- 1957, Thursday May 2, The Almonte Gazette front page
Joseph Harper Was Popular Salesman In Eastern Ontario
Almonte lost a popular citizen who was well-known throughout the Ottawa Valley, Monday, April 29th, when Joseph Harper died in the Rosamond Memorial Hospital in his 73rd year. He had been in failing health for the last six months but was not confined to his bed until two days preceding his death.
Covered Ottawa Valley
Mr Harper was one of Almonte's newer citizens, having come here when he retired from business in Ottawa in 1955. He purchased a fine bungalow at the corner of Church and Country Streets where he resided with his wife. While he was not a resident of the town for a very long period, he had many friends here he had been a commercial traveller from his youth until 1929 when he was made branch manager at Ottawa for the Dominion Rubber Co. Ltd. In the old days he called on businessman all through the Ottawa Valley for H.M. Bate & Son wholesale grocers, leaving their service in 1910 to become a salesman for the Dominion Rubber Co. In both capacities his headquarters were in Ottawa and his territory was this part of Eastern Ontario. He made many friends through his business connections and also because of his activities as an ardent curler and angler. He took an interest in these outdoor recreations and others until the last. Even after he was not in the best of health he donated a handsome trophy to be competed for each year by the members of the Rideau Curling Club and Almonte Curling Club.
Lived In Ottawa
The late Mr Harper was born in Forester's Falls, Renfrew County, a son of Joseph Harper and his wife Matilda Elliott. He was brought up and educated there before the family removed to Kinburn. As stated before, he went into business as a salesman at an early age, travelling out of Ottawa. Mr Harper married the former Nellie Ferguson of Kemptville who survives together with two daughters and two sons, namely: Mrs R.P. Guselle (Betty) St Lambert, Que; Mrs W.H. MacDonald (Noreen) Halifax; Capt Douglas G. Harper, who had returned from service in Germany and arrived in Almonte just in time to greet his father before death ensued; Mr John J. Harper, St Lambert, Que, and one daughter, Nora, deceased, There are, also 11 grandchildren Mr Harper also leaves three brothers and five sisters: Mrs James Harper, North Hollywood, Calif., who flew here and visited him in August; Albert in Windsor, Ont; and a half-brother, Robert, in Bissett, Man; Mrs J. Jeffrey (Margaret) Ottawa; Mrs R.A. Vance (Mabel) Galetta; Mrs Arthur Barnes (Evelyn) Arnprior; Misses Edith and Louise of New York City. Mrs Cornish (Mary) of Belleville, Ont, predeceased him.
Survived Boat Sinking
Mr Harper is the last survivor of what is known as the "Mayflower disaster." This occurred in Nov of 1912 when, as a salesman he was making a trip from Berry's Bay to Combermere on board an old passenger and freight boat known by the above name. It foundered in the lake early in the night. Thirteen people perished but four swam to an island and survived the dreadful hardship of the night and half the next day, when rescue came. Mr Harper had a charming manner which was a great asset to him in his public relations, especially as it was so obviously sincere. Businessmen on whom he called were always glad to see him and if they did not have an order for him on that particular occasion he was just the same pleasant man and got one the next time. He was a veteran member of the Rideau Curling Club in Ottawa. When he came her he joined the local club and was of great assistance the first winter while health held out. He was a member of the Ottawa Rotary Club for upwards of 32 years; of the Rivermead Golf Club and of Doric Lodge, A.F & A.M. and the Scottish Rite. The funeral was held this Thursday afternoon from the Comba Funeral Home with Canon J.W.R. Mekin officiating. Honourary pallbearers were Messrs H.A. Spence, Norman G. Foster, Karl D. DeMorest, F.L. Price, J.E. Northwood and Arthur Palmer, all of Ottawa. Interment was in the Auld Kirk Cemetery. There were many beautiful floral offerings from organizations and individuals in Ottawa, Almonte and other places. Active pallbearers were selected from friends of deceased in the local curling club.