- 1926, Friday August 6, The Almonte Gazette, front page
Had Just Concluded Week-end Visit With Relatives Here.
Member of Well-known Ramsay Family Was Schoolmaster For Number of Years Before Becoming
Librarian of Geological Survey at Ottawa.
Seized with a paralytic stroke on Monday afternoon just after he had left the home of his brother, Mr R.W. Young of Ramsay, to return to Ottawa after spending the week-end here. Mr Alexander N. Young passed away about three hours later. Mr Young, who was the widely known and esteemed librarian of the Geological Survey department of the Dominion government service, very often revisited his old home in Ramsay. Few public holidays failed to bring him back. Monday being a civic holiday in Ottawa he came on Saturday by motor to visit his brother Robert. He was accompanied by Mrs Young and his niece Miss Jean Young. It was somewhat of the nature of a family gathering for there were also present Rev and Mrs Stephen Young, of Saskatoon and others. The late Mr Young had been in a particularly happy mood and enjoyed very much the intercourse with his brother from Saskatchewan. They had planned to see more of one another before the latter returned to the west, and on Monday afternoon about two o'clock Mr Young started for the city accompanied by his wife and niece and Mrs Stephen Young. Mrs Stephen Young was to go as far as Carleton Place to visit relatives there, while the others were to go on to Ottawa.
Miss J Young was seated with her uncle in the front seat and the car had barely left the residence when the automobile lurched to a stop. Miss Young immediately noticed that her uncle was not well and at once shut off the motor. While the others in the car attended to Mr Young she ran back to the house and summoned a physician. Mr Young was carried to the house, but from the first there was absolutely no hope of his recovery and he died at six o'clock. A soon as it was known that Mr Young was seriously ill a telephone call was sent to Ottawa for Donald Young, his only son, and when he had been reached, he left immediately in a motor car accompanied by Mr Ralph St. Germaine. His father had passed away but a few minutes when he arrived.
The death of Mr Young came as a great shock to his friends. He was of a robust physique and always looked far younger than his years. He was held in very high regard and had a very large circle of friends. He took keen pleasure in meeting his friends and preserved his old associations. One of his chief delights was to visit his old home and to attend worship of a Sunday with his relatives at Bethany United Church, which he continued to call St Andrew's. He was an elder of the First United Church Ottawa. He was a scholarly man and a wide reader. He had a knowledge of works of geology probably unequalled in this country. He was fond of athletics and proud of the distinction which his son Donald has won as a member of the champion Rideau Basketball team and as the star outside wing of Ottawa's champion football team.
He was a son of the late William Young, of Ramsay, and his wife, Marion Nicholson, who and whose family have been prominent in the life of this community. He was born near Blakeney about sixty-five years ago. For a number of years he was a schoolmaster in this vicinity and established a high reputation. Over twenty years ago he was appointed librarian of the Geological Survey at the Victoria Memorial Museum, a position for which he was eminently fitted. The family home is at 370 Elgin street which is near the Museum. Some thirty-two years ago he was married to Miss Belle Campbell, of Almonte. He leaves to mourn his passing his widow and his son Donald. Another son, Grant was killed a numbered of years ago. He is survived also by two sisters and five brothers: Mrs P.Y. Sutherland, of Ramsay, Mrs Thomas Wilson, of Arnprior; Peter Young, of Vancouver; Rev Henry Young, of Bowden, Saskatoon, Sask.; William Young, of Detroit; and Robert W. Young, of Ramsay.
The funeral took place on Wednesday to the Auld Kirk cemetery where his remains were laid besides his son Grant. There was a remarkable concourse of mourners, the largest seen here for many years, and many Ottawa organizations were represented. Many representative citizens from Almonte and the surrounding district as well as Carleton Place, Arnprior, Pakenham, Bristol, etc., were in attendance. The service was impressively conducted by Rev J.R. MacCrimmon of Bethany United Church, Almonte, and Rev W. Whidden and Rev A.F. Pollock, both of the first United Church, Ottawa, (formerly Westminster Church), of which the deceased was a devoted member of long standing and was also a representative on the board of session.
The pallbearers were three brothers of the deceased: R.W. Young of the Township of Ramsay, William Young of Detroit; Rev Stephen Young of Rochester, N.Y.; a nephew, Dr. W.S. Young of Rochester, N.Y.; and two brother-in-law, Thomas Wilson of Arnprior and P.Y. Sutherland of Almonte. The honourary pallbearers were: W.H. Tate, William Fraser, J.M. Young, George Gourley, Leonard Thomas and A.R. Douglas all of whom were members of the session of the First United Church, Ottawa. Among others noted at the funeral were many friends of Donald Young, only son to the late Alex. N. Young, as follows T. Rooney, R. St Germaine, D. Dawson of the Rideau Baseball Club, Joe Miller, Capt. Joe Tubman and Dave McCann of the Ottawa Football Club; H. Shouldice and H. Starrs of the Metropolitan Baseball Club also Geo W. Bennett and John B. Arbrick of the Railway Commission, J.H. Lowry, Lyle Laishley, S. Hooper. T.L. Hamilton, Hon Andrew Haydon, R.L. McDonald, all of Ottawa.