- ?b?Obituary - Margaret Miller?/b?
One by one the early settlers are passing away from this scene of action - those who braved the hardships of pioneer life and carved out homes in the wilderness of Lanark county - leaving behind them names and memories which will Long live in the hearts of those who mourn their departure. On Sunday evening last another old resident was called to her reward in the person of Margaret Miller, relic of the late John Tom, sr., who was in her 89th year. Though she had reached such a great age, her death was somewhat unexpected, as she had been enjoying fairly good health, and only two weeks ago she attended the sacramental services in the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Almonte, of which denomination she had been a zealous member for over 60 years, and seldom was her place in the sanctuary vacant when circumstances permitted her being present, until the infirmities of old age prevented her from assembling regularly with God's people. Deceased was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, in the year 1810, and there spent a good portion of her younger days. In 1832 she, accompanied by her husband and two children, left the land of their birth to seek their fortune in this country, and after living for a time in Ramsey they settled on the 11th line of Beckwith, where they remained for a few years, and in 1837 removed to the farm on the 12th line of Ramsey, where she died. On January the 4th 1841 her husband died suddenly leaving her with six small children (four sons and two daughters) the eldest about 11 years old, but with persevering industry and help of the children and friends she soon earned for herself and family a good, comfortable home, never forgetting her duty to God. The children theretofore mentioned are all living except Margaret (Mrs. James Waddell), of Pakenham, who died some years ago. The others were: John, on the homestead; William, of Pakenham; Mary, (Mrs. James Turner) and James, of Ramsey; And David, of Whitehurst. There are also alive 32 grandchildren and 40 great grandchildren. Our departed friend was a very highly respected resident, and will long be kindly remembered by those who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. The funeral took place on Tuesday to the family burying plot on the homestead and was very largely attended, testifying to the esteem in which deceased was held. The service at the house was conducted by her pastor Rev. E. M. Coleman, of Almonte, assisted by Rev. A. E. Michael of the same town, and Rev. G. T. Bayne, of Ashton. The pallbearers were her four sons.