- ?b?Miss J. M. S. Carroll Bride of H. J. Findlay
?/b?CARLETON PLACE. June 13.
(Special) The . marriage was solemnized at the home of the bridegroom's mother, yesterday afternoon, of Miss Jessie Maude Salmon Carroll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carroll of West-mount, Que., and Pilot Officer Hugh John "Jock" Findlay. of Trenton, son of Mrs. David Find-lay of Carleton Place, and the late Mr. Findlay. Rev. D. C. Munro, minister of Memorial Park United church, performed the ceremony. The wedding music was played by the groom's sister, Mrs. Douglas B. McColl of Toronto. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was gowned in Heaven blue triple sheer with short matching Jacket, trimmed with blue fox. She wore a matching turban with crown feathers and her corsage was of orchids. Among the out-of-town guests attending the wedding were Hon. Mr. Justice and Mrs. McDougall, Errol McDougall, Graham Ferguson, Gordon Cushing, Miss Mariota Spillman, Miss ' Doreen Dann, Mrs. Gaylen Duncan, Jr., Misses E. Henry, P. Henry and Elizabeth Henry, Mr. and Mrs.'R. A. C. Henry, Miss K. Graham, Hon. Dr. Cyrus MacMillan, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. S.. Carroll, Miss Helen Carroll. Miss Everyn Carroll, Major and Mrs. George Barton, Messrs. Lovell Carroll,' Dan Doheny, John Kerrigan, all of Montreal; Mr. . Frank, Gibson, Hamilton; Andrew Bell, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. McColl, Toronto; Pilot Officer K.. Wilson, Perth: Pilot Officer K. Boomer, Pilot Officer D. McKenna, Ottawa; Mrs. E. J. Salisbury, Miss Sonia Salisbury, Almonte.