- Forrester MacKinnon, 357 Waverley St., for over 30 years a member of the staff of John M. Garland Son and Company Limited, and a prominent member of Knox Presbyterian church, died yesterday at a local hospital after an illness of several months' duration.
Mr. MacKinnon, who was in his 60th year, was born at Whycocomagh, N.S., a son of the late Murdock Mackinnon and his wife Alice Cythia Fullerton. When three years of age he came to Ottawa with his father and lived here since. Throughout his many years' service with the firm of John M. Garland and Company, wholesale dry goods distributors, where he was in charge of the shipping department, he enjoyed the fullest confidence of his employers and was universally popular and respected. His passing will be keenly regretted by his fellow employes and members of the firm.
One of the most respected members of Knox Presbyterian church, Mr. Mackinnon had occupied many positions during the course of his 50 years' connection with the congregation. For many years he had been a member of the temporal committee and served as its secretary, and for the past eight years had been treasurer of the church. He was also an honored member of the kirk session.
Tribute was paid to his character and qualities by Very Rev. Dr. Robert Johnston, minister, speaking last night to The Citizen. "He was a most faithful member of the church, and of the greatest service. His loss will be keenly felt by all of us." he said, "and he was esteemed by all who knew him."
Mr. Mackinnon also took a lively interest in matters relating to public affairs of the city, but never offered himself for public office.
Surviving hime besides his wife, formerly Miss Mary Edna McDiarmid, of Carleton Place, are one sister, Mrs. Alex I. Fisher, wife of Mr. Justice Fisher of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, and two brothers, Alexander and William Mackinnon of Western Canada. Another brother, Rev. George Mackinnon, predeceased him three years ago.
The funeral will be held from the parlors of George H. Rogers Limited, 172 Elgin street, to Pinecrest cemetery, but the time and date are not yet arranged.
The Evening Citizen, Ottawa, Wednesday, September 9, 1936, page 15