- 1942, Thursday September 10, The Almonte Gazette, front page
Mr. Alexander Lindsay
The death occurred at New Westminster, B.C., on Friday, Sept. 4th, of Alexander Lindsay, in his 92nd year. The remains were brought to Almonte, Wednesday morning and the funeral took place that afternoon from the residence of his son, Milton Lindsay. 9th line of Pakenham, to the Union Cemetery. Detailed obituary next week.
1942, Thursday September 17, The Almonte Gazette, page 3
Mr. Alexander Lindsay
An aged and respected resident of this community in former years, passed away on Friday, Sept. 4th, in the New Westminster Hospital, B.C., in the person of Alexander Lindsay after a brief illness with pneumonia. Deceased who was the youngest son of the late Alexander Lindsay and Jane Duncan, was born in Pakenham Township, Sept. 9th, 1850. About 65 years ago he was married to Agnes Fleming and settled on the 9th concession of Pakenham. This union was blessed by a family of one son Milton on the homestead and one daughter, (Tena) Mrs. Samuel Cross of Port Coquitlam, B.C., both of whom survive. He is also survived by one sister Miss Elizabeth Lindsay of Vancouver, B.C., two grandchildren and three great grandchildren. His wife predeceased him 35 years ago. Some years ago deceased went west and resided for a number of years at Onefour, Alta, and about five years ago he went to Port Coquitlam, B.C., where he since resided. The remains were brought east for burial arriving here Wednesday morning and the funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the residence of his son Milton Lindsay, 9th con. of Pakenham, to the United Church cemetery, Pakenham, where interment was made beside his late wife. Rev. G.C.R. McQuade conducted the funeral service at the home and grave. The pallbearers were Messrs. Alex Barker, John McGill, Wm. Clark, W. A. Scott, John Lindsay and Robert Toshack. In spite of the disagreeable weather a large number turned out to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased and to extend sympathy to the surviving relatives in their sad bereavement.