- 1950, Thursday December 7, The Almonte Gazette front page
?b?Good Citizen Lost In Death Of Ross Barr?/b?
Fitting tribute to the memory of James Ross Barr, one of the town's popular businessmen, was paid on Saturday, Dec 2, when his funeral was held from the Comba Funeral Home to the Almonte Presbyterian Church. Rev T. DeCourcy Rayner officiated at the service in the church and at the Auld Kirk Cemetery where interment was made. Mr Barr had been in poor health for the past two months but his death at this time was unexpected and came as a great shock to his family and friends. A son of the late Mr and Mrs David Barr, Ross Barr was born 51 years ago in Darling Township. As a young man he came to Almonte where he was employed in the Rosamond Woolen Company until two years ago when he purchased a restaurant business here. In 1927, he married Miss Pearl Fulton of Pakenham Township who survives with one daughter, Miss Ruth Barr, Reg N., of Toronto, and one son, Wilbert, at home, four brothers, Alfred and Kenneth of Almonte; John and Lloyd of Ramsay Township; two sisters, Mrs Harry McGee of Tatlock and Mrs Alex M. Reid of Middleville. Mr Barr was a Presbyterian and a member of Almonte Presbyterian Church where he served as an elder and chairman of the managing board. He was a member of the Orange Order and of L.O.L. No 378, Almonte. He was past master, past district master and past deputy county master. On Friday evening, some 40 members of the Orange Order attended a special service at the funeral home. Howard Giles, past county master, presided assisted by Rev H.C. Wolfraim as chaplain and Past District Master W.E. McNeely of Carleton Place as Deputy Master. The honourary pallbearers were members of the Orange Order: Howard Giles, Ernest Bell, Cecil Martin, W.J. Drynan, John Ostler, S.M. Lawford, Howard Barr and Geo Fleming. The senior bearers were Robert Templeman and Lloyd Watson The active bearers were members of the Kirk Session and Board of Managers: Thorpe Bowes, Geo Lowry, Ken Fulton, Jas Brown, Ed Lowry and Wm Blakeley. Among the beautiful floral tributes were wreaths from the following: The Almonte Presbyterian Church; Session of Presbyterian Church; Board of Managers, Presbyterian Church; Presbyterian W.M.S.; Presbyterian Heather Club; Past Noble Grands, Rebekah Society; Atthewell Rebekah Lodge No 29, Almonte L.O.L, No 378, Almonte; Weave Room, Rosamond Woolen Mill; Carleton Wholesale; Staff of Almonte Cold Storage and Donald Fielding and Company