Our Family's Journey Through Time
Matches 951 to 1,000 of 12,186
# | Notes | Linked to |
951 | (Research):Thomas Hamilton b.13 Mar 1836 Scotland d.16 Oct 1910 Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada Burial: Oct 1910 Auld Kirk Cemetery, Wolf Grove Road, Almonte, Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada m. 6 Jan 1862 St. John's United, Almonte, Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada Janet Aitken b.1844 Huntley Twp., Lanark County, Ontario, Canada Children: John Hamilton b.1868 Ontario, Canada Harry Hamilton b.1884 Huntley Twp, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada Alexander Hamilton b.@ 1882 Huntley Twp, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada Hugh Hamilton b.1877 Huntley Twp, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada Huntley is an historic township originally part of Carleton County in eastern Ontario, Canada. Huntley was located in the western part of the county, bordered to the northwest by Fitzroy Township, to the northeast by March Township, to the southwest by Ramsay Township and to the southeast by Goulbourn Township. It includes the communities of Carp, Corkery, Huntley, Manion Corners, and Westwood. The township was established in 1841. The first settlers in the area were immigrants from Ireland in the early 19th century. Huntley took its name from Huntly Castle, associated with Charlotte Lennox, Duchess of Richmond, whose husband Charles served as Governor General of British North America from 1818 to 1819. In 1974, it was amalgamated with Torbolton and Fitzroy to form West Carleton. In 2001, West Carleton became part of the new city of Ottawa. | Aitken, Janet (I5895)
952 | (Research):Thomas Hamilton b.13 Mar 1836 Scotland d.16 Oct 1910 Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada Burial: Oct 1910 Auld Kirk Cemetery, Wolf Grove Road, Almonte, Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada m. 6 Jan 1862 St. John's United, Almonte, Ramsay Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada Janet Aitken b.1844 Huntley Twp., Lanark County, Ontario, Canada Children: John Hamilton b.1868 Ontario, Canada Harry Hamilton b.1884 Huntley Twp, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada Alexander Hamilton b.@ 1882 Huntley Twp, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada Hugh Hamilton b.1877 Huntley Twp, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada Huntley is an historic township originally part of Carleton County in eastern Ontario, Canada. Huntley was located in the western part of the county, bordered to the northwest by Fitzroy Township, to the northeast by March Township, to the southwest by Ramsay Township and to the southeast by Goulbourn Township. It includes the communities of Carp, Corkery, Huntley, Manion Corners, and Westwood. The township was established in 1841. The first settlers in the area were immigrants from Ireland in the early 19th century. Huntley took its name from Huntly Castle, associated with Charlotte Lennox, Duchess of Richmond, whose husband Charles served as Governor General of British North America from 1818 to 1819. In 1974, it was amalgamated with Torbolton and Fitzroy to form West Carleton. In 2001, West Carleton became part of the new city of Ottawa. | Hamilton, Thomas D. (I5896)
953 | (Research):Title This was their life : a story of the pioneers of Fairmede and adjacent districts Author Kidd, Margaret Boyd, 1891-1950? Published Fairmede, Sask. : [s.n.], 1955 Moosomin Public Library Branch Non-fiction 971.244 KID Available 1 Weyburn Public Library Non-fiction 971.244 Kid | Kidd, James Alexander (I4034)
954 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I30975)
955 | (Research):US Public Records Index Edward Abbott Birth:?tab?July 28 1922 Residences Residence?tab?Date?tab? 11406 Rustic Rock Dr, Austin Texas 78750-3505, USA?tab?Dec 1 1999?tab?Show neighbors Phone numbers Number?tab?Date (512) 335-4362?tab?Between Feb 25 2004 and Mar 25 2008 (512) 760-5532?tab?Mar 25 2008 | Abbott, Lt. Col. USAF Edward Albert (I15789)
956 | (Research):Virginia, Marriage Records, 1936-2014 Name: Rosemary Killen Graves Gender: Female Race: White Age: 34 Birth Date: abt 1910 Marriage Registration Place: Portsmouth, Virginia, USA Marriage Date: 7 May 1944 Marriage Place: Portsmouth, Virginia, USA Father: James Killen Mother: Mary O'Shea Spouse: Walter Arthur McCaughna Indiana, Death Certificates, 1899-2011 Name: Rosemary F McCaughna [Rosemary F Killen] Gender: Female Race: White Age: 56 Marital Status: Married Birth Date: 4 Nov 1908 Birth Place: New York Death Date: 7 Sep 1965 Death Place: Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA Father: James Killen Mother: Mary O'Shea Spouse: Walter A McCaughna | Killen, Rosemary F. (I38411)
957 | (Research):Virginia, Marriage Records, 1936-2014 Name: Walter Arthur McCaughna Gender: Male Race: White Age: 35 Birth Date: abt 1909 Marriage Registration Place: Portsmouth, Virginia, USA Marriage Date: 7 May 1944 Marriage Place: Portsmouth, Virginia, USA Father: John McCaughna Mother: Janette B Stewart Spouse: Rosemary Killen Graves Indiana, Death Certificates, 1899-2011 Name: Walter A Mc Caughna Gender: Male Race: White Age: 62 Marital Status: Widowed Birth Date: 14 May 1908 Birth Place: North Dakota Death Date: 19 Jun 1970 Death Place: Greensburg, Decatur, Indiana, USA Father: John Mc Caughna Mother: Janet Stewart | McConaughna, Walter Arthur (I38410)
958 | (Research):Volume 5: Birth, Death & Death Notices 1897 - 1904 by Global Heritage Press, Carleton Place, 2017 On Apr. 3 at 7th Conc., Beckwith of paralytic stroke, John STEWART, age 85 yrs. Born Perthshire, Scotland. Married twice. 1. Elizabeth McDOUGALL - 4 children; Alexander at home, Peter of Strathclair, Man., Mrs. R.S. ALLEN of Cooper, Ont. and the late John. Married 2. Mary A. LAWFORD who survives with 7 children: Mrs. J.D. ARMSTRONG of Carleton Place, Mrs. John STEWART and Mrs. Ed. DEWAR of Crystal City, Man., Mrs. DOPSON of Ottawa, Thomas, Neil, Jennie and Bella at home. Int. Dewar's Cemetery. (Apr. 4, 1899, p.1, col. 4 & p.4, col. 3) | Stewart, John (I37639)
959 | (Research):Walker, D., Burkholder, R. and F. Stratford-Devai, "The Marriage Registers of Upper Canada / Canada West, Volume 5: Bathurst District 1831 - 1852", Global Heritage Press, 2000 - - - http://www.borenich.co.uk/Ross_Document/RossFootnote_Alex.html#D The Family of Neil Stewart and Isabella Stewart of Beckwith, Lanark Co. Name?tab??tab?Born?tab??tab?Married?tab??tab??tab?Date?tab??tab?Residence?tab??tab?Died Alexander?tab?1841?tab??tab?died in infancy?tab?.?tab??tab??tab?Beckwith?tab??tab?d. 1842 Ellen?tab??tab?1842?tab?.?tab??tab??tab?.?tab??tab??tab?Beckwith?tab??tab?d. c1865 John B.?tab??tab?Dec 16 1844?tab?unmarried?tab?.?tab??tab??tab?Beckwith?tab??tab?d. 1938 Duncan Blair?tab?Nov 10 1846?tab?Isabella Poole?tab??tab?Feb 26 1891?tab?Brenda, Manitoba?tab?h. Nov 3 1928 / w. 1961 Neil?tab??tab?1847?tab?u?tab?nmarried?tab?.?tab??tab??tab?Beckwith?tab??tab?d. Aug 13 1867 Elizabeth?tab?Sep 7 1850?tab?.?tab?.?tab??tab??tab??tab?Brockville, Ontario?tab?d. Jan 9 1930 Peter Gray?tab?1852?tab??tab?died in infancy?tab?.?tab??tab??tab?Beckwith?tab??tab?d. 1856 Isabella Lanient?tab?Sep 19 1855?tab?.?tab?.?tab??tab??tab??tab?Beckwith?tab??tab?d. Oct 15 1916 Janet (Jennet)?tab?Nov 4 1858?tab?Albert Edmund Lewis?tab?Mar 18 1891?tab?Brockville, Ontario?tab?h. Mar 21 1951 / w. Nov 11 1932 Peter Gray?tab?1861?tab??tab?Mary Annie McNeely?tab?Dec 6 1893?tab?Beckwith?tab??tab?h. Jun 22 1895 / w. c1962 _______________________________________________________________________ | Stewart, Neil (I37573)
960 | (Research):Was in Strathcona when his mother died in 1905. Hugh Duncan had a house built at Strathcona in 1912 at 60 Main Street were the family lived and raised their family, his duaghter later lived there and raised a family until her husbands death in 1972. The house was puechased by the city of Edmonton as a heritage property and became the Foundation House in 1978. the address of the property now known as 8520 - 104 Street. Occupation Druggist | Duncan, Hugh (I2909)
961 | (Research):Was she referred to as Aunt Jenny? She was a housekeeper for a Dr. Rankin | Brown, Maggie Chalmers (I2819)
962 | (Research):We are a Ancestry DNA 3rd. cousin 2x removed match with 8 cM across 1 segment. Common ancestors James Simpson and Ellen Willoughby. Dennis's Ancestor tree does not include his parents information. | Lacroix, Dennis (I17754)
963 | (Research):Went to the USA shortly before the Civil War and never heard from again although there is a possible death date of 1919. | Kidd, Wesley (I3704)
964 | (Research):When 16 was sent to look after Rose Greig (before) after death of Agnes Stewart Greig; later living with parents in Winnipeg; after death of Isabel Stewart lived with Kathleen English's family until her father remarried; described as a 'honey', well liked. Took niece Ruby, daughter of James under her wing after the death of her parents. | Stewart, "Kate" Katherina (I2792)
965 | (Research):William John Gordon Scott- B. Dec. 25, 1885- Prov. Mb. Birth Cert. # 1886-003101. William a/k/a "Gordon" | Scott, William John Gordon (I1675)
966 | (Research):WILLOUGHBY-ANNIE ?, Don Duncan and unknown Bloomfield could be 4th cousin 1x removed through: commom 3rd great grand parents William Willoughby and his wife Annie as common ancestors with shared DNA of 9 cM across one segment as recorded in my Ancestry and Legacy family trees. | Bloomfield (I33408)
967 | (Research):WILLOUGHBY/ Annie ?, Tony Christansen and I are likely 4th cousins with 3rd great grand parents William Willoughby and his wife Annie as common ancestors with shared DNA of 7 cM across 0ne segmnet. As recorded on my Legacy and Ancestry family trees. | Christiansen, Tony (I33431)
968 | (Research):Winnipeg | Feetham, Elizabeth Brooke "Brooksie" (I2459)
969 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I2517)
970 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I2521)
971 | (Research):Winnipeg | Coward, William (I2522)
972 | (Research):Winnipeg | Coulter, Maisie Evelyn (I2530)
973 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I2532)
974 | (Research):Winnipeg | Skaftfeld, Ronald (I2533)
975 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I2540)
976 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I2551)
977 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I2553)
978 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I2556)
979 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I2567)
980 | (Research):Winnipeg ? | Coulter, John Thomas (I2544)
981 | (Research):Wm. Scott was one of the early school teachers in Middleville. He was later the Clerk of Lanark Township. In 1867 he resided onLot 12 Concesion of Lanark Twp. | Scott, William (I6603)
982 | (Research):WWI ATTESTATION PAPERS Name: William Dudley Munro Birth Date: 24 Mar 1888 Birth Location: Manitoba Relative: Mrs William Munro (mother) Tailor Height 5 foot 6 3/4 inches Complexion - fair eyes - blue Hair - Fair ------------ ALBERTA HOMESTEAD RECORDS Name: William Dudley Munro Gender: Male Age: 20 Birth Year: abt 1888 Birth Country: Canada Application Date: 28 Jul 1908 Homestead Place: Alberta, Canada Residence Year: 1908 Residence Place: Claresholm, Alberta, Canada File Number: 1270441 Coordinates: NE Section: 3 Township: 12 Range: 21 Meridian: 4 ------------------ ALBERTA MARRIAGE REGISTER Name: William D Munro Gender: Male Marriage Date: 1921 Marriage Place: Barons, Alberta, Canada Spouse: Agnes Ethel Moir ----------- ALBERTA DEATH REGISTER Name: William Dudley Munro Gender: Male Death Date: 1 Dec 1929 Death Place: Claresholm, Alberta, Canada Registration Number: 407-100 | Munro, William Dudley Jr. (I11170)
983 | (Research):WWI Regimental #2663516 | Brewster, James Irvine Jr. (I23274)
984 | (Research):www.ancestry.ca [accessed 161225] British Columbia, Canada, Death Index, 1872-1990 Name:John Alfred Kidd Gender:Male Birth Year:abt 1873 Death Age:70 Death Date:21 Mar 1943 Death Location:Burnaby Registration Number:1943-09-621415 BCA Number:B13178 GSU Number:1953638 +++ http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=Kidd&GSbyrel=all&GSdyrel=all&GScntry=10&GSob=n&GSsr=521&GRid=136484154&df=all& [accessed 161227] John Alfred Kidd Birth: Dec. 27, 1872 Beckwith Ontario, Canada Death: Mar. 21, 1943 Burnaby British Columbia, Canada Son of James Kidd and Catherine Stewart. Family links: Spouse: Margaret Smith Kidd (1877 - 1967) Burial: Masonic Cemetery of British Columbia Burnaby Greater Vancouver Regional District British Columbia, Canada Created by: Rockies Graver Record added: Sep 27, 2014 Find A Grave Memorial# 136484154 | Kidd, John Alfred "Fred" (I4053)
985 | (Research):www.ancestry.ca [accessed 221009] death register, Beckwith Twp., Lanrk Co., ON Name:?tab?Mary Ann Stewart Gender:?tab?Female Age:?tab?76 Birth Date:?tab?abt 1832 Birth Place:?tab?Canada Death Date:?tab?3 May 1908 Death Place:?tab?Lanark, Ontario, Canada Religion:?tab?Presbyterian Cause of Death:?tab?Old Age Lot 3, Con 7 widow of John Stewart _________________________________________ | Lawford, Mary Ann (I19900)
986 | (Research):www.rootsweb.com, Updated: 2014-05-22 20:17:11 UTC (Thu) Contact: William Prokasy | Kidd, Ralph (I3808)
987 | *Raney McNeely* b: May 24, 1838 in Beckwith Township, Ontario d: March 19, 1919 in Con 10, Beckwith Township, Ontario Burial: United Cemetery, Cemetery Rd, Beckwith, Ontario. Married *Catherine Robertson* b: December 08, 1833 in Beckwith Township, Ontario d: June 10, 1916 in Con 10, Beckwith Township, Ontario Burial: Pinegrove Cemetery Plot M19, lt 20, United Cemetery, Cemetery Rd, Beckwith, Ontario m: September 24, 1858 in Beckwith Twp, Lanark Co., Ont. Witnessed by John Robertson and John McNeely. Father: Peter Robertson Mother: Sara Unknown | McNeely, Raney (I4411)
988 | +++ Lesway, Margaret E. (nee Coleman) Peacefully in hospital, Perth, Ontario, on Sunday, February 21, 2016 at the age of 97 years. Loved wife of the late James Lesway. Beloved sister of Harold Coleman (Jean), late William Coleman, late John Coleman (Claudia-surviving). Survived by sisters-in-law Mary Kennedy and Margaret Henderson and brother-in-law John Lesway. Loved by many nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews, extended family and friends. Friends may call at the Alan R Barker Funeral Home, 19 McArthur Ave. Carleton Place on Wednesday, February 24, 2016 from 12 noon until time of service in the chapel at 2 p.m. Spring interment United Cemeteries, Carleton Place. For those desiring donations to Beckwith Baptist Church or the Cancer Society would be appreciated. +++ | Coleman, Harold (I4675)
989 | +++ www.ancestry.ca [accessed 160417] 1901 census, Montague Twp., Lanark Co., ON +++ | Cram, Isaac (I5680)
990 | - In memory of James T. Duncan, died Dec.16,1905, aged 45 years. ------------------------------ Death - The Lanark Era - Dec.20,1905- At Lanark, Saturday last, Mr. James Duncan, husband of Bella Purdon. Six children are left. Burial in Crawford's cemetery. | Duncan, James Turnbull (I29829)
991 | . Obituary Published in the Winnipeg free Press, June 10, 1924, Page 9- Thomas Hempton Scott, of Dominion City, Man. died at the General Hospital yesterday, aged 67 years. The remains will be taken to Dominion City for interment. The funeral having been arranged for tomorrow afternoon. Obituary Notice- The funeral of Thomas Hempton Scott, of Dominion City, who died at the Winnipeg General Hospital on Monday, will be held this afternoon, from the Union Church, Dominion City, to the cemetery of that town. Obituary published in the Winnipeg Free Press, Wednesday, June 11, 1924, Page 9 | Scott, Thomas Hempton (I1449)
992 | . | Simpson, Eliza Joshena "Irene" (I2747)
993 | /www.canadianheadstones.com/view?oid=on.4292 | Kidd, Elijah "Eli" (I3703)
994 | 013892-10 (Lanark Co) George A. MEREDITH, 36, Farmer, of Saskatchewan, s/o John MEREDITH & Eliza A. KIDD; married E.M. STEARNS, 30, of Beckwith, d/o Charles STEARNS & Drusilla WRIGHT; wit William K. MEREDITH, Drummond & Maggie STERNS, Beckwith, 16 Mar 1910, Beckwith | Meredith, George (I4494)
995 | 014309-27 William Harold Cecil SHAIL, 27, farmer, Beckwith twp, RR#2 Carleton Place s/o James Ireton SHAIL (b. Beckwith twp) & Florence Ida IRETON, married Merle Leona CROMPTON, 30, living at home, Drummond twp, RR#1 Carleton Place d/o James K. CROMPTON (b. Grey Co) & Sarah Jane CROMPTON wtn: Preston SHAIL of Beckwith twp & Frances Pearl CROMPTON of Drummond twp, 14 June 1927 at Clayton | Shail, William Harold Cecil (I4499)
996 | 1 December 1902 Death of Mrs. L. Cohen, It is with deep regret that we have to report the death of Mrs. L. Cohen, wife of Alderman L. Cohen, which occurred shortly before dawn this morning. The deceased lady was in her fifty second year, and for many years had been a great sufferer. A native of Tarana, Mrs. Cohen had beon married over thirty years, and is survived by her husband and two sons, Alderman W. J. Cohen and Mr. Robert Cohen, and one daughter, Mrs. Dan Donovan. Mrs. Cohen bore her long and terrible suffering with the most patient resignation, which endeared her to all who know her. The funeral will leave the residence in Lowis-street ' at 3 p.m. to-morrow (Tuesday), and a special summons has been issued, ' calling together the mombors of tho Court Pride Lodge, Ancient Order of Foresters, of which the deceased's husband and sons are prominent members. | Beale, Hannah Maria (I16108)
997 | 1 Thomas SHIRLEY b: 1 SEP 1840 + HANNAH b: 1 FEB 1840 2 Florence SHIRLEY b: 15 NOV 1876 d: ABT 1962 + Arthur SALTER b: ABT 1874 d: ABT 1962 3 Nora SALTER b: 7 JUL 1913 d: Private 3 Velma SALTER b: 14 JAN 1915 d: Private 2 Stephen SHIRLEY b: 14 AUG 1878 d: Private + Florence Luella KIDD b: OCT 1886 d: Private 2 Minnie M. SHIRLEY b: 22 NOV 1882 | Shirley, Thomas (I4372)
998 | 1. 1901 census, Carrick Twp, Bruce Co. === 2. death register, Harriston, Wellington Co. | Kidd, Mary Ellen (I4290)
999 | 1. Beckwtih Death register reported death of his father | Cram, Duncan (I5678)
1000 | 1. cemetery records, Goodlands Cemetery, Goodlands, AB == 1. Deloraine History Book Committee, "Deloraine Scans a Century, 1880 - 1980", 1980 lists d.o.d. | Leeson, Wellington Brock (I4749)
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