- aged 72 years
1898, Friday June 10. The Almonte Gazette page 4
Obit. ? The Late Samuel Reid
On Thursday afternoon of last week Pakenham township lost one of its oldest and most esteem citizens in the person of Mr Samuel Reid, of Cedar Hill, who succumbed after an exceedingly painful illness from nephritic trouble. Deceased was born in Paisley, Scotland, seventy-two years ago, and learned the weaving trade with his father in that place. He came to Canada when he was sixteen years old, and worked for a time in the first factory in this district, established by the late Mr James Rosamond at Carleton Place ? then known as "Morphy's Falls." Mr Reid afterward worked in Westmeath for a time, then came to Almonte. Half-a-century ago he was a resident of this town, and for years, in partnership with Mr John McIntosh (the firm of Reid & McIntosh), managed a woolen factory business on the site now occupied by the Anchor Knitting Mill. Later on he took to farming, and apart from a few years' residence in the township of Dalhousie, spent the balance of his lengthened life on his farms in Pakenham. Mr Reid was twice married ? first to Mary Paul, sister of Messrs, John and Wm Paul, Ramsay; some years after her death, in the fifties, he was united to Euphemia Paul (daughter of the late Wm Paul), who survives. To the first union two children were born ? Mrs W.H. McMunn, of Dauphin, Manitoba; and Mrs Geo Ferguson, of Wawanesa, in the same province; and seven children of the second union survive, viz.: Mrs Wm Smith and Miss Agnes Reid, of Vancouver, B.C.; Samuel and James Reid, of Reston, Man.; John A. Reid, of Smith's Falls; and Mrs W. Buchanan and Wm Reid, on the homestead in Pakenham. The late Mr Reid was an intelligent and well-read man, a kind-hearted friend and a good neighbour. In politics he was an uncompromising Liberal, and throughout his life he was a consistent Christian, leaving his impress for good on the section in which he resided. He never sought public office. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, to the eighth line cemetery, Ramsay, and was a very large one, over one hundred carriages being in the cortege. Among the mourners present were Mr and Mrs Jas Moffatt, of Carleton Place, both of whom have gone beyond life's span. Mrs Moffatt is a sister of Mr Reid, and the last of the family now living. The services at the house and the grave were conducted by Rev Mr Logie, of Pakenham, to whose congregation Mr Reid belonged, and the Rev. gentleman in his address eulogized the deceased for the virtues that adorned his life.