- The only member of the Perth Fire Department in it's 200 years to lose his life on duty.
"Fire and Loss of Life. On the evening of Friday last, 19th inst., about eight o'clock an alarm of fire was given, when it was found that the old Catholic Chapel was in flames. The building had been locked up and unoccupied for some time, and there can be no doubt but the fire was the work of an incendiary, as a pile of pine boards or rails was found inside by those who first entered, in which the fire had been kindled; and an old door was found leaning up against the wall of the building, under one of the windows, which was raised, and through which it was evident the incendiary had made his ingress and egress. The fire engines were speedily on the ground, but the chapel being of wood, and water difficult to be got, the flames had made such headway that it was impossible to save the building, which was burned down; although good service was done in preventing the flames spreading to the adjoining houses. The new English church was at one time in considerable danger. An investigation was held by C. G. Sache, Esq., Coroner and a jury of citizens, but up to the time we write no information has been elicited to the discovery of the guilty party. It is with extreme regret that we have to add that Mr. George Miller, of the firm of Murray, Miller & Co., of this town, lost his life on the occasion. He was exerting himself to save property, when a heavy piece of burning timber fell out from the building and struck him in the head, crushing him to the ground; and he died the following afternoon in consequence of the injuries he received. He was one of our oldest citizens and was universally esteemed and respected. In losing him, Perth has lost a valuable member of society, and his untimely and melancholy end has cast a gloom on our citizens generally. A correspondent requests us to add the following: It is due to the memory of the lamented deceased, that during the troublesome times of 1837-'38, that he volunteered and joined the Perth Guards; done duty and was drilled under Col. Fraser, that afterwards, under the same officer, he joined the Perth Volunteers and went to Toronto, Kingston and Gananoque; and during the whole period he set a good example to his associates for steadiness, diligence and zeal for the services, ever ready and cheerfully doing his duty; and that often under difficulties and many unavoidable privations. The funeral took place on Tuesday and was one of the largest we have ever witnessed in Perth . The Firemen (deceased being a member of No. 2 Co. ), appeared in mourning badges, and places of business generally were closed, out of respect for deceased, while the procession was passing. Setting fire to old and unoccupied buildings has been practiced in this town for several years back, until at length the destruction of property has been followed by the destruction of human life. The miscreant who fired the Catholic Chapel has murder resting on his head."
[Col. 3, Pg. 2; The Perth Courier; Friday, 26 Oct 1860; Vol. XXVII, No. 3]