- Patrick, his youngest sons Thomas and William, his brother James, and first cousin Elizabeth (Kelly) Carter, all died in January 1900 in Huntley Twp, Ontario, Canada.
The Almonte Gazette
Almonte, Ontario, Canada
Friday, January 26, 1900, p. 1
[obituary of 2 brothers]
Heavy Bereavement.
Mr. James Kelly, of Huntley, died on Saturday morning last, aged 70 years, from an attack of inflammation of the lungs [Pneumonia]. He was a bachelor, and had lived for some time with Mr. P. Carter. The funeral took place on Monday forenoon, to St. Michael's church and cemetery, and was largely attended. On Sunday evening, while James was lying in his coffin, his brother, Mr. Patrick Kelly, a well-known resident of Huntley, and an old settler, well esteemed by his intimate friends, died from the same trouble - inflammation of the lungs. He was 66 years of age. His funeral took place on Tuesday at 2 p.m., to St. Michael's church and cemetery, and there was a large turnout to pay the final tribute of respect. Three weeks ago or so Patrick Kelly's son, Thomas, was killed in a shanty up north, and another son [William], ill for some time with a lung trouble [Tuberculosis], is not expected to live for many days. These repeated trials are evoking the heartfelt sympathy of the community.