- 895, Friday March 22, The Almonte Gazette, page 8
Very Sudden Death
Last Monday Mr. John Lang, whose farm adjoins Almonte, was working about his home, in better health than usual, as he had been suffering for a time from rheumatism and a slight trouble of the heart, and when Mrs Lang went to bed at ten o'clock that night she left him reading beside the stove, as he intended removing the ashes before retiring. Mrs Lang awoke between two and three next morning, and finding that her husband was not abed, divined that something was wrong. Hurrying down, she found Mr. Lang in a kneeling position beside the stove ? dead! He had been fixing the stove and before his task was competed the hand to death was upon him. Heart disease was doubtless the cause. The news was a terrible shock to the household, and scarcely less so to many in town, who ha the pleasure of meeting Mr Lang here the previous Friday, about as genial as ever, though bearing traces of his sickness. Deceased was one of Ramsay's best known and most respected farmers, and his death is regretted by all who knew him. An upright, honourable citizen, a kind friend and neighbour, and a model in his domestic relationships, has gone to his rest, and leaves a home in the deepest sorrow; but the household does not sorrow as those who are without hope ? they have the blessed assurance that they well meet again under brighter skies. Sixty-five years ago Mr. Lang was born on the farm in which he died, his father being the late Arthur Lang, who came from Scotland to these parts in 1821, with the first settlers. Over forty years ago he married Jane Gilmour, daughter of the late James Gilmour, who was also one of the pioneer settlers. Of their children four survive, viz.: Henry and Alvina at home; Mrs Throop (Jessie), of Ottawa; Albert A., who is studying medicine at McGill College, Montreal. To add to the misfortunes of the family, Mrs Lang has been ill of late with pleurisy, and her son Albert is in an hospital at Montreal very seriously ill with typhoid. In their time of trouble Mrs Lang and family have the sincere sympathy of the whole community. Mr Lang was a charter member of Mississippi Lodge No 147 A.F. & A.M., Almonte, and the members of that lodge turned out in a body to attend the funeral which took place this (Thursday) afternoon, to the eighth line cemetery and was very largely attended. Rev A.S. Grant, B.D., pastor of St. Andrew's congregation (of which deceased was a member), was the officiating clergyman.