- 1942, Thursday January 1, The Almonte Gazette front page
Wesley West Was Pillar Of Local Business Life For Almost 40 Years
One of the most widely known men in this part of Lanark County died in Ottawa, on Monday, in the person of Wesley West, aged 76 years. For a long time he ran one of those big general stores that became an institution in a rural community and was a Mecca for farmers throughout the adjoining countryside. Wesley West had a long and varied business career which took him, in his youth, as far afield as Georgia and which ended in the quiet town of Almonte. He was born in Renfrew. His father, William West, was a contractor and his mother was Emmeline Dulmage. While Wesley was a boy the family moved to Almonte where he attended school. Later he took a course in a Detroit business college. and for some years was in Georgia engaged in various mercantile pursuits.
Locates In Almonte
On returning to his native land he located at the busy village of Appleton where, for some years, he operated a general store. In 1898 he opened the general store business in Almonte which was destined to reach great proportions and to survive until a few years ago. His partner was the late Howard Conn and when he gave up his interest in the enterprise, to leave Almonte, Mr. West continued on. his own with a degree of success that was, for a long time, truly remarkable. In 1900 Mr. West was married to Ethel Teskey of Appleton, who died in 1934. Surviving in the immediate family are one son and four daughters; John D. West of Ottawa; Mrs. R. O. MacFarlane, (Muriel), Winnipeg; Mrs. J.C. Stevenson (Kathleen), Owen Sound; Mrs. G. L. Morgan Smith (Edith), Ottawa, and Mrs. Jag. Warren (Ordelia) , with the C.W.A.A. F. in Toronto A son Gerald Teskey, died in. February, 1941. He also leaves a half-brother, William West,. and three half-sisters, the Misses Gertrude and Maude, Penetanguishene, and Mrs. Alex Burns, Toronto.
Public Spirited Citizen
For 35 years after founding his business, here, Mr. West was more closely associated with the business and everyday life of Almonte than falls to the lot of most citizens. Farmers came to trade at his store for miles around and he was in a true and singular sense an asset to the community. He dealt fairly with his patrons and was always ready to allow those from the country better prices than they could obtain in most. other centres. He encouraged farmers' clubs and was interested in everything that tended- to the improvement of agriculture. He was active in many branches of civic enterprise having' served. in his time, on the 'Town Council; Board of Education and as a president of the Board of Trade; He was one of those who promoted the Lanark & Carleton Counties Telephone Co. and for a great many years was president of the concern: He was on the directorate of the N.L.A.S. and a friend of the annual fair which in his day was at its zenith.
Faithful Church Attendant
Mr. West was an Oddfellow and in religion was a Methodist first, and after union a member of Trinity United Church. He was one of the most faithful attendants and workers in the congregation and served on the board for a long time. In politics he was a Conservative. In 1935 Mr. West's health began to fail and in 1937 he retired from active connection with the business. The remains were brought to Almonte, Tuesday, and rested at the residence of Mr. W. E. Scott, Elgin Street, until one o'clock this Wednesday afternoon when, they were conveyed to Trinity United Church where they lay in state until three o'clock when the funeral service was conducted by the pastor, Rev, G. C. R. McQuade. The attendance at the church was large and the number in the funeral procession, from far and near, testified to the widespread popularity of the deceased. Pallbearers were Messrs. Gerald R. Dulmage of Perth; Geo. A. Thompson of Ramsay; R. A. 'Jamieson, W. A. Jamieson. R. G. Kenny and D. M. Campbell of Almonte. Among the profusion floral tributes were pieces from the Lanark and Carleton Counties' Telephone Co., Almonte Business Men's Association and the Foreign Exchange Control Board.