- From Unknown Newspaper: "Edgewood Farm, Marlboro, February 2--It is with sorrow we chronicle the calling away from amongst us of one of our oldest and most respected citizens, Mr. William Garland, whose name was fimiliar to nearly every one in th county of Carleton, passed peacefully away on the 29th January, 1892, in the 83rd year of his age. He was born in Ireland in 1809, came to Canada with his parents when 11 years old. the family consisted of 16 persons, viz. father, mother, eight sons and six daughters; each of the children upon reaching maturity married. twelve settled in the county of Carleton and two in the county of Lanark, where the scriptural injunction as complied with to multiply and replenish the earth. four of the brothers died between the ages of 82 and 84 years. "Mr. Garland chose farming as his vocation. He first settled on a farm in the township of Goulbourn. Not finding the land what he anticipated he moved to the township of North Gower, then being opened up. He secured a farm upon which he lived until 1883. At that time he and his wife feeling old age coming upon them, resolved that the care and exertion of conducting a farm was too much for them. He disposed of it and procured a house in the villiage of North Gower, to use his own words "within the shadow of the church" where he remained eight years when again the feeling overcame him that the care or even the management of a house was too much for them at their advanced age and decided to board. He found a suitable place on the farm known as "Edgewood Dairy farm" in Marlboro adjoining North Gower, owned by John Mccordick, Esq., whose wife was a favorite niece. The old homestead being built of stone, large and airy and surrounded by beautiful evergreens, they hoped to spend their summer months pleasantly, but in that they have been disappointed. Their stay with Mr. Mccordick was most agreeable, and nearly his last words were in acknowledgment of the kindness he had received. Mr. McCordick in conversation, after his death, said, that in his illness he never heard him make a complaint, that his object seemed to be to give as little trouble as possible. "The funeral was conducted from Edgewood Farm on sunday and was tehlargest seen in that locality for a long time upwards of 60 teams formed the cortege. The sad procession was led by rev. robt. Atkinson incumbent, North Gower, to the old stone built church in that village, in the shadow of which he lived for so many ears. During the half mile before reaching the church theold bell tolled forth the solemn warning that a member of this earthly habitation had been called to his heavenly home. Rev. Mr. Atkinson conducted a most impressive service. the choir sang with organ accompaniment several hymns suitable to the occasion. Rev. Mr. Atkinson, under whose charge he has been for some time, preached a most impressive sermon. His words of comfort to the sorrowing friends were such as to give hope for a glorious resurrection. His prayers for the bereaved widow, who had lost one who had been a partner for about three-score years, caused the eyes of strong men to become bedimmed with tears. Service over the peocession re-formed and wneded its solemn way to the old churchyard at Wellinfton in which stands the little white church surrounded by hundreds of white marble monuments each one telling its own story. It may be remarked that the Wellington cemetery or churchyard, as it is called, is strikingly beautiful, sloping back to the west from the high road, displaying its solemn contents to the passers-by, while close on the eastern side flows the Rideau river in its silent meanderings, serene in its peacefulness fearing, as it were, to disturb the quiet dead. "In a grave near the summit they laid him and the Rev. Mr. Atkinson, who travelled these long miles over bad roads, was at this post to perform the last rites of the church, which he did most solemnly, while around the grave for the time it took to offer up his solemn offering of hopeful words every head remained uncovered and silent awe prevailed."