- James McCreary (203845518)
Suggested edit: 1935, The Ottawa Journal, Tuesday December 3, 1935, page 17
James McCreary Dies in Toronto
Arnprior Man Well-Known in North Ontario and District
ARNPRIOR, Ont., Dec 3, - Friends in Arnprior and vicinity heard with deep regret of the death in Toronto of James McCreary, well-known in lumbering circles in Northern Ontario, where he was interested in many enterprises. He was in his 54th year and was ill only a short time. For many years he had resided in this place. Mr McCreary was born in Merrickville, Ont., son of the late Mr and Mrs James McCreary. the early part of his life was spent here and in McNab Township, where he was a successful farmer until the lumbering industry claimed his interest and he became active along the Ottawa. He was married early in life to Miss Isabel Tait, of Pakenham, who died in 1914. Later he was married to Mrs C. Dulmage, of Arnprior, who survives. Mr McCreary resided in Arnprior for many years and moved to Sudbury about 15 years ago but Wintered in Toronto. He was for many years an active member of the McNab Township Council but as his business affairs increased he could not devote himself sufficiently to municipal affairs and reigned. Besides his widow he is survived by five daughters, Mrs R.L. Hatton, of Toronto; Mrs John Phelan, of Quebec City; Mrs H.A. Short and Miss Edna McCreary of Arnprior, and Miss Betty McCreary of Toronto; three sons, Charles McCreary of Castleford, Ont.; William McCreary, of Dunrankin; James McCreary, of Toronto; one sister, Mrs Dawson K. Elliott, of Winnipeg, Man., and one brother, Baldwin McCreary, of Golden Lake, B.C. The body will be brought to Arnprior and the funeral will be held from the home of deceased's son-in-law H.A. Short, Harrington street, at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Interment will be in the family plot at Arnprior cemetery.