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51 "Obituary. Died at this residence, in Beckwith, U. C. on the 12th of September, the Reverend Doctor Buchanan, in the 74th year of his age, and 45th of his Ministry. His sufferings previous to his death which were long and painful, he bore with great patience and christian resignation to the will of his heavenly Father. By his death the church has lost an eminent Presbyterian Minister - his wife, an affectionate husband - and his family, an indulgent parent. He was indeed a faithful servant of Christ, and has left a widow and nine children to lament his loss."

[Col. 4, Pg. 3; The Bathurst Courier, Friday, 25 Sep 1835; Vol. II, No. 2 ]

The youngest son of Donald Buchanan and his second wife Catherine Menzies he was born at Coupar Angus in 1761. He studied medicine and for the church at Edinburgh University. 
Buchanan, Rev. George M. A., M. D. (I34744)
52 "On Sunday last about ten o'clock Mr John Fumerton of Appleton, in his 94th year, passed away and went to the majority. the deceased was the last but one of the first settlers, Mr William Hamilton now being the only survivor."

"In the early years of settlement he carried flour and nails all the way from Brockville on his back. subsequently he sawed lumber by hand and himseld built a boat with which he went to Montreal for provisions. Up to within a few days of his death he walked daily to the village of Appleton for his mail matter, the distance being about one mile. He took his last walk on Thursday, August 31 and on returning fell in the lane leading to his house." 
Fumerton, John (I24702)

From the Edmonton Journal, 12 December 1925. Compiled by Agnes Hutchings and Nell Hutchings Green in Long Beach, CA., and submitted by Marilyn Snedden. This was published in the LCGS newsletter, Sept., Oct. and November, 1998.

It has frequently been said that fact is stranger than fiction. This might easily apply to the lives of many of the early pioneers of Alberta, whose lives are more colorful in romance and adventure than those of characters which live on the printed page.
Many of the old-timers have taken the last long trail home but many are left to tell the tale of their trek into the country when the Western world was young, and lured them from the hearthstone of the older civilization. One of those is Mrs. Agnes Hutchings, who is now living in California. Mrs. Hutchings came to Alberta, a bride, in 1880 and lived there until 1923 when she travelled farther west to California. During the forty-three years of her [life] in Alberta, she saw much history made, and had a part in the making. This is commemorated in the archives which the Edmonton Pioneers and Old-Timers' Association are compiling.
It was on July 7, 1880 that Agnes Cram became the bride of Alfred Hutchings at her father's home, two miles west of Carleton Place, Ontario. Previous to this time, Mr. Hutchings had been in the west, trading with the Indians, and after visiting with his people on a farm near Newboro, on Rideau Lake, the young couple turned their faces westward to make their home in the then far away country vaguely known as the North West Territories.
The first part of the journey was comparatively luxurious. Travelling by boat to Kingston, they took the train there for Detroit, crossing the St. Clair river on a ferry. From Detroit they went to Chicago. That city did not cover so much ground as it does today, for the honeymooners travelled from one end of it to the other by hack and thoroughly enjoyed the sights. After leaving Chicago, they travelled by train, with neither diner nor sleeper, from Monday evening until Saturday night, when they reached St. Boniface, Manitoba, the end of steel. They crossed the river to Winnipeg where Mr. Hutchings brother, E. F. Hutchings, was in the harness business in partnership with Mr. Stocker.
In Winnipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchings saw a historical sight -- the first train, consisting of an engine and a few flat cars, crossing the Red River. But it did not travel far enough to help them on the last leg of their journey. They rested in Winnipeg for a fortnight while getting ready for the trip to the North West Territories. It was necessary that they provide themselves with equipment, so they secured four carts and one ox for each cart, and a pony and rig for Mrs. Hutchings. Then they started on the long journey across the prairies.
At Pleasant Plains they overtook Frank Oliver and his party, James Ross of the Ross Bros. Hardware Company, and James Brewster, with whom they had travelled the last six hundred miles of the journey.
"This is what distance does for us; the harsh and bitter features of this or that experience are slowly obliterated when memory begins to look on the past." Perhaps this accounts for the fact that old-timers review their early experiences with apparent enjoyment, and we never hear one of them speak regretfully of the hardships which came their way. But there were experiences in their westward trip which Mrs. Hutchings says she shall never forget. One of them occured on their arrival at the Battle River. October had reached there before them, and brought with it the early autumn frosts, but the ice on the river was not of sufficient thickness to carry the party over. They waited a few days and the weather moderated. The ice broke up and floated down stream, but the men decided it was dangerous to force the animals to ford the river as the water was very cold.
The travellers had been journeying with, or in company with, a band of Indians for a few days previous to reaching the Battle River. The Indians had been on the plains hunting buffalo and were on their way back to Lac La Biche for the winter. The man-power of the party totalled seven. After long consultation, they decided to unload all the provisions from the wagons and carts and take all the machinery apart. From the woods they cut out logs, and lashing the wheels to the logs, formed a large raft. On this everything, including Frank Oliver's first printing press, provisions, wearing apparel and other equipment, was floated across the river by means of long poles guided by the men.
As there were two heavy lumber wagons, six or eight carts, provisions and clothing, to say nothing of the luggage of the Indians or Mr. and Mrs. Hutchings' personal outfit, it took a week to assemble the outfit and get everything loaded and in shape after crossing the river. The great difficulty, however, was to hold the animals as they had become badly chilled while fording the river, and it was necessary to arrange the wagons, carts, rigs, etc., in the shape of a corral. The Indians showed no resentment of the coming of the white man, but were very ready and willing to help them before they left them at this point.
Autumn rains had come by this time and the trails and roads were in bad condition. Consequently, the party did not reach Bittern Lake until October 26. There the Hutchings stopped while the Oliver party continued on to Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hutchings, who were settled at Bittern Lake, gave the newcomers a glad welcome. They had been living eight miles away from any white settler during that summer. Previous to Mr. Hutchings' departure for the East, he and his brother had both built shacks at Bittern Lake. They all lived in the larger shack for the first winter. The other was used for a store room as the men conducted a trading post with the Indians and it was necessary to keep the provisions cold. Mr. Roswell (Rowswell) visited them there and later, when the Hutchings moved to what is known as the Polar Lake District, became their neighbor there.
Only one winter was spent at Bittern Lake. On the first of April, 1881, the Hutchings abandoned their shanties at Bittern Lake and "hit the trail" for civilization, meaning Fort Edmonton. It took them about a week to reach the banks of the Saskatchewan. On arriving at Walters' Crossing, opposite the Hudson's Bay fort, they found the ice had commenced to move. This caused another delay of a week or so. The weather turned colder again and the men hauled the carts, wagons and rigs across the river with their own efforts, leaving the animals to be forced over.
One would think the wayfarers had by that time travelled as far as they wanted to go. But not so. They left Edmonton and camped at Dan Hayes' (Noyes?) farm overnight, then drove on to the Cut Bank farm, owned by Mr. William Cust. There they stayed for two or three weeks, and on the twelfth day of May, 1881, they pitched their tents on their own farm which later Mr. John Fielders and Mrs. Hutchings christened "Poplar Lake." Through the efforts of Mr. Hutchings a one-roomed shack was built by July and on August 7th their eldest child, Herbert, was born, with neither a nurse nor doctor in attendance.
During November of 1881, Dr. Baird and Dr. Robinson, manager of missions for the North West Territories, arrived in Edmonton and organized the First Presbyterian Congregation. The charter members included Mrs. Hutchings, Mrs. Tom Henderson, James Pertie, Mrs. Heimiak, and Mrs. James Goodrich. Dr. Baird, a fresh college graduate, baptized young Herbert Hutchings, then six months old, at the Belmont School House.
In 1885 the Riel Rebellion broke out in Batoche, and when news reached the settlement there was naturally great excitement. Mrs. George Sanderson, the Misses Kelly, Miss Lizzie Long and her nephew Bert, Miss Simpson, Mrs. Hutchings and two children camped in Bose Bros. carpenter shop in connection with the Catholic Mission at St. Albert, for two weeks, During that time Bishop Grandin kept the party informed as to the rebellion at Batoche and Duck Lake. During the thick of it, James Mowat volunteered to ride to Calgary for news, all wires having been cut. In the excitement of the hour, the Hutchings brothers, S.R. Brenton, Robert Bailey and Herb. Roswell (Rowswell) gathered their respective livestock together and herded them north of the Sturgeon River for protection. But they soon brought them back again.
It was after the rebellion that the first boom struck Edmonton and the Hutchings benefited thereby. Through the sale of one fat ox to the RNWMP barracks at Fort Saskatchewan, they realized $180, a large sum in those days!
After the rebellion the years passed in comparative quiet. The land was cleared and broken, the home was gradually improved, and six [seven] more children were added to the family. The next event of outstanding importance in Mrs. Hutchings' life was a visit to Winnipeg in the summer of 1897. On this occasion she was accompanied by her two youngest children. This was the first time Mrs. Hutchings had seen a train since leaving St. Boniface in 1880, 17 years before. In 1902, her husband went east to visit his people and, returning brought barrels of apples and other choice Ontario fruit. One can hardly imagine the relish with which the family would consume those apples, possibly the first the children had seen.
On May 17, 1905, the family circle was broken by death. After a short illness in the Edmonton Hospital, Mr. Hutchings passed away. Two years later, in the fall of 1907, Mrs. Hutchings and her five daughters moved to Edmonton. The three sons remained on the farm.
Writing from California where she now resides, Mrs. Hutchings says: "Although I find the climate especially beneficial to my health, I often think of Edmonton and particularly the old farm where so many happy years were spent and where my sons Percy, Herbert and Frank are now carrying on the good work and making the historical old spot (to our family) more beautiful every year. Where we once carried candles and lamps, they now have electricity; the milk pail has been replaced by the milking machine in a modern dairy, as also the wagon by the automobile." 
Cram, Mary Agnes (I5699)
54 "The Late Allan Gilmour"
It becomes our duty this week to chronicle the death of one of the earliest inhabitants of this neighbourhood in the person of Mr. Allan Gilmour, who passed away last Thursday, aged 74 years. His system had been gradually wearing out for six months past ? a general breakup. Mr. Gilmour's parents, the late Allan Gilmour and wife, came to Canada from Scotland with the early Settlers of 1821, and less than a year after their arrival here deceased was born on the lot on which he lived all his life and on which he died ? the corner lot on the 9th Line of Ramsay adjoining Col. Gemmill's property. He was therefore one of the very first children born in this vicinity, and saw the wonderful transformations that have taken place in the last three quarters of a century.
He was twice married ? first to Miss More, sister of Mr. James More of Ramsay by whom he had a family of seven children, who survive as follows:
Allan A. Gilmour of Renfrew;
John A,
William & Joseph Gilmour,
Mrs. James Townend and
Mrs. W.F. Peden, Almonte; and
Mrs. Wilson, Brockville.
Mrs. Gilmour died many years ago.
His second wife nee Miss Clarke of Packenham survives. The funeral took place on Saturday to the Eighth Line Cemetery when a large number of people turned out to pay the final tribute of respect to one who has so long been associated with the progress of this section.
1896, Friday, January 17th The Almonte Gazette, page 8 
Gilmour, Allan A. (I12883)
55 # Birth: 23 MAR 1879 in Marlborough Township, Carleton, Ontario, Canada
# Death: 13 APR 1972 in , Lanark County, Ontario, Canada
# Burial: APR 1972 Beckwith Township, Lanark, Ontario, Canada 
Box, Edith Elizabeth (I3952)
56 # ID: I726966
# Name: Leonard Richard Fleming
# Surname: Fleming
# Given Name: Leonard Richard
# Sex: M
# Birth: 8 Oct 1925
# Death: 1 Oct 1932 in Kerrobert Saskatchewan Canada
# Burial: Kinnersley Saskatchewan
# _UID: 55F06321517D9B4A83FC830B1CEB9D527F4C 1
# Change Date: 24 Feb 2008 at 00:00:00
Father: Richard Thomas Fleming b: 10 Feb 1884 in Franktown Ontario
Mother: Sarah Jane (Sadie) Dalgleish b: 14 Feb 1906 in Township of Marlborough County of Carleton Ontario
1. Title: Rhonda Chappell (Fleming)
103. Richard FLEMING (Elizabeth Ann KIDD3, Clarissa "Clara" KEYES2, James1) was born on February 6, 1883 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada.4
Richard married Sadie DALGLEISH, daughter of Robert DALGLEISH and Charlotte (__?__), on December 17, 1924. Sadie was born on October 31, 1889 in Eldon Twp, Victoria Co, Ontario, Canada.4
The child from this marriage was:
305 M i. Edward George FLEMING
Flemming, Richard T. (I3964)
57 #006650-95 (Lanark Co): Thomas R. WATCHORN, 23, yeoman, Lanark twp., same, s/o Henry WATCHORN & Nancy TAYLOR, married Mary A. FINLAYSON, 16, Lanark twp., same, d/o William FINLAYSON & Amelia CUNNINGHAM, witn: Ethel CODE of Carleton Place & Charlie FINLAYSON of Ramsay twp., 13 Nov 1895 at Lanark twp Family: Thomas Richard Watchhorn / Mary Amelia Jane "Minnie" Finlayson (F526)
58 #006710-92 (Lanark Co): James SALTER, 29, farmer, Canada, Montague, s/o Peter & Margaret, married Maria DRUMMOND, 26, Kitley, Beckwith twp., d/o James & Elizabeth, witn: William SALTER of Montague & Matilda DRUMMOND of Beckwith, 13 Jan 1892 at Beckwith twp
link to Lila Salter: A FAMILY ORCHARD: LEAVES FROM THE MILLAR TREE;,accessed Dec 12, 2010 
Salter, James (I4505)
59 #006711-92 (Lanark Co): Thomas Wesley KILFOYLE, 26, farmer, Montague, same, s/o Francis & Mary, married Sarah Amanda SHAIL, 20, Carleton place, Beckwith twp., d/o Adam & Jane, witn: Thomas George LEESON & Sophia SAUNDERS, both of Montague, 27 July 1892 at res of bride's parents, Beckwith twp Shail, Sarah AMANDA "Mandy (I4501)
60 #502621 Sapper, Canadian Engineers, C.E.F. Willoughby, Thomas Wesley (I22669)
61 'The Derry' - drowned
DATE aft 1851
NOTE Kidd, G.E., "The Story of the Derry", 1943
drowned while crossnig a river 
Kidd, George (I3701)
62 'The Derry' - lost track of him. Kidd, Wesley (I3704)
63 'The Derry' inspector of schools for Kingston
Name: William Garland Kidd
Death Date: 27 Oct 1922
Death Location: Frontenac
Gender: Male
Estimated birth year: abt 1837
Birth Location: Fergus,Ont

Name: Wm G Kidd
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Age: 53
Birth Year: abt 1838
Birthplace: Ontario
Relation to Head of House: Head
Religion: Methodist
French Canadian: No
Father's Birth Place: Ireland
Mother's Birth Place: Ireland
Province: Ontario
District Number: 80
District: Kingston City
Subdistrict: Sydenham Ward
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Wm G Kidd 53
Lenora Kidd 46
Ida Kidd 22
Wm E Kidd 21
Mary Orourke 
Kidd, William Garland (I3702)
64 'The Derry' moved to Huron County

Kidd, Gordon, research notes, April. 1979. 
Kidd, Andrew William (I3698)
65 'The Derry' moved to Iowa Kidd, Maria (I3707)
66 'The Derry' moved to western Ontario, later Saskatchewan
Name: John Kidd
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Age: 50
Birth Year: 1831
Birthplace: Ontario
Religion: Church of England
Nationality: Irish
Occupation: Farmer
Province: Ontario
District Number: 176 District: Bruce South Sub-District Number: H Subdistrict: Brant
Division: 2
Household Members:
Name Age
John Kidd 50
Elizabeth Kidd 42
Isabella Kidd 22
William Kidd 18
George Kidd 16
Robert Kidd 14
Eliza Kidd 12
John Kidd 10
Margaret Kidd 8
Hannah Kidd 6
Fanney Kidd 3
Mary Kidd 1
Name: Elizabeth Gibson
Birth Place: Peterhead, Scotland
Residence: Brant Township
Age: 19
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1841
Father Name: William
Mother Name: Isabella Gibson
Spouse Name: John Kedd
Spouse's Age: 26
Spouse Birth Place: Beckwith Township
Spouse Residence: Brant Township
Spouse Father Name: John
Spouse Mother Name: Margret
Marriage Date: 12 Jun 1860
Marriage County or District: Bruce 
Kidd, John (I3700)
67 (Aug. 11, 1896, p.1, col. 5 & p.4, col. 4)
death register, Beckwith, ON
age 83 years, b. Comrie
gravestone, St. Filian's, Beckwith, ON
Allen, Dolly and Joan McKay, "Birth, Marriage and Death Notices, from the Carleton Place Herald,
Volume 3: Births, Marriages & Deaths 1850- 1896, by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2017
On Aug. 6 at William St., Carleton Place, Daniel CRAM, aged 83 yrs. Born Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland on Apr. 25, 1813, youngest son of Peter CRAM and Janet KAY. Brother of John, the eldest, who emigrated 1818. Came to Canada later on ship "Benlowman", married Dec. 1837 to the late (Mar. 1844) Christena McDIARMID by Rev. Mr. BELL of Perth. Family of 3: the late Samuel G., Elizabeth (Mrs. Peter SINCLAIR of Scotch Corners) & the late Henry W. Married Elizabeth HARKNESS on Oct. 30, 1845 at Brockville. Family of 10: the late Margaret (Mrs. Thomas ALLEN of Perth) William C. of Raleigh, N.C., Jessie (Mrs. Samuel WAUGH of Waterville, N.Y.) Daniel at home, Robert H. of Ottawa, Peter of New York, the late Josiah, late George D., Florence A. (Frank NEILSON of Carleton Place) and Katie at home. Int. Cram's Cemetery. 
Cram, Daniel (I5674)
68 (Captain Air Canada, Retired; RMC Graduate, Class of 1963)

?b?MULDER, Eppie -
?/b? Suddenly in Lakeland, Florida on Tuesday, December 9, 2008. Eppie Mulder age 67 years. Served in the RCAF. Loving husband of 45 years of Ann Mulder (Barker) of Renfrew. Loved father of Lisa Vincent (Peter) and Lani Campbell (Boyd) all of Renfrew. Loving grandfather of Phillip and Will Vincent. Dear brother of Fimmie Hambly (Paul) and Joyce Simpson (Dave). Predeceased by his parents Wietze and Mary Ke Mulder. Dear brother in law of Joan Turnbull (Jim), Bonnie Bennett and Bob Barker (Debbi). Friends may call at the Anderson Funeral Home 22 Raglan St. S. Renfrew on Tuesday 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. Funeral Service will be conducted in Trinity St. Andrew's United Church, Renfrew on Wednesday, December 17th at 11:00 a.m. Spring Interment Castleford Cemetery. For those desiring, donations to Hospice Renfrew, Renfrew Victoria Hospital or Trinity St. Andrew's United Church would be appreciated.
Published on December 13, 2008, The Ottawa Citizen 
Mulder, Captain Eppie (I48)
69 (Medical): Blanch Hobbs (Wills) nursed William for a number of months before his death on 28 Jan 1941. He was bed ridden and in declining health for a number of months. Blanch was married to Robert Henry "Harry" Hobbs, they lived in Goulbourn Township. Duncan, William John (I1377)
70 (Medical): Mr Ernest H. Turner, who had been ailing for several months, passed away somewhat unexpectedly, at his new home on Victoria street, into which he had moved only the day previous. Last winter Mr Turner had a severe attack of influenza, from which he never fully recovered, which caused him to give up his farm and move to town. Turner, Ernest Howard (I10945)
71 (Medical):. Coulter, James (I2500)
72 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I2536)
73 (Medical):3 1/2 years younger than sister; civil engineer; grad of U of Manitoba; worked with CNR; retired to Victoria BC English, Edgar Stewart (I2796)
74 (Medical):3 week illness Hilliard, George (I9412)
75 (Medical):A nephew J. C Tosh while driving a car in which Mr and Mrs William Cannon were passengers overturned twice on Lauriault Hill on the Kingsmere Road near Old Chelsea. Mrs Cannon (Tosh) died almost instantly while her husband and nephew recieved minor injuries and the car was able to be driven home afterwards. Tosh, Isabella (I7245)
76 (Medical):A teacher Tennant, Joshua (I2851)
77 (Medical):About three years ago while taking in a prisoner, Constable Montgomery was kicked in the side during a scuffle, and from this injury cancer developed. He was operated on in hospital Thursday.He died Tuesday following a brief illness in hospital. Montgomery, Thomas Hilton (I31148)
78 (Medical):Accidentally shot by student on rifle range at Renfrew Collegiate. Interesting that the student was a Ferguson boy. The same family lost a daughter to TB after being caught in s storm with Albert Millar and his daughter Lena who also died of TB. Millar, Margaret (I23169)
79 (Medical):After father remarried, stepmother was unkind to first family so Jimmy ran away and went to the Stewarts' in Winnipeg. Went to medical school with flying colours; medical school hockey star; he disappeared during final weeks of training and was never located - he had taken a blow on the head during a game the week before and was confused at that time. It was rumored at one time that he was working as a coal miner in Alberta but this was not confirmed. Greig, Dr. James (I2767)
80 (Medical):Age 62 years. Farmer. Cause of death: Chronic Bronchitis. Death registered byson James Knox, Lisbane. Knox, Robert (I28077)
81 (Medical):Age 72 years, late of Lisbane, Saintfield. Widow of James Archibald Knox, a farmer. Cause of death: Bronchial Pneumonia. Registered by Samuel C Knox, Son. Lisbane, Saintfield Rea, Susanna (I28084)
82 (Medical):Almonte Watson, John (I2750)
83 (Medical):an operation had been performed by Dr Starr for appendicitis and that there was other serious affections of the bowels which rendered recovery somewhat uncertain. Every care and attention were given but dreaded complications developed and on Wednesday morning the disease had done its work, and death came. Young, Andrew Morton (I31535)
84 (Medical):Apoplexy Ryan, Eliza Jane (I15332)
85 (Medical):Appending physician: Dr.D. P. Lynch McCann, Jane (I8792)
86 (Medical):Area Youth Killed: Hallowe'en Night Fatality In Stittsville: A 14 year old Stittsville area youth, who was trick or treating with five friends Hallowe'en night Tuesday, was killed while attempting to cross Highway 7, one mile east of Stittsville. Dead is Eric Hartin, son of Mr. amd Mrs. Beattie Hartin of RR 3, Stittsville. He was struck by a car driven by Sterling George Warner, 50, of 57 Bradley Avenue, Stittsville, who was travelling east on Highway 7. Police said the youth was not dressed in a Hallowe'en costume. His parents said he had left his mask in the family car before leaving the house. OPP constable Ken Shields is investigating. Police said an inquest will be called into the death.
Source: Family Papers - Newspaper clipping. 
Hartin, Eric Lloyd (I5629)
87 (Medical):Arnprior, Dec 28. - Last evening the inquest on the death of lena Connery was conducted , a vertict of accidental death being brought in. The evidence of Mrs. Moore was heard, but it was unimportant, and had no bearing on the case. All the evidence taken was read over by the jury, who after some delibertion decided that the girl had met death by accidentally falling off the train. Connery, Lena May (I29729)
88 (Medical):As listed on his death certificate. re: Jayne Munro-Ouimet Munro, Donald Hilton (I9237)
89 (Medical):As the result of a traffic accident on Hwy 44 (March Road) when he was struck by a motor truck. Madden, William JOHN Richard Jr. (I12574)
90 (Medical):Attending doctor: Dr A. A. Metcalfe, Almonte
Name of informant: Katherine Scott, Almonte, sister 
Scott, Francis Robert (I12710)
91 (Medical):Attending doctor: Dr. D. A. Kidd, Atwood, Ontario
Informant: William B. Coulter, Atwood, Ontario his son. 
Coulter, Young (I18773)
92 (Medical):Attending doctor: Dr. S. H. Murphy, Renfrew, Ontario.
Informant" Richard Millar, Renfrew, Ontario. His brother 
Millar, Christopher (I23164)
93 (Medical):Attending physician Dr. J. K. Kelly.
Undertaker: Wm. E. Scott, location of burial Auld Kirk Cemetery
Informant: Ernest Robertson, Almonte, brother 
Robertson, Ethel Mary (I1474)
94 (Medical):Attending physician J. K. Kelly Coulter, Catherine Waugh (I14743)
95 (Medical):Attending physician: Dr. John H. Brown, Ramsay Twp. Evans, Elizabeth "Betsy" (I6395)
96 (Medical):Attending Physician: Dr J. S. Murphy M. D.
Informant: John Simpson, Smiths Falls, son 
Simpson, William Willoughby (I3625)
97 (Medical):attending physician: Dr. Burns.
Informant: Wm. J. Duncan of Ramsay Township, farmer.
Registrar: Jas Caskey, Ramsay Township 
Duncan, Robert (I2321)
98 (Medical):Attending physician: Dr. E. G. Worley, Ashton, Ontario.
Informant: W. J. Simpson, Ashton, Ontario, brother. 
Simpson, Eliza Edith (I5450)
99 (Medical):Attending physician: Dr. E. Worley, Ashton, Ontario.
Informant: E.R. Fee, Ashton, Ontario. 
Simpson, Margaret Ann (I5320)
100 (Medical):Attending physician: Dr. E.G. Worley M.D.
Informant: Clayton Simpson, Ashton, the father. 
Simpson (I19885)

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