs Thomas G. Wilson On Sunday, April 29th, there passed away at her home in Fitzroy, a respected citizen in the person of Mrs Thos Wilson in her 86th year. Born in Ramsay, she was the daughter of the late Wm Young and his wife Marion Nicholson. In 1893 she was married to Thomas Wilson and moved to their home on the 2nd line of Fitzroy where she had resided ever since. Surviving to mourn her loss is one son Daniel and his wife, the former Gladys McIntyre; also three brothers, William of Detroit, Stephen of Saskatoon and Peter A. of Vancouver, B.C. The funeral which was largely attended, took place from her late residence on Tuesday afternoon. Rev D.H. Woodhouse conducted the service. Interment was in Auld Kirk cemetery, Almonte. The pallbearers were W.A. Young, J.W.S. Wilson, Mort Ritchie, James Turner, Alex Cochrane and Bert Young. Floral offering were received from the following: The Family, Mr and Mrs J.W.S. Wilson; Mrs Robt Young, Alma and Bert; Mrs Nellie ay and Mr and Mrs Chas Cunningham; Mrs and Mrs Richard Potter, Mr and Mrs Garnet Potter, Mr and Mrs Wesley Johnson, Miss Jean McIntyre, Mr and Mrs W.J. McIntyre, Mrs P. Y. Sutherland and Mr and Mrs Mort Richie. | Young, Jessie (I9187)
1799 | 1945, Thursday November 8, The Almonte Gazette page 8 Mrs John A. Sutherland Mrs John A. Sutherland died on Monday, October 29 at the Rosamond Memorial Hospital, Almonte, following one weeks' illness. Mrs Sutherland was the former Jennie Stevenson, a daughter of Andrew and Sarah Stevenson and was born near Union Hall. She was in her 78th year. She was married in 1896 to John A. Sutherland and to them were born two sons, William (deceased), and John C. of Pakenham. Her husband died in 1936. Surviving besides her son, John, are three sisters Mrs J.D. Thompson, (Effie), Vancouver; Mrs McKee, (Nell), Perth; Mrs Kedey, (Sadie), Fitzroy Harbour and three brothers, Dan and Jack in Saskatchewan and William in Carleton Place. One brother, Sandy and two sisters, Maud (Mrs Deachman) and Minnie are deceased. The funeral was held on Wednesday, October 31 from her late residence on St. George Street, Almonte and was conducted by Rev H.A. Turner, Pakenham and Rev Munro, Carleton Place. Interment was in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. | Stevenson, Jennie (I23906)
1800 | 1945, Thursday October 11, The Almonte Gazette, front page ?b?Former Almonte Teacher Passes?/b? Mrs Robt Cameron Dies At Ottawa In Her 99th Year. One of Ottawa's oldest and most respected residents and a leading figure in Baptist Church circles during a long period of her life, Mrs Robert Cameron died on Friday at her residence, 122 Argyle Ave. She was in her 99th year. Born at Bonnechere Point, Renfrew County, Mrs Cameron was a daughter of the late Matthew Anderson and Janet Turnbull. The family moved to Almonte when Mrs Cameron was only five years old. She received her education here and became a member of the Public School staff under the principal of the late J.M. Munro. It was a coincidence when 91 years of age, she received a visit from two of her early pupils who were 79 and 82 years old respectively. Some of her pupils are still residents in Almonte. She was married to the late Robert Cameron and lived in Almonte for many years, coming to Ottawa on the death of her husband in 1909. She is survived by four daughters, Jessie, Mrs R. Chisholm, Almonte; Isabel, Mrs R.H. MacNeill, Cold Lake, Man; and Misses Elizabeth and Mary of Ottawa. Messrs P.A.E. Young, W.A. Young of Almonte and J.H. Young of Ottawa and Mrs J.G. Etherington are nephews and nieces. Of her father's family, Mr M.M. Anderson of Ottawa is the last remaining member. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon from the parlours of G.H. Rogers Ltd. and interment was in the Auld Kirk Cemetery, service being conducted by Rev Mr. Quiggan of MacPhail Memorial Baptist Church and was largely attended by many friends and acquaintances. The floral tributes were most numerous and were a testimony to the esteem in which the deceased was held. Among those who attended from out of town were N./S. Jean Chisholm of Montreal Military Hospital; Miss Susie Cameron of Beachburg and Mrs J.R. Chisholm of the Public School staff of Pembroke, Ont. A number of friends accompanied the cortege to Almonte where several people of town met it at the cemetery. | Anderson, Jessie (I41807)
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