?/b?Well Known Resident Dies at Age of 64.
Many friends will learn with regret of the death of a well known and highly esteemed resident of this city in the person of Robert Barnett, aged 64 years, which occurred suddenly thls morning at his late residence, 4 Christie street. The late Mr. Barnett had been in ill health for the past year, but his passing was quite unexpected, because only this morning he had gone out to shovel snow in his backyard after breakfast, and it is thought .hat the exercise was too strenuous for him as he complained of not feeling very well when he returned to the house. He passed away soon afterwards.
Born in Clayton, Ontario, 64 years ago, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Barnett, deceased had remained there until he was 21, when he went to Duluth, Minn., to reside. He left Duluth about 30 years ago, coming to Ottawa, where he has lived since.
In religion the late Mr. Barnett was an Anglican, having been a prominent worker in St. Luke's church and a member of the executive of the synod. He was also on several committees of the church. The late Mr. Barnett had been a builder and contractor, but retired six years ago. Surviving him, besides his widow, formerly Miss Mary Timmons, of Pakenham, are one daughter, Mrs. S. H. Ogden, of Ottawa; two sons, Percy, of R. Stewart and Son, insurance agents, and George, of The Citizen Advertising Department, and two sisters, Mrs. J. MacFarlane. of Haileybury, Ont., and Mrs. William Banning, of Winnipeg. Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed. Interment will take place in Pakenham.