- Thursday, November 3rd, 1967 R. H. Willows Dies Innisville
The death of Mr. Russell Hammond Willows occurred on Friday, November 3, 1967 at his home near Innisville. Born on October 6, 1896 at Boyd's Settlement, he was the son of the late Wesley Willows and his wife, Margaret Hammond. After receiving his education at Boyd's and Carleton Place, he farmed in the district all his life time moving to Innisville last June. Mr. Willows took an active part in the life of his community. He was an elder in Boyd's United Church for many years. He served on the local school board and after its inception on the Lanark Township School Area Board. At the time of his death he was president of Boyd's Cheese Factory and a member and past president of the Lanark County Milk Committee. He was a former county director of the Ontario Cheese Producer's Association and a committee member on the Ontario Cheese Marketing Board. His first wife, Hattie Walker, predeceased him in 1928. He is survived by his wife, Merle Henrietta Tennant; four sons, Gerald, Keith, Raymond of Boyd's; Sterling of Peterborough; six daughters, Dorothy, Mrs. Cecil Munro, Kingston; Feryn, Mrs. John R. McGill, Pakenham; Elva, Mrs. Alvin Kelford, Ferguson's Falls; Ellen, Mrs. Gilles Lalonde; Beth and Heather Ann of Ottawa; a brother, Earl of Boyd's; sisters, Mrs. Russell Craig; Olive and Mabel of Carleton Place and 11 grandchildren. A brother, Wilbert predeceased him in 1949. The body rested at Fleming Brother's Funeral Home, until Sunday, November 5, thence to Boyd's United Church for the funeral service at 2:30 p.m. Services were conducted by Rev. K. J. Murray and Rev. W. L. Henley. Interment was in the United Cemetery, Boyd's. Pallbearers were Wesley Craig, Lyall Grant, David Munro, Bill Prohaska, Ervin Sweeney and Doug Weir.