Our Family's Journey Through Time
Title | "British Columbia Death Registrations, 1872-1986; 1992-1993," database | |
Short Title | British Columbia Death Registrations, 1872-1986; 1992-1993 | |
Author | British Columbia Death Registry | |
Publisher | (familysearch.org) | |
_ITALIC | Y | |
_PAREN | Y | |
Source ID | S177 | |
Linked to (11) | Ethel Jane Cherry George Edward Cherry Harvey Wesley Cherry Alexander Duncan Charles Cyril Gorrell George Percival Kidd Sgt. Elmer George Shail Mabel Amy Young Family: William Kennedy Cherry / Mabel Amy Young Family: George Edward Cherry / Yvonne Irma Nys Family: Harvey Wesley Cherry / Dorothy Lazelle Hunter |
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