- 1902, Friday May 9, The Almonte Gazette page 5
In Ramsay, May 2nd, Matthew McFarlane, aged 80 years
1902, Friday May 9, The Almonte Gazette page 8
Matthew McFarlane
?/b?A pioneer settler of Ramsay, widely, known and greatly respected, passed away suddenly last Friday morning, when M. Matthew McFarlane joined the majority in the great beyond. For a couple of years he has been troubled with heart affection and although at times it seemed as if with the burden of four-score years against him he must go down in the unequal contest, yet his wonderful vitality again and again brought him through, and he was able to be around and enjoy fairly good health until about ten days before his death, when he was again taken ill, but though confined to bed his condition was not considered at all critical. On Friday morning he seemed as well as usual, and had partaken of his customary morning meal, but about 9:30 he was taken suddenly worse and expired in a few minutes. The deceased was born December, 1822, on the homestead farm adjoining Almonte, on which his brother Mr. Robt. L. McFarlane, lived for many years. He was a son of the late Robert McFarlane, who came to Canada in 1821 and settled on the homestead. He was married in March, 1845, to Mary Snedden, who died twelve years ago. After his marriage he bought the farm where he since lived from the late James King. He has three brothers and four sisters, four of whom survive: Mrs Robt. Anderson, Carleton Place; Mrs Andrew Baird, Appleton; Mrs Jas. McFarlane, Almonte, and Mr Robert L. McFarlane, of Warren, Ont. The late Mrs Daniel Galbraith, of Ramsay, the late Mrs Wm Stephenson, of Carleton Place, and the late John McFarlane were also members of his father's family. He had five sons an five daughters. Eight of his family survive him: David S., of Carleton Place; John on the homestead; Mrs S. Young, Bennie's Corners; Mrs M.C. McFarlane, Almonte; M.J., Almonte, and Miss Aggie and Mrs A. Anderson, Bennie's Corners; Tena on the homestead. Two sons, Robert and William, predeceased him. There are nineteen grandchildren. The late Mr. McFarlane was of retiring disposition, and though in an unobtrusive way he wielded quite an influence in the community, he would never consent to accept any public municipal position. He was a progressive farmer and took a deep interest in all matters pertaining to his calling, and for several years was a director of the North Lanark Agricultural Society. He was for years a successful exhibitor of stock at the fair when it was held in Carleton Place, and was known as the Lanark county fair. He was a staunch Liberal, and ever stood for what he thought was best. As a member of the Presbyterian church, his life was on of consistency with the profession he made. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, and was one of the largest seen in this section for a long time, there being over one hundred vehicles in the cortege, many friends having come from a distance to show they their presence their respect and esteem for the deceased, and their sympathy with the bereaved family. Burial was made at the eighth line cemetery, Rev G. Cowan MacLean officiating at the house and grave.