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- Miss Weyer Weds Kusske St. Paschal's church A t Park-water as the setting yesterday for the marriage of Miss Catherine Elizabeth Weyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Weyer of Dish-man. to Sergeant Francis RI Kusske, Felts field. The Rev. Fa-1 tiler Frederick Bromham, O. F. M., officiated. The bride wore a tailored suit of navy blue, and 1 he prayer honk she carried was one ber mother had carried as a bride.! The jeeled earrings she NVOUP nd her gimes ere the same her mother had worn as a bride, mother had worn as a bride. AllAs :tilma Weyer W As her sis-: ler's maid of honor and Arthur, Thetis Nas Sergeant Kusske's best'i 111R11. TNk ent y-ti ye IA et0 included for the Trifling breakfast vhich rot-, lowed at the Veyer home. Coming from Portland vere Sergeant KII5q-; ke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1ohn, Kusske. and two sisters. Included with the Rev. Father Bromham, sere Father Fox from Post Falls, and Father Wagner from Minne-i sot R. Following a 10-day visit with Portland relatives Sergeant Kusske' and his bride will have their home here. Theirs was the second wedding ! of the week in the Weyer family. Announced too is the marriage of Miss Margo tPt 1,11111111 Weyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andre Weyer, to John Stanley flarthol-' mew, vhich took place last W'crinesday in Coeur d'Alene. Attending the couple $A ere Ntr. and, Mrs. A. W. Swaney, Country Itomesi! Estates. The wedding dinner followed at Elizabeth Ann's tearoom in Coeur d'Alene, and the wedding party then motored to Spokane for a reception at their new home, N1911 Dakota. of the guests, included were Mr. Bartholomew's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bartholomew; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cockings, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Watson. Mr. and Mrs. William Bartholomew Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph VP111 PiSS, Mr. and Mrs., Emil Joireman, Mr. and Mrs. A. A Swaney, Mrs. WIIIIRM Metcalf,, Mrs. Corinne Woodall. ,