- ?b?Northfield News, Friday, September 7, 1917, page 8
Mrs. John Whitson
Mrs. John Whitson died Saturday at the home of her son, William, at Berthold, North Dakota. The body was brought to Fergus Falls, Minn., for burial, the funeral being held Monday. Her son, Russell, of this city, attended the funeral. Mrs. Whitson was ninety years of age March 12th, last. She was a resident of Northfield until six years ago when she went to Berthold to live with her son.
The Ward County Independent, Minot, Ward County, North Dakota, Thursday, September 13, 1917
Berthold Woman Died at the Age of 90 Years.
Berthold Tribune: Mrs. Jane Whitson, who has been making her home in this city for several years, died early Saturday Morning, September 1, at the home of her son, William A. Whitson, at the advanced age of 90 years. While the deceased had been a partial invalid for some few years past it was not until about a year ago that she became bedridden. She was a woman of wonderful vitality and her mental faculties were unimpared almost up to the end. In spite of her pain and helplessness she has always been as patient and cheerful as could be expected when her age and condition is considered.
Private funeral services, conducted by Rev. M.W. Hiner, were held at the residence Saturday afternoon and on the following morning the remains were shipped to Fergus Falls, Minn., for interment.
The deceased was born March 12, 1827, near Smith's Falls, Can., and was married Feb. 28, 1850. Nine children were born to this union, seven of whom survive her, namely Robert and Russell of Northfield, Minn., Mrs. Jas. Thompson, of Fort Recovery, Ohio, John of Sauk Center, Minn., Albert of Fergus Falls, Minn., Mrs. Thomas Nephew of Sawyer, N. Dak., and William of Berthold, N. Dak.?/b?