Our Family's Journey Through Time
Matches 7,151 to 7,200 of 12,186
# | Notes | Linked to |
7151 | Inscription In Loving Memory of William Rufus Teskey Born Sept. 24, 1841 Died Dec. 23, 1909 Amelia Augusta Teskey Born April ? 1858 Died Dec ? 1950 | Moorwood, Amelia Augusta (I12951)
7152 | Inscription In Loving Memory Of Beloved Wife Of James Hamilton 73 Years, 9 Mos. & 4 Days Asleep In Jesus | Whelen, Elizabeth "Eliza" (I17081)
7153 | Inscription In Loving Memory of Helen Grace Jewkes Sept. 30, 1909 - Jan. 14, 1996 Beloved Wife of Arthur Wm. Jewkes Aug. 11, 1907 - July 20, 2000 | Hamilton, Helen Grace (I2384)
7155 | Inscription in loving memory of Rosalind Margaret Bell, wife of Frederick Colson, of Ottawa, Canada. died May 29, 1896. aged 36 y'rs. | Bell, Rosalind Margaret (I43047)
7156 | Inscription In Loving Memory Of [left side] WILLIAM CORBETT Beloved Husband Of Margaret Pink 1857-1933 [right side] MARGARET PINK Beloved Wife Of William Corbett Died Oct.30.1904 Aged 35 Yrs. 6 Mos | Corbett, William (I34321)
7157 | Inscription In loving memory of Jane Cathcart wife of Charles Bone died June 8, 1907 aged 83 Yrs ?? at rest. BONE | Cathcart, Jane (I19330)
7158 | Inscription In Loving Memory Of Peter McDIARMID Sr. 1818 - 1892 His Wife Jane Bridget, 1821 - 1910 Their Son John 1862 - 1945 His Wife Janie Tomlinson 1867 - 1900 Bertha 1850 - 1902 N/S Mabel, 1880 - 1918 | McDiarmid, Peter Sr. (I38638)
7159 | Inscription In loving memory of William James died Jan 27, 1860, aged 53 yrs, Hus wife, Margaret Rath June 10, 1903, aged 86 yrs | James, William (I9936)
7160 | Inscription In Memory of Abigail wife of John Halpenny Died Feb. 11, 1875 Aged 78 yrs | Jackson, Abigail (I12095)
7161 | Inscription In Memory of ANN SHIRLEY Wife of George WILLOUGHBY Died May 9, 1871 Age 91 yrs. Inscription verified with Franktown Public Cemetery, August 1985, Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society Publication No. 86-4 | Shirley, Ann (I29901)
7162 | Inscription In Memory Of Archibald Campbell Died September 28, 1877 Aged 70 Years Native Of Argyllshire, Scotland Emigrated To Canada 1821 Also His Wife Marion Gemmill Died February 25, 1887 Aged 72 Years | Campbell, Archibald (I34494)
7163 | Inscription In Memory of Catherine Halpenny, died Nov 8, 1866, aged 95 yrs. Also her daughter Mary, died May 5, 1864, aged 71 yrs "Erected by Halpenny". | Styles, Catherine (I30329)
7164 | Inscription In memory of Edmond W Kingsbury Died Aug 26, 1935 AGe 39 yrs May he rest in peace Flat marker 5th CMR CEF PVT E. W. Kingsbury 1896-1936 Gravesite Details Two markers. Church records confirm DoD as Aug 26, 1935. Burial: Aug 31, 1935 | Kingsbury, Pvt. Edmond Wilfred (I13625)
7165 | Inscription In Memory of GEORGE WILLOUGHBY A native of the Co. Carlow, Ireland Died Apr 26, 1874 Aged 94 yrs. Inscription verified with Franktown Public Cemetery, August 1985, Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society Publication No. 86-4 | Willoughby, George (I29900)
7166 | Inscription In Memory of Janet THOMPSON wife of James WILKIE died Feb 5, 1870, ? 79 yrs (as recorded in 1980) | Thompson, Janet (I41837)
7167 | Inscription In memory of John Bostwick Lundy M. D. Died August 20th 1903 In his 78th year His wife Lydia Eck 1835 - 1921 LUNDY | Lundy, Dr. John Bostwick (I11948)
7168 | Inscription In memory of John Bostwick Lundy M. D. Died August 20th 1903 In his 78th year His wife Lydia Eck 1835 - 1921 LUNDY | Eck, Lydia (I11949)
7169 | Inscription In Memory Of JOHN McGREGOR died Sept 7, 1865 Aged 35 yrs His wife ANN BRYDGES died Nov 16, 1875 Aged 43 yrs Also their daughter SARAH ANN died Dec 22, 1870 Aged 10 yrs | McGregor, John (I22989)
7170 | Inscription In Memory of John Saunders Died - Oct 4 1914, Aged 80 Years Janet King Wife of John Saunders Died - Dec 23 1902, Aged 67 Years | Saunders, John (I4405)
7171 | Inscription In Memory of John Saunders Died - Oct 4 1914, Aged 80 Years Janet King Wife of John Saunders Died - Dec 23 1902, Aged 67 Years | King, Janet (I4406)
7172 | Inscription In memory of MARY Wife of Richard FLEMING Who died Aug 9, 1866, aged 56 y'rs. Erected by her daughter Mary. Gravesite Details The stone is broken and with grass in the cracks. With location and available text, have indexed to Franktown Public Cemetery, August 1985, Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society Publication No. 86-4 to obtain the inscription. | Rose, Mary Ann (I3908)
7173 | Inscription In Memory Of Robert Young Otterglen Born 1851 Died 1909 also Andrew Young Born 1861 Died 1895 and Agnes Ann MacKay wife of Robert Young Born May 2, 1858 Died Jan 1, 1923 | Mackay, Agnes Ann "Annie" (I20228)
7174 | Inscription In Memory Of Samuel Carley Died Apr. 25, 1890 Aged 75 Years ___________ His Wife Mary Ford Died Feb. 26, 1908 Aged 85 Years | Carley, Samuel (I43083)
7175 | Inscription In Memory of SARAH SOPHIA SMITH wife of W. H. HURDMAN DIED Aug. 20, 1885 AE 51 yrs. ? mo's 10 days WM H. HURDMAN Born Oct. 9, 1818 Died Feb. 20, 1901 H U R D M A N | Smythe, Sarah Sophia (I7204)
7176 | Inscription In Memory Of Wellington Who Died,Nov.18,1850 Aged,1,Yr..28,D. Also Mariah Died May 28,1862 Aged 1 Yr. 10 m. Children Of John & Julia Edwards | Edwards, Mariah (I34026)
7177 | Inscription IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM JAMES WHO DIED OCT. 4, 1843, AGED 57 YEARS. ERECTED BY HIS WIFE ELIZABETH | James, William Thomas Sr. (I9934)
7178 | Inscription In Memory Of William Morphy Died Oct. 9, 1873 Aged 41 Yrs. 3 Mo His Wife Margaret Campbell Died Aug. 27, 1911 Aged 79 Yrs. James Alexander Died June 15, 1870 ? 2 Yrs. 2 Wks. ___________________________ W. S. Carley Dies Mar. 26, 1878, ? 1 Mo. & 9 Dys. | Morphy, William (I7154)
7179 | Inscription In memory of ANDREW Son of Thomas and (broken) KIDD Who died Jun 1, 1867, aged 20 y'rs. | Kidd, Andrew (I14408)
7180 | Inscription In Memory Of George Gillies Sen. Died Mar. 6, 1888 Aged 74 Yrs. Also His Wife Mary Rogers Died Mar. 10, 1888 Aged 68 Yrs. GILLIES | Rogers, Mary (I41552)
7181 | Inscription In Memory of James McCreery, native of Armagh Ireland, died Oct 28, 1852, aged 64 yrs. Also his wife, Elizabeth McGee, died Sep 15, 1874, aged 88 yrs. | McCreary, James Franklin (I42297)
7182 | Inscription In Memory of John Ebbs, died July 31, 1896, aged 86 years. Also his wife, Ann Appleby, died April 10, 1875, aged 60 years. "Gone but not forgotten" | Ebbs, John (I42392)
7183 | Inscription In Memory of John Ebbs, died July 31, 1896, aged 86 years. Also his wife, Ann Appleby, died April 10, 1875, aged 60 years. "Gone but not forgotten" | Appleby, Ann (I42393)
7184 | Inscription In Memory of John Taylor. Who Emigrated to Canada in the year 1820 From the Highlands of Scotland Died Aug. 31 1865. Aged 78 Years & 3 Mo's. Also His Wife Janet. Emigrated to Canada In the Year 1822 From Woodside Glasgow Scotland Died Jan. 25, 1878, Aged 81 Years & 7 Mo's. | Taylor, John (I42563)
7185 | Inscription In Memory of John Taylor. Who Emigrated to Canada in the year 1820 From the Highlands of Scotland Died Aug. 31 1865. Aged 78 Years & 3 Mo's. Also His Wife Janet. Emigrated to Canada In the Year 1822 From Woodside Glasgow Scotland Died Jan. 25, 1878, Aged 81 Years & 7 Mo's. | McPhee, Janet (I42564)
7186 | Inscription In Memory Of Neil McEwen Born May 25, 1845 Died Sept. 27 1902. And There Shall Be No Mo-re Death. Rev. XXI.4. Marion Jean McEwen Born Feb. 12, 1897 Died May 3, 1989 Daughter of Peter & Jeannie | McEwen, Marion Jean (I22120)
7187 | Inscription In memory of the Very Reverend PETER COLIN CAMPBELL D.D. For 21 years principal of the University of Aberdeen Who was born 21 January 1810 and died 12 Dec 1876 In humble hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Also of his twin sons JAMES WYLIE CAMPBELL and PETER COLIN CAMPBELL Born 26 July 1844 and died in infancy in Caputh Perthshire and buried there. Also of his daughter JESSIE HAMILTON Born 13th Aug 1850, died 12 Jan 1856 MATILDA AUGUSTA Born 4 March 1859 died 21 May 1859 Also of his eldest son GEORGE MACIVER CAMPBELL M.D. Assistant Surgeon 85th Regiment Born 10th April 1842, died 6 December 1868 At Mean Meer, India and buried there. Also of his son DONALD DANIEL MACIVER CAMPBELL Bengal Civil Service Born 22nd Jan 1849, died 5 Feb 1878 At Almorah, India and buried there Also of his son WILLIAM MACDONALD MACIVER CAMPBELL Born 3rd March 1852, died 13 December 1882 at Kew, Melbourne, Australia and buried there Also of his wife JESSIE, daughter of The Hon JAMES WYLIE, of Burnside Canada West Born 29th September 1812, died 28th April 1892 Also of his daughter GRACE ALEXINA Born 9th Feb 1854, died 10th March 1937 | Campbell, Very Rev. Peter Colin D. D. (I31530)
7188 | Inscription In memory of William Wesley Cherry died Aug 13, 1898 aged 60 Yrs and his wife Elizabeth Kennedy died July 10, 1882 aged 41 Yrs and a daughter and infant children. | Cherry, William Wesley (I8815)
7189 | Inscription Interred in this Garden are the ashes of these faithfully departed. May light perpetual shine upon them | Arnold, James Frederick (I33198)
7190 | Inscription Isabella Margaret Bell wife of John Glass Malloch died January 29th 1847, aged 35 years Emeline their daughter died January 7th 1858, aged 15 years William B. Malloch their son died March 13th 1881, aged 36 years. | Bell, Isabella Margaret (I37894)
7191 | Inscription J. R. (Russ) Garland | Garland, John Russell "Russ" (I34253)
7192 | Inscription James Son of Hugh C. and Margaret GILMOUR, Died 21 Dec. 1859 Aged 2 Years 1 Mon and 19 days He's gone to dwell with saints above. | Gilmour, James (I38304)
7193 | Inscription James Arthur, 1853 - 1931 His wife Ellen Paterson, 1863 - 1941 Millicent Sutherland, 1897 - 1944 Mabel Arthur, aged 7 mos SIDE 2 Isabella S. Arthur, 1889 - 1971 Mary E. Arthur, 1893 - 1975 Margaret Arthur, 1895 - 1984 | Arthur, Lettitia Millicent (I36963)
7194 | Inscription James Ennis Died Nov. 19, 1856 Aged 41 yrs Also his wife Eleanor Died Aug. 4, 1842 Aged 21 Yrs. | Jackson, Eleanor (I32355)
7195 | Inscription James Henry McDiarmid 1878 - 1927 His Wife Jennie May McFadden 1885 - 1966 | McDiarmid, James Henry (I7551)
7196 | Inscription James McEwen 1814-1898 His Wife Catherine McCuan 1827-1898 Norman McEwen Young 1886-1911 Charles C. Payne 1857-1903 His Wife Catherine McEwen 1858-1902 McEWEN | Payne, Charles C. (I22082)
7197 | Inscription JOHN Son of Thomas and Clara Kidd Died Feb 27, 1864 Aged 1 year and 5 mos. | Kidd, John (I5141)
7198 | Inscription John Dunfield died August 1853. Native of Antrim Ireland Gravesite Details The transcription comes from a book on Cedar Hill Cemetery and states that a tombstone did exist but has now disappeared. | Dunfield, John (I16437)
7199 | Inscription John Hammond, Died Mar 10, 1903, aged 83 yrs. | Hammond, John (I42348)
7200 | Inscription John Kevin ROONEY 1933-2003 beloved husband of Nora Kathleen NEWTON 1933-2017 Rest in Peace | Rooney, John Kevin (I35747)
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