- George Appleford is properly placed in the class of deserving men of whom our president says, "They do things."
He is not a man of words, but may easily be classed as a man of deeds. This is discernible from the success he has won and from his career which has manifested those qualities of worth and stability that characterize the true man and the progressive and prominent citizen.
George Appleford is now dwelling in Asotin, where he has a comfortable residence.
His birth occurred near Redding, in Berkshire, England, on February 14, 1855. His parents, Daniel and Mary (Ayers) Appleford, were also natives of Berkshire and immigrants to Canada in 1857. Our Subject was but an infant when they arrived in Canada, and there he received his educational training and was reared. Until 1878 he remained in his chosen country, and then came out west to Washington.
After due search, he selected a homestead on Montgomery Ridge and commenced the good work of improvement and upbuilding. He labored steadily along, adding to his estate from time to time until it is now 960 acres, all choice land and all in a high state of cultivation.
The original homestead is the nucleus of the estate and the thoroughness and continuity displayed by Mr. Appleford in his labors manifests the secret of his splendid success. Thrift and sagacity have also characterized him while integrity and a keen sense of honor are always apparent in his conduct. In addition to the labor of farming, which for more than a quarter of a century has prosecuted with success, he has also devoted himself to stock raising and has a good band of cattle now.
At Springfield, Ontario, Canada, in 1892, Mr. Appleford married Miss Lizzie Stirton, whose parents were natives of Canada.
She was born in Ontario, on December 19, 1864, and died in Asotin County, on June 9, 1903. She had been a devoted wife and mother, and in the early summer of the year mentioned fell asleep to wake amid the realities of the world beyond. Her life had shown forth the real faith that makes faithful and comforted with the graces of Christianity, she bade farewell to loved one below and calmly passed away.
The children left were Ricard Lee, born June 18, 1893; Edison J., born December 31, 1894, and Maida A., born December 31, 1898.
Mr. Appleford has the following named brothers and sisters: William E., in this county; Darius, a farmer in Canada; Sarah, the wife of Robert Wilson, of this county; Ann, wife of James McCradey, in Canada; Rachel, in Canada; and Hannah, wife of George Learn, also in Canada.
Mr. Appleford is a member of the Presbyterian Church, is also identified with the W.W. (Woodmen of the World), and in politics is a strong Republican.