Our Family's Journey Through Time
Title | "Minnesota, U.S., Death Index, 1908-2017," database, Ancestry, \i Ancestry.com\i0 ? | |
Short Title | Minnesota, U.S., Death Index, 1908-2017 | |
Author | Minnesota Department of Health | |
Publisher | (2001) | |
_ITALIC | Y | |
_PAREN | Y | |
Source ID | S327 | |
Text | Source Citation Minnesota Department of Health; St Paul, Minnesota, USA; Minnesota, Death Index, 1908-2017 Source Information Ancestry.com. Minnesota, U.S., Death Index, 1908-2017 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2001. Original data: State of Minnesota. Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2017. Minneapolis, MN, USA: Minnesota Department of Health. Description This database is an index of deaths recorded by the State of Minnesota, USA, from 1908 to 2017. The index includes: name of the deceased, city and county of death, date of death, birth date, birthplace, mother's maiden name, and state file number. | |
Linked to (1) | Lillian Marietta Wallace |
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