- 1914, Friday January 16, The Almonte Gazette, front page
The Late William Young
In the last week's Gazette mention was made of the death of Mr Wm Young, of the 10th line of Ramsay, he having passed away on Thursday morning January 5th, at the advanced age of 87 years. The late Mr Young was born in 1827 at Brae Head, in the parish of Kilbride, Scotland. He was a son of the late Robt. Young, who came to Canada in 1832, and who afterward settled upon the farm latterly owned by Mr P.J. Young, on the 9th line. Here Mr Wm Young lived until 1857, when he was married to Miss Marion Nicholson, a daughter of the late Alex. Nicholson of Ramsay, and went to the farm, "Brae Head," upon which he spent the balance of his life. A family of nine children, seven sons and two daughters, were born to them, the only break in the family being the death of Dr. John Young, who died suddenly at Smiths Falls, on Jan. 17th, 1901. The others are Robert W., on the homestead, Alex N., in Ottawa; William M., in Detroit, Mich,; Rev Stephen, at Lanigan Sask.; Peter A., at Crystal City, Man.; Rev Henry at Seven Person, Alta.; George at home; Jessie (Mrs T.G. Wilson), Arnprior, and Annie (Mrs P.Y. Sutherland), in Ramsay. Mrs Young is also living, and is over eighty years, and is more bright and active than many people ten or fifteen years her junior. Of the late Mr Young brothers and sisters there are still living, Mr John Young, of Almonte; Rev Stephen Young, of Clifford; Mr P.J. Young, of Almonte; Mrs Foster, at Casselman, and Mrs Robt. Buckham of Ottawa, Mrs Toshack and Mrs G. Buckham are dead. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, and had it not been for the extremely inclement weather, it would have been one of the largest if not the very largest, ever seen in Ramsay township. As it was, the cortege was almost a mile long and was a splendid tribute to the memory of the deceased. The services at the home and at the cemetery were conducted by Rev S.G. Brown. The pallbearers were fellow-members of the session -- Messrs. A.M. Greig, R. Young (Ottawa), D. Stewart, Angus Sutherland, J.D. Robertson and Jas McLeod. Friends from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr Wm Young, of Detroit, Rev Stephen Young from Clifford, Ont., Messrs Alex N. Young and Robt. Young of Ottawa, Messrs John and Wm Young and Mrs Andrew Young, Mr and Mrs T.G. Wilson and Mr and Mrs W. Cavers from Arnprior, and Mr Geo Buckham from Torbolton. The late Mr Young was of a very quiet disposition, and was a man of few words. He was a man of strong convictions, and when he had taken a position regarding any question of right or wrong he was always found on what he believed to be the right side, and it required a strong argument to induce him to change his decision. While attending the services in the Free church at the eighth line he was ordained an elder of that congregation during the pastorate of the late Rev Wm McKenzie, and when the congregation removed to St John's church, about 1867, he was retained in that position, which he held until his death. After the death of Mr Watson several months ago, Mr and Mrs Young were the oldest couple living, of those who were among the earliest members of St John's church. Mr Young was for about twenty years superintendent of what was known as the Green Bush Sunday school, retaining the position until, in Rev Knowles' time, it was removed to Blakeney. A good neighbour, a kind friend, a ready sympathizer and willing helper in trouble, his passing has removed another of the fast-disappearing links which has bound the present with the past, and in the passing of whom there is distinct loss to the community.