?/b?Mrs. Llllla Hamilton, wife of William A. Hamilton, died Monday aternoon at her home, 2259 Lome street, at the age of 70. She was born in England, daughter of the lete Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sydney Toop, of Almonte, Ontario. As a girl of s!x she came to Canada. In Ottawa she married Mr. Hamilton, who was In business there. In 1904 they moved west to Indian Head, and the following year moved to Reglna, which has since been their home. She was a prominent worker In First Baptist church.
Beside her husband she is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Russell Kenney, 2318 Toronto street, and Mrs. Donald Reeves, 22 College Court, and two sons, Gordon, 837 Queen street, and Percy, Island Falls, Sask. She Is also survived by four brothers and two sister: Gordon, Augustus and William H. Toop, all of Almonte, Ontario, and Percy of Madison, Sask.; Mrs. W. R. Moore, Almonte, Ontario, and Mrs. Robert Lees, 122 Omlnica street, Moose Jaw. Her son, Percy, and her brother, Percy, were in Regina when she died. A son, Frederick William Hamilton, Great War veteran, predeceased her In Regina on April 19, 1933. Inspector Fred Toop, of the Regina city police, is a nephew.
The funeral service will be held In First Baptist church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Or. Bowley Green will officiate and Interment will be made In Regina cemetery.
The casket will be taken to tho church at 1 o'clock Wednesday, and will be open to the time of service.