Our Family's Journey Through Time
Title | "Ontario, Canada Births, 1832-1914," database, Ancestry, \i ancestry.ca\i0 ? | |
Short Title | Ontario, Canada Births, 1832-1914 (A) | |
Author | Archives of Ontario. | |
Publisher | (https://www.ancestry.ca/) | |
_ITALIC | Y | |
_PAREN | Y | |
Source ID | S220 | |
Text | Ancestry.com. Ontario, Canada Births, 1832-1914 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2010. Original data:Archives of Ontario. Registrations of Births and Stillbirths ? 1869-1913. MS 929, reels 1-245. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Archives of Ontario. Archives of Ontario. Delayed Registrations and Stillbirths, "50" Series, 1869-1911, 1913. MS 930, reels 1-67, 73-74. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Archives of Ontario. Archives of Ontario. Delayed Registrations of Births and Stillbirths, "90" Series, 1869-1911, 1913. MS 933, reels 1-64, 68. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Archives of Ontario. Archives of Ontario. Direct Clergy Returns for Simcoe County Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1892-1896. MS 936, 1 reel. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Archives of Ontario. Archives of Ontario. Evidence for Delayed Registrations of Births, 1861-1897. MS 946, 2 reels. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Archives of Ontario. Archives of Ontario. Division Registrar Vital Statistics Records, 1858-1930. MS 940, reels 1-4, 10-15, 17-20, 22-25, 27-28. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Archives of Ontario. | |
Linked to (21) | Doris Evelyn Berwick Eric Dalton Berwick George McMillan Black Annie Evelyn Brown Margaret Elizabeth "Effie" Corrigan James Kidd Duncan Joseph Emmett Fleming Amy Alice Forsythe Frances G. Garland Rueben Giles David Russell Greig Private Thomas Arthur Kidd Jessie Annabel McKenzie Matilda Louisa McKitrick Thomas Edward "Eddie" Munro Marguerite Olive Parsons Mary Ellen Sadler William Thomas Sadler Pvt. Harold Alexander Snedden George Alfred Thompson Ida Zilpah Thompson |
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