
Matches 601 to 650 of 12,186

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
601 (Research):HEMPTON-MILLIKIN, Don Duncan and P Capen could be 4th cousin through: 3rd. great grandparents William Hempton and Sarah Millikin as common ancestors with shared DNA of 15 cM across one segment as recorded in my Ancestry and Legacy family trees. Capen, Phil (I18599)
602 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I36735)
603 (Research):HEMPTON/MILLIKIN, Don Duncan and (antunited) Neuman could be maternal 4th cousins through: 3rd great grandparents William Hempton and Sarah Millikin as our common ancestors with shared DNA of 17 cM across one segment as recorded in my Legacy and Ancestry family trees. Neuman, Antunited (I42241)
604 (Research):His full name name MIGHT (or might not) have been William Thomas Rathwell, but only "Thomas Rathwell" is inscribed on the headstone.

Place of birth is from the research of Arnold Irvine.
Thomas Rathwell, son of William and Susanna Rathwell was baptized 14 Sept 1800 at st Paul's Church, Kildavin, Barragh, County CARLOW, Ireland 
Rathwell, Thomas (I23606)
605 (Research):
1789, Blair Atholl OPR
Alexander Stewart in Balchastle and Isabel Scott his wife had a child baptised 18th June named Elspeth
Stewart, Elizabeth (I13893)
606 (Research): [accessed 170313]
d. Nov 14 1899
native of County Carlo, Ireland
age 73 years
Oakwood Cemetery, Lisbon, ND
Birth: 1826
County Carlow, Ireland
Death: Nov. 14, 1899
Ransom County
North Dakota, USA 
Powers, Johanna (I3922)
607 (Research):Hugh may be a son of Samuel or Thomas. Need to find proof of which. Simpson, Hugh (I6330)
608 (Research):Husband of Norma.
Taylor, W. O. Arthur "Red" Jr. (I2585)
609 (Research):I have a photo of Maude Simpson and Pearl Simpson suggesting that ther were two perhaps sisters. Unsure of the family relationship? Photos of them in Simpson album. Simpson, Maude Pearl (I12149)
610 (Research):I have to assume that this is Krista's birth name. Rebhan, Krista (I16512)
611 (Research):If the marriage listing of Ann McCann (daughter) to Wm. Elliott is correct, then John may have been previously married to Elizabeth Morrey. There is also another John McCann in the graveyard with John and Isabella, so there may have been another son, named John. McCann, John (I9)
612 (Research):IGI Record Duncan, Agnes (I2318)
613 (Research):Immigrated to Canada in 1840.
Moved family to Reston, Manitoba after 1901 
Duncan, Peter (I6658)
614 (Research):In 1901 John Alexander McLachlan is in Algoma working on the Grand Trunk Railway. His wife Margaret Blackburn Gilmour is in Nippissing with their daughter. McLachlin, John Alexander (I13242)
615 (Research):In 1980 the two sisters Jessie and Joan lived together in Victoria, B.C.
Duncan, Sarah Joan (I7038)
616 (Research):In 1980 the two sisters Jessie and Joan lived together in Victoria, B.C. Duncan, Jessie Eleanor (I7040)
617 (Research):In 1980 they live in Edmonton. Duncan, Audrey (I7026)
618 (Research):In 1980 they lived in Calgary Hitchen, Charles (I7033)
619 (Research):In 1980 they lived in Port Alberni, B.C. and have a son and daughter. Duncan, Keith (I7030)
620 (Research):Info from Carol Bennett Book The Lanark Society Settlers pg. 151
In 1878 James M. Duncan went West, first to Manitoba and then to Regina in 1882. At the time of the Riel Rebellion in 1885 he served as transport driver with the government troops. While doing this work he was captured and held hostage by Chief Poundmaker, one of Riel's allies. Despite this unpromising introduction to the West James decided to remain there. When Saskatchewan became a province in 1905 he became Sheriff of the Regina District. He died in 1937. 
Duncan, James MacKenzie (I2336)
621 (Research):info from silver memorial document #151 Mary (I2311)
622 (Research):Information from Jayne Munro-Oimet 10 May 2018:This information on Janet Murray was give to me by my great Aunt Katherine McKirdy, she was the daughter of Hugh Munro who married Janet Price. Hugh Munro was the son of John Munro who Married Marian McKay. John Munro was the son Of Donald Munro and Margaret Murray who came here in 1830 (1832). My great great grandfather John lived many years with his son Hugh (Janet Price), he told all his grand children what Scotland was like when he grew up there. Why they came to Canada, and what happened to his mother. Margaret Donald's Wife is said to be buried in the Pioneer Cemetery at Middleville all that is left of it today is the row of a few saved headstones by the church in Middleville. Murray, Margaret Janet (I6388)
623 (Research):Information from Jayne Munro-Ouimet: Ann Stead Munro went west with her son William and her daughter Mary Margaret they settled in Manitoba and that is where she died and is buried. I was honoured to visit Pilot Mound and to meet a number of her family descendants. I was given copies of photos and family history recordings, copies of birth, marriages and death certificates. Ann was a great historian and could write, so many family details come from her. Stead, Ann Mary "Annie" (I11051)
624 (Research):Information obtained from the Municipality of North Cowichan website Nov 2 2013. The date of death shown above MAY be the burial date. MacFarlane, Jean (I33283)
625 (Research):Information provided by Jayne Munro-Ouimet: Elizabeth Evans death by buttermilk is true. I was led to understand the she was one of the chiIdren that is buried in the Evans family plot in St George's Cemetery near Union Hall. "I was given that information by Don Evans the son of Roy Evans who lives on the family farm at Burrits Rapids. Don's Great Grand mother was Eliza Jane Giles who married Daniel Richard Evans. I have a number of photos of the Evans family. Don gave me access to all his mothers family research. I also communicated with a lady who was a decendant of Catherine Evans and Mortimer James Young. She lives in Saskatchewan, I visited her about 15 Years ago." Scott, Elizabeth Ellen (I5850)
626 (Research):Inscription on memorial stone in find a grave #92818576

only daughter of James M & Sarah L Duncan 
Duncan, Jean Kathleen "Jennie" (I2987)
627 (Research):Jack came west to R.M. Weyburn in 1908'

He enlisted with the 135 Battalion and served in WW 1 until his discharged. He achived the rank of Corperal.

Had a farm located south west of Weyburn were he farmed until 1933.

He went into partnership with E.T Stinson in a Grocery store business know as Powers & Stinson.located in the Paterson block next to Hoshal Hardware.

At a later date he went into partnership with "the Worden Co., a hardware business A Walter Zirk is listed as being located at 37 2nd. St. N.E.

their residence in 1972 at their 50th. wedding anniversary was on 1st. Avenue N.W., Weyburn. 
Powers, John Edward "Jack" (I2857)
628 (Research):James and Elizabeth(Magee/McGee) McCreery/McCreary came to Canada about 1823.
John McCreary 1810? 1888
William McCreary 1812? 1892
Mary McCreary 1814? 1893
James McCreary 1816? 1881
Joseph Campbell McCreary 1819? 1903
Elizabeth McCreary 1821? 1854
Margaret McCreary 1823? 1913
Anne McCreary 1826? 1895
Alice McCreary 1828? 1905 
McCreary, James Franklin (I42297)
629 (Research):James and Isabella had a large family, and as their eldest child was born in Ontario in 1832, they must have emigrated soon after getting married. There exists a document dated 24th May 1836 from James Stewart to P. Robinson, York, indicating his willingness to purchase Concession 6, Lot 10NE in Beckwith. However as this was a Clergy Reserve he seems to have been unsuccessful and by 1852 the family are living at Concession 6, Lot 12A, which was later designated as Concession 6, Lot 11. They must have done well for themselves as James and his 7 children were farming 300 acres and living in a stone house rather than a log cabin, which was the norm for most of their neighbours. His neighbour on Concession 7, Lot 12 was James's nephew, Neil Stewart, the son of his sister Elizabeth. Stewart, James (I37984)
630 (Research):James Boyle was the biological father but he was unlikely ever married to Anne mcIntyre, no marriege record has been located. He left the area and later located to Queensland Australia married and had a family. McIntyre, Anne Jane (I17794)
631 (Research):James Park was the third son of Mary McIntosh and Joseph Park. Park, James (I9634)
632 (Research):Janice thinks he was a judge. Visited Almonte about 1964 with his wife. Black, Alfred Ernest "Ernie" (I147)
633 (Research):January 1852 census, Marlborough,
age next birthday = 80
Jane Kidd = 78 
Kidd, Andrew (I3688)
634 (Research):Jean married Herb Snedden 1 Mar 1953 her name at that time was S. Jean Sadler. They were married at Memorial Park United Church Manse in Carleton Place, ON, by the Rev D. C. Munro. Fumerton, Susan Jane "Jean" (I1295)
635 (Research):Jessie Morton obit indicated James Silliker not Mark. Silliker, Mark James (I224)
636 (Research):John Duncan sold 50 acres being west 1/2 of the west 1/2 L 23 C 3 to Robert McKay on 19 Apr 1877 for $500. Deed # 543 Ramsay Duncan, John (I6109)
637 (Research):JOHN McCANN, Don Duncan and Barbara McIntosh Livingston could be half 4th cousin through: a 3rd. great grandfather John McCann as a maternal common ancestor with shared DNA of 7 cM across one segment as recorded in my Legacy and Ancestry family trees.
John McCann was married twice, Elizabeth Money his first wife is my common ancestor. His secod wife was Mary Kemp. 
McIntosh, Barbara "Barb" (I33039)
638 (Research):John McCann, Don Duncan and Don Mick could be half 3rd cousin 1x removed through: our 3rd great-grandfather John McCann as our common ancestor with shared DNA of 25 cM across 2 segments as recorded in my Ancestry and Legacy family trees. Mick, Donald (I26104)
639 (Research):Joseph and Harriet had 10 children:
William James McCreery 1849? 1922
John McCreary 1851? 1933
Elizabeth McCreary 1853? 1855
Elizabeth McCreary 1855? 1928
Samuel McCreary 1857?
Joseph McCreary 1859?
M. Joseph McCreary 1861? 1944
Hiram McCreary 1863? 1954
George Wellington McCreary 1865? 1930
Robert Nelson McCreary 1867? 1949 
McCreary, Joseph Campbell (I23520)
640 (Research):Joseph Bond. b. abt. 1806, IRE. d. 2 Feb. 1902 Cardinal, Ont., m. Henrietta Lake b. abt. 1811, IRE. d. 11 Apr. 1875, Almonte, Ont. m on 30 Dec 1834 in Carleton Place, Ont. It is unknown how Joseph got to Canada. Henrietta came to Canada in the early 1800's with her father, Joseph Lake and brother, Peter.
Joseph and Henrietta Bond had eleven children, ten living. Other names connected to this family are: Donegan, Perrett Perritt), Barnett, Hopkins, Willoughby, Templeman, thoburn, Gallinger, McInnes, Cooper.
Lake, Henrietta (I34003)
641 (Research):Katherine Leith is a 4th cousin from Ancestry DNA with 16 cM across 1 segment.

HEMPTON-MILLIKIN, Don Duncan and Katherine Leith-Hackl could be maternal 4th cousins through: 3rd. great grandparents William Hempton and Sarah Millikin as common ancestors with shared DNA of 16 cM across one segment as recorded in my Ancestry and Legacy family trees. 
Leith, Katherine (I20021)
642 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I2671)
643 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I2536)
644 (Research):Keith Brunton: spoke of this couple who had no children, and that Mrs. Craig was a daughter of Ellen Stewart. Jefferson, Elizabeth (I38203)
645 (Research):Kemptville College diploma and BSC Guelph 1938
Civil Servant, Federal Govt.
Lived at 105 Cunnington Ave, Winnipeg, MB at time of death 
Coxford, James EDWIN (I98)
646 (Research):KIDD / GARLAND, Don Duncan and Marci Banks could be 3rd cousin 2x removed through: 2nd. great grandparents as common ancestors with shared DNA of 6 cM across 1 segment as recorded in my Ancestry and Legacy family trees. Hill, Marci (I16754)
647 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I15970)
648 (Research):KIDD / KILFOYLE, Don Duncan and Love_2019 could be 4th cousin 1x removed through: 3rd great grandparents Andrew Kidd and Jane Kilfoyle as our paternal common ancestors with shared DNA of 22 cM across one segment as recorded in my Legacy and Ancestry family trees. Ferguson (I20353)
649 (Research):KIDD / KILFOYLE, Don Duncan and Robert Grant could be 4th cousin 2x removed through: 3rd. great grandparents, Andrew Kidd and Jane Kilfoyle as common ancestors with shared DNA of 24 cM across one segment, as recorded in my Ancestry and Legacy family trees. Grant, Robert (I31264)
650 (Research):KIDD, Don Duncan and Dave Busch could be half 3rd cousin through: 2nd. great grandfather John Kidd (Mary Garland) as our common paternal common ancestor with shared DNA of 26 cM across 3 segments as recorded in my Legacy and Ancestry family trees. Busch, Dave (I36411)

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