- 1939, Thursday August 31, The Almonte Gazette front page
Mr William Henry Toop
An aged and esteemed resident of Almonte for more than half a century, died Sunday afternoon at his residence, in the person of William Henry Toop, in his 80th year. He had been in poor health for the past year. Previous to his retirement some time ago he had been engaged in the textile industry. In religion he was a Baptist. Born at March, Wiltshire, Eng., in 1860, he was the son of Fredrick Sidney Toop and his wife Sarah Haynes. Some 60 years ago he came to Canada with his parents and settled in Almonte. Mr Toop was twice married. His first wife, Retta Ringrose, predeceased him in 1914. To this union four daughters and three sons survive, Mrs Ernest Little, Mrs Lester Ford, and Mrs James Guthrie, all of Almonte; Mrs Alex McLeod of Moosejaw, Sask.; Fred Toop of Regina and Harry and Sidney Toop of Brockville. Also surviving are his second wife, the former Miss Tena Fumerton; one son, Arthur; one sister and three brothers, Mrs William Moore, Ramsay; Gus of Almonte; Gordon of Ramsay an Percy Toop of Edmonton, Alta. There are also 15 great grandchildren and 30 grandchildren. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from his late residence on Euphemia Street, with interment in the Auld Kirk cemetery. Rev Wm Aird of the Baptist Church, assisted by Rev W.J. McBurney, of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, conducted the funeral service. The pallbearers were Messrs. Raymond Ford, William Toop, James Guthrie Sr., Alan Ford, Keith Little and Vincent Ford. Included in a profusion of floral tributed was a wreath from the Sons of England. On Monday evening the Sons of England, of which the deceased was a member, conducted a short funeral service. Mr Sidney Lawford acted as president and Mr Samuel Bradley as chaplain.