- The Late Mrs. James N. Hand: There passed away in Leney, Sask., on Nov. 9th Mrs. James Hand. Deceased, whose maiden name was Mamie Boucher, was the third daughter of the late John and Mrs. Boucher of Hazeldean, where she was born 43 years ago. She was married to Mr. Hand 22 years ago, moving to Leney, Sask., where they have resided ever since. For some time Mrs. Hand had been troubled with eczema in her hands but had been in usual health till she took septic pneumonia and passed away at 12:20 Friday. Her death came as a great shock to her many friends and relatives. She leaves to mourn her loss her sorrowing husband and nine children - seven sons, Percy, Ruggles, Kenneth, Emerson, Bert, Garnet and Selwyn; two daughters, Hattie and Marjorie. She is still survived by her mother, Mrs. John Boucher of South March; four brothers, Samuel of Carp, Sydney of Zealandia, Sask., Horace of Leney, Sask., and Hillery of Bell's Corners; and five sisters, Mrs. John Hartin of Stittsville, Mrs. John Colbert of Leney, Sask., Mrs. Robert Hand of Hazeldean, Mrs. Alvin Logan and Mrs. William Richardson of South March, also survive. The funeral was held on Sunday, Nov. 11th, to the family plot in Leney.
Source: The Carp Review, Carp, Ontario, 22 Nov. 1923, Page 1, Col. 2